From American Life League:
The leadership of Girl Scouts of America, once a trusted purveyor of American values, has been moving to the left for over a decade. However, GSUSA’s local and national growing partnership with abortion industry leader Planned Parenthood has raised the ire of local and national pro-life leaders to the point that they are now calling for a boycott of the iconic Girl Scouts’ annual cookie sale.
“I am offended that the Girl Scouts honor pro-abortion activists like Wendy Davis and Kathleen Sebelius and hold them up as leaders to be emulated by our young women and girls,” said John Pisciotta, director of Pro-Life Waco, who is spearheading the effort.
Radical social movements strive to infiltrate organizations trusted by the opposition and convert them into proxies for their own agenda. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger did it with her “Negro Project” that used trusted black leaders like Mary McLeod Bethune, W. E. B. DuBois, and Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. to promote contraception and abortion as bettering the plight of poor blacks. In reality, the Negro Project was, from the start, largely based on eugenics. It was indifferent to the needs of the black community and more concerned with unchecked black fertility.
Today, we have what some might call Planned Parenthood’s “Girl Scout Project.” From local councils to senior leadership, GSUSA is becoming heavily involved in promoting what Judie Brown, president of American Life League, calls the contraceptive mentality—sex without conscience or consequence.
The organization offers dozens of links to events hosted by or promoted by local councils connected to pro-abortion advocacy. For example, on page 41 of the GSUSA publication Your Voice Your World, girls are encouraged to explore such organizations as the Population Council, a group that works internationally to increase access to abortion.
Many pro-family and pro-life groups feel GSUSA has been radicalized by liberal progressives and can no longer be trusted with the shaping of young girls.
Read the rest there.
I really have to ask: is anyone surprised by this? Because I’m not. Sad, but entirely predictable given the direction our society has been going in and not the least bit surprising.
‘Pro-Life Waco’
^ I think they need to work on their name.
My daughter was a girl scout for about a month. Neither of us liked the experience. The leaders were pushy, aggressive, and spoke only of making money and selling cookies.
Girl Scout cookies are made with GMO’s as well. Just google it.
Also there are the Honest Girl Scouts, they have cookie boycott fliers and info about PP’s connection to the Girl Scouts ect…
Need to tell my wife no girl scout cookies this year. I’ve been wanting to try the Mystic Monk chocolate covered cherries/caramels for awhile anyway…
Padre, try to get hold of the superb amicus brief regarding the HHS mandate that Helen Alvare sent to the Supreme Court.
I joined and follow “Women Speak for Themselves”. Here’s a link to Ms. Alvare’s amicus brief from her website:
My wife was a Girl Scout Troop leader and once she realized that cookie money was going to support these organizations and these organizations had a strong voice in the Girl Scouts we pulled the girls out of scouting and she stepped out of the organization. Same thing is happening with Boy Scouts of America, I had two boyes go through Cub Scouts and were in Boys for 2 yrs. and 1 yr. perspectively and had to pull them out and no buying of popcorn or cookies for us. It is sad because they were founded on such strong family and Christian values. Our youngest daughters are going to be in Heritage Girls and I am working on starting a Catholic Cadets program at our Chapel. Trail Begins has recently started up and appears to adhere more closely to Christian values. If I didn’t have access to the Catholic Cadets I would have the boys in Trail Begin.
About a year and a half ago, we had a presentation at our Dominican parish from an organization that is an explicitly Christian alternative to GSA. It is called American Heritage Girls. It seems worth looking into if you have one or more daughters of scouting age.
Pax et bonum,
Keith Töpfer
What a despicable co-opting of an honorable organization by sociopaths. I’d say at least the Boy Scouts of America would be a good place for the young ladies once they hit Venturing age. However, BSA is getting back to it’s roots by embracing homosexuality. Founder Baden Powell certainly had a fondness for photographic young boys, naked. Oh, but they tell us that didn’t mean he harbored any homosexual tendencies. LOL.
This is not Heaven. Only the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are pure and perfect. Not even the Bride is without her blemishes. Put faith in nothing but God.
Tasty as those cookies are (Thin Mints, yum), I guess I won’t be buying any from our parish girl scout troop this year when they set up their sales stand in the vestibule after Mass.
“For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places ” Eph 6:12. Ain’t it the truth. And the powers and principalities seem to be everywhere these days – it’s much easier when most people don’t believe they exist. You can’t rely on the previous “good name” of any organization, “but test everything; hold fast what is good, abstain from every form of evil.” Thess. 5:21-2
-Iacobus M
Thank you for this post, Father.
Thank you for the site–quite eye opening. I have wonderful memories of my years of involvement with the Girl Scouts as well as my daughters. Sadly my oldest daughter wanted to involve her daughter and was a leader — but quickly realized that the GS organization was going somewhere she did not what her young daughter to go. That was quite a few years ago and obviously it has continued to deteriorate as a wholesome place for little girls to be.
