Books arrive from publishers and from readers.
For those of you who read Spanish, you might check out a volume which came to me in Kindle form.
“No lo conozco”: Del Iscariotismo a la Apostasía (Spanish Edition) by Antonio Caponnetto
El título de este libro es una de las afamadas e incómodas respuestas, mediante las cuales –según coinciden los cuatro evangelistas? el Apóstol San Pedro negó a Nuestro Señor, en el ocaso del día que lo apresaron. Está aplicado a Jorge Mario Bergoglio, devenido en Francisco cuando se iniciaba el año 2013. Esta es la situación en la que aquí y ahora tenemos
la impresión de estar inmersos. Ya no parece bastar el Iscariotismo para inteligir el mal que nos estremece. Ya no es sólo un beso taimado y treinta monedas tiznadas.
Hay más. Quien funge de Pedro reúne todos los indicios de que no conoce a Cristo. Quien conoce a Cristo no puede permanecer indiferente ante este extraño Pedro que merece cada día, tras una nueva trapisonda de su inagotable repertorio, el clamor del Hijo exigiéndole el irrevocable ¡Vade retro Satanás!
Aquí se centra nuestra acotada pretensión. En intentar reflexionar sobre este tránsito dramático que estamos padeciendo; y que, insistimos, aunque antecedentes tiene y no conviene nunca ocultarlos, hoy ha llegado a una cima que es sima. Esto es, hablando en paradojas, a lo más alto de lo más bajo.
More on the author HERE.
I would also remind the readership of the book by Henry Sire
The Dictator Pope
He is also the author of another book, which I’ve noted here in the past.
Phoenix from the Ashes: The Making, Unmaking, and Restoration of Catholic Tradition
que significa “iscariotismo”, exactamente? Pienso que necesitamos esta palabra en ingles, “iscariotism”.
I followed the link to read more about the author, and after reading that article followed one of a few links to other Church Militant articles offered at the bottom of the page – the one for an article called “Santa Alleanza: the Vatican Intelligence Service”, if I recall it accurately. I highly recommend it. It is not happy reading. One important point is that the “Santa Alleanza”, which is on the hunt for Archbishop Viganò, includes strong masonic elements who will stop at nothing to silence him … not only because of Pope Francis, but because Archbishop Viganò might well be able to reveal additional information that could hinder certain Cardinals from being elected to the papacy.
I clicked on the link “more about the (Argentinian) author”, and wow! If he is being totally honest, we’re in more trouble that I thought. Thank God for my strong faith, as I have to keep saying repeatedly. “To whom would I go, Lord”? I’ll never give up Jesus and the Eucharist, but this is going to be a long, bumpy ride. Mother Mary, cover us all with your mantle, please!