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Registered or not, will you in your charity please take a moment look at the requests and to pray for the people about whom you read?
Continued from THESE.
I get many requests by email asking for prayers. Many requests are heart-achingly grave and urgent.
As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand. We should support each other in works of mercy.
If you have some prayer requests, feel free to post them below. You have to be registered here to be able to post.
Finally, I have a serious personal petition.
prayers for a friend with recurrence of breast cancer, especially to Blessed Giuseppe Piglia, who it turns out is a cousin – surgery was June 4
Please remember to pray for a member of our schola who is undergoing surgery this week. Also, for one of my Facebook friends, who grew up Catholic but, judging by some recent likes, I worry he might have fallen away. Also for an intention of my own.
Oops! my prayers for your petition also, Father, of course
Please pray for my christian but non-catholic friend, H, who is in her late 30’s and pregnant with her first child. Last week she got extremely bad results on a CUB-test and she is now very worried. She will have an amnioscentesis made in a couple of weeks. Plesase, please pray that her baby is healthy – I think she will have an abortion if the child is sick.
Also please pray for Fr. M and all priests!
I will add your intention, Fr. Z., and all intentions posted here to my rosary.
I have two requests: one, that the “maybe” change in my situation re. spiritual direction may be a real one and according to the will of Our Lord. The other: please pray for someone whose heart’s desire for a very long time has been to enter religious life (and recently there has been a tiny ray of hope that maybe, just maybe it might happen… I have asked you to pray for this earlier and the tiny change could be a sign that the Lord has heard us. Thank you.)
I will pray for everyone’s intentions, and if you could, I have two prayer requests: firstly, I’ve got a concussion so I would appreciate prayers for healing, and secondly, my friend’s aunt Pauline has just been diagnosed with cancer, so prayers for her would be greatly appreciated.
Will offer prayers for Fr. Z and all who have requests. Please pray for the emotional stability of my brother Brian. Many thanks.
Prayers for you too, Father Z. I am praying that one of our adult children (who is so prayerful) will know the Lord’s ordaining, perfect will in where to live and work. Not to sound like a broken record, I am still praying (as my mother’s memory gets a lot worse), that the Lord will get her out of her house and take her to a safe place. I can’t get anywhere with her, and don’t know how to deal with the whole situation, especially b/c she is far away and I’m the only one she has.
May our Lord and His precious Mother help you all.
Prayers for Fr. Z and all of you who have requests. As for myself, pray that I can tolerate my last chemo session.
Thank you.
Please pray that the Lord provides me with suitable work very soon, and that I do well in my studies, so that I can find gainful employment. Thank you. I am praying for your intentions too.
Please pray for me to St. Joseph. I suffer from paranoia and fear related mostly to my work.
PLEASE PLEASE Pray for my mom.
She has had intense migranes for the last two days, stiff neck, swelling, and joint trouble. She is in an insane amount of pain, but I trust God will deliver her.
St. Dominic Savio, please pray for my mom.
I’m still recovering from UTI and C. Diff and would appreciate any prayers.
C. Diff ?! That’s a tough one to beat. Prayers.
A stiff neck with headache can be something VERY SERIOUS. please have her see an MD immediately.
Please pray for my father who died yesterday. A nominal Lutheran, he mocked religion all his life.
i Padre, my prayers. C diff is miserable.
And also some advice: eat yogurt and drink cranberry juice. (Prescribed by infection control doctor at the hospital I used to work at to prevent C diff and UTI’s in her patients.) There is also a drink called Keffir which is similar to a liquid yogurt with a slightly different set of good bacteria. You can also take the yogurt bacteria in capsules. There is a high end product called Florestore, but there are many less expensive ones. The more different types of bacteria in the capsule the better. If you eat yogurt, make sure it has live bacteria, and the less added sugar the better. If you have diabetes and can’t handle the sugar in juice, or don’t like it, there are cranberry powder capsules for sale as well. I hope this advice is helpful.
Susan Peterson
Mariana2, I will pray for yours, will you pray for mine? He also mocked religion all his life. He was never baptized, was a “red diaper” (socialist/communist) baby and learned “You’ll eat pie in the sky when you die” at their substitute for Sunday school.
Susan Peterson
Prayers offered for all intentions posted here…
Please continue to pray for us as we attempt to adopt an older sibling group.
My mother fell on her driveway Friday and broke her wrist rather badly. She’s recovering well so far, but at 85, bones don’t always heal well. Please pray for her recovery.
We’ll offer our rosary for all these intentions tonight. Please pray for my husband’s continuing job search.
I will remember all your intentions in the rosary.
Please pray for Stacey.. she undergoes surgery tomorrow to remove a tumor.
Please pray for Larry who died last week.. and Jim who died yesterday.
For my brother and his family who are moving to another state.. may they find a great parish and great schools.
Please also pray for my intentions.
Prayers for all of the above. I have quite a few intentions of my own:
For my sibling’s father-in-law, who is unresponsive and on a respirator, and for her mother- and sister-in-law, who are dealing with health issues of their own.
For the conversion of my family, friends, and co-workers.
For a friend-of-a-friend who committed suicide.