RJ-I also appreciate your comments on your family’s experience with both organizations. I have also heard good things about Heritage Girls. I won’t be buying cookies either and that makes me very sad for the little girls trying to sell them. I will call my local council and tell them why.
I am glad that the Bishops also filed an amicus brief.
The rot may not have trickled down to your neighborhood troop, but at the national level, the GSUSA has been unsound for a longer than just “a decade.”
It’s so sad to see what they have become. Some of my fondest childhood memories from decades ago are of my scouting adventures – camping, canoeing, selling cookies! My mother was a GS leader. It was a wonderful organization, but no longer! My sons were in BSA when it was great (just as our girls were in GS), but alas, that group is deteriorating morally also.
It’s so sad to see what they have become. Some of my fondest childhood memories from decades ago are of my scouting adventures – camping, canoeing, selling cookies! My mother was a GS leader. It was a wonderful organization, but no longer! My sons were in BSA when it was great (just as our girls were in GS), but alas, that group is deteriorating morally also.
Oh, oh, don’t know how that happened! I only clicked once. Sorry!
Girl Scout cookies are lousy anyway, as noted above, they contain GMO ingredients [GMO plants are created to resist high amounts of pesticides, so therefore are high in pesticides] and also High-Fructose Corn Syrup, food dyes, hydrogenated/trans fats, artificial flavors, and some generally unpronounceable ingredients. I haven’t bought them for years as they taste lousy – nothing like the ones I remember 30 years ago. Oh and over-priced too. I mean how much fewer cookies per box can they sell?
It is a shame too that the Girl Scout organization has been so derailed. Its hard to know where kids can go safely these days. OTOH, maybe its time families stopped trusting their kids to organizations of any kind? That’s how I’d feel today if had small children – this whole environment creates a hardship for those who want normally socialized children. Yet, if the subversion wasn’t so obvious as this, girls would continue to be subtly affected without parents’ awareness.
This is the end of local Girls Scouts selling cooking in our parish!
Haven’t bought the cookies for years because of the relationship with Planned Barrenness. It is important to explain to the little girls when they come to your door that part of the money they raise goes to kill little girls, and boys, just like them. Let their parents explain it.
I know that sounds harsh, but I usually say it to the adult companion of the child selling the cookies. Speak out. Act on your beliefs. Do not cave in the face of the cute girl in the uniform!
If you go to you can print out a poster/handout (click on “how”) and read about the cookiecott. Sounds good to me!
The Girl Scouts recently endorsed pro-abortion politicians Wendy Davis and Kathleen Sebelius as worthy role models for our children. In response, we’re asking you to boycott Girl Scout cookies in 2014. Here’s how you can do it. And here are the reasons.
Why not start or join a ‘Troops of St George’ group. They are thoroughly Catholic. You can go to their website here. They are specifically setup to take in boys from Boy Scout troops. They will even carry the young mans badges etc over to their St George equivalent. Their website is:
I never made a habit of buying them, but I definitely will be boycotting them altogether along with anything made by any other outfit that supports Planned Parenthood.
NBW – that HonestGirlScouts flier is at least couple years old and some info is no longer relevant. Please check out mygirlscoutcouncil’s updated flier to see what the Girl Scouts organization is currently teaching our daughters. Concerns presented are fully sourced (so people can view supporting documentation from the Girl Scouts’ own materials, page scans from GS curriculum, financials, etc, online). You can download a .pdf version of the cookie flier at this link to share with friends, family and clergy. Give the gift of the truth to families this cookie season :)
Fr. Z – Thank you for sharing this issue with us! God bless you.
Honest Girl Scouts was a solid resource at one time, but much of the information, even on the flier, is outdated. Please visit (and/or like on Facebook), which just launched in July, 2013, and documents current concerning examples of sexual and reproductive rights advocacy aimed at and funded by girls who are members of the Girl Scout organization. mygirlscoutcouncil’s cookie flier is also a great resource for information and for sharing. (
Thank you, Fr. Z!
@SuzanneCarl, your heart is in the right place no doubt, but I’d tell the adults that, not the girls. They get enough trauma just living in our horrible world. For the girls just no thank you Dear would be good.
I was a Brownie, then a Girl Scout. We were taught lovely things, and I remember that Blue Girl Scout book so well because I read it to death. It’s sad that GSA been taken over by radical feminists. Not only is the connection to PP terrible, but the progressive feminism is a dead end for girls. Bitter and angry is no way to go through life.
@incredulous, your comment made me remember hearing that Boy Scouts originated in Germany with a men’s group that enjoyed “nature activities” with young boys. It was founded to provide those “opportunities”. It may be that this was the progenitor of the scouts group that Baden Powell created.
