Splendid Gregorian chant of Litany of Loreto

In my surfing about this morning, I found a stupendous recording of the Gregorian chant  version of the Litany of Loreto sung by all women.

The chant is easy.  This could be done in parishes.

First, I think that Gregorian chant sung well by women is ethereal.  For some years Rome I directed a schola of all women.  They sang like angels and we became pretty well known.   I have a great affinity of this sound.

This recording of the Litania Lauretana is just about perfect.  They could soften the ends of phrases a touch.  Note the confident pace of the litany.   There is a rhythm to litanies. So often Litanies are slowed to the point of near brain death.  One forgets what one is praying for in the first place.

The Choeur Grégorien de Paris is about as good as it gets when it comes to Gregorian chant recordings. I am delighted that there is now a female team as well.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. msc says:

    This is worth more than every note of Dan Schutte. One more reason to be saddened by Benedict’s resignation was his commitment to chant (https://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/letters/2011/documents/hf_ben-xvi_let_20110513_musica-sacra.html ).

  2. Patrick L. says:

    Several years ago, I found this recording of the Litaniae Lauretanae that I also like.


  3. JabbaPapa says:

    A beautiful rendering of a familiar style of litany, as it’s what we do in our parish in France when the Mass requires it from time to time through the liturgical year.

  4. Until earlier today when I consulted the ordo, I hadn’t realised or remembered that the rosary was formerly appointed to be said each day in parish churches, followed by the Litany, during October through the 2nd November.

  5. Semper Gumby says:

    Thank you Fr. Z and Patrick L. Ethereal indeed.

  6. Chaswjd says:

    Not that the chant isn’t wonderful, but in the “both-and” spirit of Catholicism, I rather enjoy this version:

  7. youngcatholicgirl says:

    Est tres beau!

  8. Patrick L. says:

    You’re welcome, Gumby. Very nice, Chaswjd. I also like Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine.


    If time doesn’t permit that, maybe Sanctus a 12 from his Symphoniae Sacrae.


  9. Patrick L. says:

    Sorry, in the notes, it says the Symphoniae Sacrae was by G. Gabrieli, not Monteverdi. I confused myself when I read too quickly that the Monteverdi Choir performed it.

  10. Il Ratzingeriano says:

    I too love chant sung by women and would love to have on my iPhone this this recording of the women of the Choeur Grégorien de Paris singing a litany. Unfortunately as far as I can determine it is not available on iTunes.

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