For a cousin whose marriage is on the rocks, and for my aunt, who is overwhelmed with various issues right now.
Will pray for all requests here. To the commenter who mentioned C-dif, my sister is a CertifiedOccupational Therapy assistant and so deals with this illness a lot. i’ll ask her if there’s anything particular you can do. To the commenter who’s mother is in intense pain, my prayers are especially close to you, as I know what caring for a family member in chronic pain is like. Keep praying and know, even though it’s hard, that God is with you in every step of your suffering. Of course I pray for your intention Fr. Z. Please pray for my fiancé and I, that our parish gets back to us soon so that we can begin marriage prep. We just want to be married now that we are sure it’s what God wants for us. Please pray for my parents. Their marriage has been torn to pieces and sometimes I feel like God and my fiancé are the only things I have left to cling to in this world. I try not to be sad about it, but sometimes, it’s hard to keep strong. God help them and me.
Prayer requests:
For my unemployed brother Knights.
For a colleague and her family: long distance from home, mother of three suffers life threatening health problems, but appears to be on the mend. For the conversion of the family.
To St. Therese of Lisieux, for help in composing a setting of the Communion antiphon for her feast day.
To Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, for fortitude.
To the Infant of Prague for our daily bread.
To St Monica, for the return to the practice of the faith of several fallen-away family.
To St. John Berchmans, for the strength of our altar boys, and for budding vocations
Please pray for our daughters, all “post-Catholic” and suffering because of it. Thank you, Father, for posting these requests. We will certainly pray for all intentions here.
I will remember all the above intentions in my prayer tonight, directing them to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please pray for my beloved wife so that she opens her heart to the Gospel.
Pray for the repose of the soul of my mother who died on Mother’s Day. Pray for my father who has dementia. Pray for me who am his caretaker. I am often very, very lonely.
For the repose of the soul of my aunt Rose who passed away last Friday.
Please pray for me, to help me know God’s will and find gainful employment.
Please pray for a friend Tanja- she is a young mum with two boys 5 and 6 and she found out she has and aggressive type of breast cancer last week and had a double mastectomy today. I pray for her healing and that her cancer is not terminal.
I also please ask for prayers for myself I am a mum of 4 young children and I have a problem with my retina and I am losing some long distance sight in my eyes and I an having tests next week but it could mean I will have to stop driving and be registered blind which with my children and I also care for my mum who has MS as my dad died last year I will find it hard not to drive.
I thank God for all I have but ask please pray and I will pray for all the above
Prayers ascending!
Please pray for my father, Dennis, as he is starting to succumb to the effects of Leukemia.
As always Father, I will also have you in my prayers.
Please pray for me as I face in 5 weeks my annual mandatory exodus from England with severe back and shoulder pain and no fixed abode
Prayers for my three agnostic brothers
Rosary Prayers for Fr Z and blogger petitions.
Would appreciate a prayer for an infected tooth. Thanks. Antibiotics not working. So using these at various times throughout the day: yogurt, coconut oil, oil of oregano from the Mediterranean, sea salt and hydrogen peroxide, mustard, tea tree oil, green tea, vitamin C, and as of yesterday…putting .999 silver bullion (washed) in my mouth, under my tongue as much as possible, so the ions leach out into my system.
I’m 33 weeks pregnant at this point, but my bp started spiking a week ago. Doctor is working to find the appropriate level of medication, and it’s at the point that a “good” doctor’s visit consists of one that doesn’t end with, “You need to go straight to the hospital for a few hours monitoring.” Please pray that the bp stabilizes, that Baby can cook for a few weeks longer, and that we both get through this healthy. Thanks so much.
Margaret: Praying for you!
Please, pray for me! I urgently need prayers. Today I got a letter regarding an insurance matter saying -basically-, that due to a wrong code (a technicality) entered into their files a long time ago, I’m not covered and risk getting no compensation. Please pray, that the authority-lady who represents me, manages to get the insurance company to change their mind. It’s a lot of money at stake here.
Please also pray for Fr. M and all priests.
You are all in my prayers.
Please pray for:
*a priest friend(several actually) who is (are) in need of some serious prayers.
* a friend’s brother is in danger of death and has been away from the Faith.
* my daughter’s baffling and mysterious illness which is getting to be discouraging.
Urgent prayer which needs to be answered by July 13th. Thanks.
prayers affered
For protection of marriage
Supertradmum: Praying for you and all the other WDTPRS’ers requesting prayers here!
Would you please pray for me too? (See above).
Three of my friends are pregnant and due at roughly the same time. Please pray for them, their babies and all expectant mothers. Sub tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genitrix!
Will do…
Two requests, please:
For a young mother of two, who lost an arm at the elbow, from a hit-and-run auto accident.
For a dear friend of my daughter. She and her husband are taking care of their abandoned toddler niece. They have two children of their own and he is currently out of a job.There are many issues and much uncertainty in this situation. Please pray for guidance and God’s provident care for them.
Prayers for all listed here. I had to live in for six months is now not available as owner changed plans..
Dear Supertradmum, I’m praying for you!
Thanks, she decided to send in builders to fix it up now…will talk months
oops take–glasses wrong!!!!prescription…