Pope John Paul – The Pope People Forget To Remember

Today is/was the anniversary of the election of Pope John Paul I, Papa Luciani.

He is the Pope people forget to remember.

Pray for him, who was Vicar of Christ for so few days. May God reward him.



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. JabbaPapa says:

    His General Audiences were a significant and important contribution to the life of the Church.

    God Bless Pope John Paul I.

  2. TNCath says:

    Love that Sedia Gestitoria! RIP, Papa Luciani. Perhaps the Lord knew what he was going to face as Pope was going to be too much for him to bear. His demeanor reminds me much of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who apparently thought what he was going to face as Pope was going to be too much for him to bear as well. Prayers for him as well.

  3. greenlight says:

    I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a picture of his face before today. My only memory is the Time magazine cover with his shoes. So today there are pictures floating around and I’m thinking “Where have I seen him before, he looks familiar?” Then it hit me:


    Deeply unfair, but there you go.

  4. Lori Pieper says:

    Jabba Pappa, they are significant indeed. In fact those audiences and Angelus talks were actually the beginning of so much in his successors’ teachings. That’s why the Pope John Paul I Association has started a petition to Pope Francis asking him to promote John Paul I’s teaching on Mercy during the coming Jubilee Year of Mercy.

    You can read more about his teachings and sign here.


    More here (especially parts IV and V)


    Thanks for posting this, Father, as always.

  5. Lori Pieper says:

    Excellent news today! (Aug 27) The Positio for John Paul I has been completed! This opens the way, after the documents have been studied, for him to be named Venerable. It was announced by the bishop of his native diocese of Belluno.


    This article is in Italian, but I will be publishing an English translation here tomorrow.


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