CARTOON: A Brief Catholic History of the Internet

In lighter news, a fellow named Jason Bach has been posting some Catholic cartoons online.  This one caused a smile.  Click the image for a larger version at his site:

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Supertradmum says:

    hmm, I think he should have continued to the new NSA and Prism as well as French revelations–perhaps one more cartoon balloon with the one with the cloven feet washing his virtual hands.

  2. erica sacristy says:

    Love it. Very witty. Made me laugh out loud! Another good cartoon here

  3. acardnal says:

    Fr. Z, I bet you enjoy(ed) the “The Far Side” cartoons by Gary Larson, too.

  4. acardnal says:

    This was always one of my favorite “Far Side” cartoons. Substitute your personal favorite instead of “the gifted.” Where I worked, we replaced “the gifted” with “engineers.”

  5. Clinton says:

    … And St. Jerome’s lion was the first LOL Cat.

  6. Very cute, and funny…of course, the Franciscan’s were the most dynamic contributers, what with composing the first tweets, launching the world’s first search engine, and making the first face-to-face conference call. They are one pretty dynamic bunch! :)

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