First and foremost! Help each other.
And then, time sensitive posts.
- Suggestions for charitable giving before end of the year
- ACTION ITEM: Christmas Cards 2015 to Fr. Z
- A few small gift suggestions, music and… you know…
And now some posts that have been scrolling off.
- ASK FATHER: I’ve been such a sinner. Is striving for holiness a waste of time?
- Brick by Brick in Athens, OH – The TLM returns!
- POLL: Gaudete Sunday Vestments
- WDTPRS 3rd Sunday of Advent – “the childlike dash towards the long-desired thing”
- ASK FATHER: Can seminarian bless an engagement?
- An interesting SSPX thought – Lively!
- First and Last Day as the Bishop’s MC
- A few small gift suggestions, music and… you know…
- NYC – Day 1: Octopus and a 16th century Laudato Si’ globla-warming chasuble
- My View For Awhile: Knickerbocker Edition
- Could this be the the next Synod’s theme? Married priests!
- ASK FATHER: During Year of Mercy can I go to SSPX Masses for my Sunday Obligation?
- UPDATE – PHOTOS – MADISON: 8 Dec – Solemn Mass in the presence of Bp. Morlino for Immaculate Conception – Cool
- St. Juan Diego’s amazing miracle story
- Okay… Pope Francis is officially off my Christmas list
- ASK FATHER: Baptism with slight separation of matter and form… valid? Am I baptized?
- 8 December 2005: this blog began. Tonight, Mass for Benefactors. – Cool
- ASK FATHER: Frequent confession to overcome pornography
- Crossing the threshold of … mercy
- ASK FATHER: Can’t go to Mass on Sunday. Are we obliged to go on Saturday?
- The Blessed Virgin compared to the Air we Breathe
- Speak badly of Pope Francis and incur automatic excommunication… NOT.
- ASK FATHER: Godparent by proxy?
- Turning St. Peter’s Basilica into a projection screen for climate change panic propaganda – Angry
- Sister bags a buck
- Advent Rorate Masses
- Strike your breasts in sorrow and hope
- A proposal for the Year of Mercy: ban Communion in the hand – Edgy
- ASK FATHER: Lutheran wife is against me, a convert, going to Mass
- ASK FATHER: Prayer services and lay people extending hands to “bless” an Advent wreath
- VIDEO: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) talks frankly about belief in Christ and his Catholic Faith
- Jesuit Fr. Antonio Spadaro misleading statements about the Synod of Bishops
- Papal airplane presser. Wherein Fr. Z rants.
- CQ CQ CQ #HamRadio Saturday: taverns, windmills and dumplings
- Catholic Herald app!
- WDTPRS 2nd Sunday of Advent: “we escape neither the Enemy lion nor the glorious Lion of Judah”
- ASK FATHER: Does a chalice have to be consecrated before use?
- VIDEO: Straight talk from Fr. Murray about secular media that mocks prayer and belief in God (ACTION ITEM!)
- Fishwrap: The Church is evil for having different roles for women, so we might have to leave.
- Reason #8573 for Summorum Pontificum – Funny
My deepest gratitude to you who have sent donations and items from my wish lists. Thanks also to everyone who uses my links for Amazon and for Mystic Monk Coffee and the music discs and books I mention.
I will again, soon, say Holy Mass for the intention of me benefactors.