Thanks for shedding some light on these issues Fr. Z. They are not pleasant. They are disturbing. But they are necessary. I know I need to measure my exposure to news and these issues. One could go crazy and it’s tempting to just retreat. I do it regularly. But I come out now and then like a groundhog and stay current. The attacks on children are increasing. The ultimate attack on innocence. I can’t think of a more important issue than to protect children today. I have my own children in my family that I love so very much, and I work daily with inner-city children and they are the most vulnerable and the most precious. Lots of these children have no dads. It grieves me to think of anyone intending harm on these children or any child. The people who would are becoming more bold. We really must be the voice for these children. They have none. As I have said before, I think the biggest danger are the age of consent laws. They must not be changed.
May God protect both unborn children and those born who are vulnerable to the evil plans of others.
None for us. No way.
St. Donatus,
I have looked into the Troops of St. George and read their matterial great group but the Catholic Cadets came out of the Catholic Cadets of France which started about the same time as the BSA but are purely Catholic. The Troops of St. George are very similar to the Catholic Cadets of America especially in their focus on developing young men in the traditional Catholic faith and we are blessed to have a monastery near us where they have priests and brothers that pack in with the troop and offer mass in the field. It is a surreal experience to assist in a tradition Latin low mass said in the woods in a gourge with a small river only about 60 ft. away, the rock altar set at the base of a 300 ft. rock wall. The priest offered confession in an improptune confesional before mass. The priest and brother packed in full vestments, crucifix and mass travel kit. Latin echoing off of the gourge walls eventually fading with the churning of the river. Awsome!!! For the young teenagers to witness a Catholic Priest and Brother packing in 60 lb. packs, making a fire, cooking in the out doors, setting up camp, preparing an altar out of rather large slabs of rock. Those men being real dudes had such a profound impact on the scouts present, even the Protestants and Novus Ordo Catholics in the troop were in awe of these men of God. Gave everyone present a different and positive view of Catholic Religious. Men of God can be real men. These men remind me of the Apostles, stong working men on fire for God, not a bunch effeminate heretics that are afraid of their own shadows and enjoy hugs from young men just a little too much.
TxCatholic & myfourfish:
Thanks for the info. I didn’t know that the site contained outdated information. Sorry.
Please remember, People: It’s not about boycotting cookies in the hope of hurting the Girl Scouts’ revenues.
The purpose of the boycott is to create opportunities to speak out about the connection between our Girl Scouts and the abortion industry. Educate yourself on a few keys points concerning the numerous connections with Planned Parenthood, indoctrinating our daughters into sexual license and abortion, and then finding that GS leadership has been repeatedly lying about this. Girl Scouts is not a safe place where our daughters can learn to be happy, healthy young women.
We do not want to destroy the Girl Scouts. We want them to repent, and be the good (as in great) girls that they want to be.
And if you encounter someone who thinks that the Girl Scouts have a mission to raise everyone else’s daughter to be an angry, fist-waving, child-killing feminist, then congratulate them on their excellent work and move on.
No problem, NBW. Thanks for helping to get information on this sad truth out to people.
Just FYI – The Catholic Cadets of America are affiliated with the Society of St. Pius X.
I’m not aware of any Catholic Cadets of France but then there is no monopoly in France on the word “scout” (in the U.S., no youth organizations other than the BSA and GSUSA can use that word).
Seamus is right. I was a girl scout all of my childhood right up until Graduation from HS. Then I became a Brownie leader and got a look inside the organization (this was around 1977). As leaders we were propagandized by National Liberal Democratic politicians, who came as speakers. we were encouraged to get involved in politics so that women could gain more POWER.
We were propagandized and organized to be part of the movement to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. If I had not had a recent powerful encounter with Christ, at that time in my life, that brought me back into the Church and opened my eyes to the evil of the devil in our society, I would have probably followed down that path. I got out, sadly I missed my little brownie troop, but it was for their good too!
HOWEVER! Here is a recipe’ for you! Take some Ritz crackers and melt some Mint Chocolate chips, (now available in the baking aisle) dip your ritz into the chocolate and put on wax paper to cool. Keep for a couple days, this will let the mint permeate the cracker and you have THIN Mints! They are DELISH!
Can we please stop citing ideological fake news sources as if they are authoritative?
I get it. A.L.L. is going to squeeze all the negativity it can out of a few morsels of unreliable data.
It’s wearying.
frjim4321 implores: “Can we please stop citing ideological fake news sources as if they are authoritative? . . . It’s wearying.”
I, too, am weary of the New York Times, but what has it to do with this blog post?
A few years back, I’d have to say six years ago, a friend of ours told us about PP spreading its propaganda at a major GSA conference where scouts, mother’s, and leaders alike received their reading materials.
That’s when my husband and I decided not to buy GS cookies. I had a lousy 7-yr experience in the Girl Scout organization, ethically and otherwise. I wouldn’t support them even without an affiliation with PP.