Next… 23 August (the 23rd day of each month, that is) is a “lean day” for the blog, with only 3 monthly donors out of the many thousands who come here every day! If you are making use of the blog regularly, please consider signing up for monthly donation.
And… since posts scroll off so quickly…
- Pope Francis attended Mass in St. Peter’s on Feast of St. Pius X Interesting
- CQ CQ CQ – #HamRadio Saturday – DX SUCCESS!
- WDTPRS: 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time – When “virtues” are replaced by “values”.
- What is this thing? No, really! What is this? Amusing
- 29 Sept – Holy Innocents -Manhattan – BLUE MASS… TLM! Mark your calendar!
- Six consecutive sixes in one over Baffling
- Facebook locks out Catholic priest Msgr. Charles Pope, for being a “Monsignor” Irritating
- ASK FATHER: How to explain the Eucharist to a 3 year old?
- ASK FATHER: Can we pray to the deceased who are not saints?
- Does Pope Francis strike you as being easily scared?
- Welcome Aboard New Registrants!
- UPDATE: English translation of Memoirs of Louis Bouyer
- You are the periphery which can revitalize the Church!
- ASK FATHER: “I went to confession at a SSPX parish for several years.”
- ASK FATHER: “Glass goblet” for the Precious Blood
- ASK FATHER: Priests who do not believe in the Real Presence
- Wyoming Catholic College – Missae Solemnes!
- Catholic Colleges and Big Business Abortion – Planned Parenthood
- What to do if – when – there are no hosts for Mass?
- ASK FATHER: Latin Instituted Acolytes in Eastern liturgies
- COMING SOON! The Eleven Cardinals Book and The Ten Africans Book! IMPORTANT! NO, REALLY!
- The importance – and legitimacy – of ‘ ad orientem ‘ worship
- ASK FATHER: Novus Ordo formula for Communion during TLM?
- Instructional Video: How To Argue Like A Liberal
- ASK FATHER: Can I send my kids to an SSPX school?
- Two book recommendations: on women in the Church and on homosexuals
- ASK FATHER: A single Mass for 3 or 4 intentions – and stipends
- Blessings for important things and things for everyday use
- Coming Soon! The “Eleven Cardinals Book”!
- Your Assumption Mass Reports
- D. Fort Worth: New Extraordinary Form parish erected!
- LCWR Great Swirly Meeting concludes. Fr. Z looks back at a look foward! – Fun and tragic at the same time
- “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell….” – Strange
- D. Madison: Pontifical Mass at the Faldstool for Assumption of the Blessed Virgin – Lots of photos
- WDTPRS 20th Ordinary Sunday: snatched up into invisible love
- ASK FATHER: “Blood” omitted from the consecration
- St. Maximilian Kolbe, priest and martyr: Pray for dissident ‘c’atholic media!
- The Flag, Pope Francis, Cuba and Religious Freedom
- NOTE TO READERS: Registration, Comments, getting LOCKED OUT
- Update on the LCWR Assembly of the Great Swirly
- BIRETTA PROJECT FOLLOWUP: You can still participate!
- SUCCESS! ACTION ITEM! Correct a GREAT INJUSTICE! (Hint: Birettas… seminarians…) – Just Too Cool!
- LCWR Assembly Update: Pondering the Great Swirly
- ASK FATHER: The Apostolic Pardon and You – Important!
- 15 August – Assumption – TLM opportunities & Blessing of herbs, flowers and fruit
- Wyoming “Mystic Monk Coffee” Carmelites – Progress with their monastery!
- 15 August – Assumption – Madison WI – Pontifical Mass with Bp. Morlino
- Implore “pardon for the sins committed against the world”? Wherein Fr. Z rants.
- ASK FATHER: Viaticum and how many we can receive Communion in a day
- Sunday Supper: Fun With Rosemary Edition
- Bp. Stika (D. Knoxville) on true human ecology, Planned Parenthood, trauma
- WDTPRS 11th Sunday after Pentecost: what Christ does for us
- CQ CQ CQ – #HamRadio Update – A Scenario – With a story…
- Clergy defending Big Business Abortion
- WDTPRS – 19th Ordinary Sunday: trusting audacity and harrowing consolation
- Illness, Sick Call Sets, Anointing and You – Important
- Of Dominicans and cat-demons and soap – Nice!
- A Bishop cautions the Faithful about the SSPX – Controversial
- Vatican Radio joins Corriere della Sera to shill for the Kasper Proposal – Alarming!
- Just Too Cool: Your Earth and Your Moon
- Latin Tweet from Pope Francis
- Prayers for a Catholic blogger!
- Bp. Kagan (D. Bismarck): Statement on Boy Scouts decision on homosexuals
Many thanks to readers to have been contributing through monthly donations and through the donation button on the left side bar. I record your names and regularly pray for you, as is my duty and pleasure. Also, thanks to readers who sent item from my Amazon Wishlists. I have been putting together some emergency med carry packs. Several useful things came today from LGA. It is not often that I receive nasopharyngreal airway tubes. Also, RR sent a beautiful book, the catalog of an exhibit of Turner’s late works. Not long ago I also received some books on Sargent. These are of great interest to me. Thanks!
I recently said Holy Mass for my benefactors (donors and wishlist items senders). I will schedule another soon.