

Next… 23 August (the 23rd day of each month, that is) is a “lean day” for the blog, with only 3 monthly donors out of the many thousands who come here every day!  If you are making use of the blog regularly, please consider signing up for monthly donation.

Some options


And…  since posts scroll off so quickly…

Many thanks to readers to have been contributing through monthly donations and through the donation button on the left side bar.  I record your names and regularly pray for you, as is my duty and pleasure.  Also, thanks to readers who sent item from my Amazon Wishlists.  I have been putting together some emergency med carry packs.  Several useful things came today from LGA.  It is not often that I receive nasopharyngreal airway tubes.  Also, RR sent a beautiful book, the catalog of an exhibit of Turner’s late works.   Not long ago I also received some books on Sargent.  These are of great interest to me.  Thanks!

I recently said Holy Mass for my benefactors (donors and wishlist items senders).  I will schedule another soon.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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