Positive news from the Diocese of Providence, RI.
Here is a news story about the revival of a parish, which was going to close, by the Fraternity of St. Peter, FSSP.
I want to add a couple things before you watch this.
First, the reporter refers to this as “going back in time”. Well, yes, okay. We know that if we are going in the wrong direction, we have to retrace our steps and find the right road. However, the retracing is for the sake of the future and NOT the past!
Also, she referred to Bp. Tobin’s decision as “drastic”. NO! Common sense is NOT DRASTIC! NOT acting on common sense is drastic. She got that terribly wrong.
Finally, while I admire and support the FSSP, the REAL renewal will come from diocesan priests in their regular diocesan parishes. That’s why I want everyone to know what a terrific job Fr. Jay Finelli is doing at his place, in the Diocese of Providence, at Tiverton, RI, the Church of the Holy Ghost. Fr. Finelli has been working hard hard hard for years. Let’s not think that the FSSP would have been even a consideration if Fr. Finelli had not lead the way and shown that it was possible.
That said, Fr. K kudos to Bp. Tobin and Fr. Berg.
That’s muh parish. I’m in a few shots with my son :)
What the don’t note, and couldn’t hang around for, is the blindingly vibrant after-mass scene in the cafeteria and around the property on nice days. Lot’s of food and coffee with kids running all over the place inside and outside for 1-2 hours after mass (there are catechesis classes for varying age groups). The young adult group goes and does things in gangs of 20-30 at a time. And the first marriage from this group (organized by my oldest son) is my oldest son’s, in a few months! And, from the looks of it, we will be having a lot of weddings (and baptisms) really, really soon.
What a tremendous blessing. I thanked Bs. Tobin in person 6 months ago during his parish visit, and again on his twitter post about St. Mary’s a couple days ago. Deo gratias!
Praise be to God!
I’m also a parishioner at that parish, and in the aforementioned young adult group, which is again, extremely active. Its a wonderful parish.
On any given Sunday in Rhode Island, there are now three EF Masses to attend. There’s still a long way to go, but we have at least 5 or 6 priests who know and love the Old Rite, and many coming out of seminary quite amenable to it. Bishop Tobin also does Confirmations in the EF once a year. The future is smaller, yet bright in Little Rhody.
Beautiful church. Nice to see pews filling up and 3 TLM Masses from which to choose.
Agreed that the reporter failed by saying Bp. Tobin’s decision was drastic. His decision was extraordinary.
[His decision was common-sensical!]
Great news indeed. Thanks to commenters, Fr. Berg, Bp. Tobin, Fr. Finelli, and Fr. Z.
“That’s muh parish” *chuckle*
The bad news from the other side of the world is that Fr Rynne in Tasmania has apparently been removed from his parish, following an ‘investigation’ commissioned by the bishop (https://www.examiner.com.au/story/5993448/tasmanian-catholic-church-removes-priest-from-meander-valley-parish/?src=rss). Sounds similar to what happened to that young American priest a little while ago.
The support (or lack thereof) from the bishop makes ALL the difference. We need to pray for good bishops. There are faithful young priests out there who love the Church and her traditions, but they can only do so much if they are constantly undermined by those in authority over them.
Wow! Thank you Fr. Z, I’m deeply humbled and honored. Just trying to be a faithful parish priest.
“Let’s not think that the FSSP would have been even a consideration if Fr. Finelli had not lead the way and shown that it was possible.”
I would also mention Fr. Santos at Holy Name in Providence.
^^^ This
(re-ordered repost)
“Let’s not think that the FSSP would have been even a consideration if Fr. Finelli had not lead the way and shown that it was possible.”
^^^ This
I would also mention Fr. Santos at Holy Name in Providence.
Thanks to DBonneville for remembering Holy Name! For 25 years we have kept the Traditional Mass alive in Providence and it is a shame that neither the news story nor Father’s blog post mentioned that… we had at least 3 Solemn Pontifical Masses *before* SP… two TLMs every Sunday and one on Saturday… all Sacraments according to the 1962 books… HNJ has indeed paved to way for St. Mary’s, and it is a wonderful vote of confidence from Bishop Tobin to encourage a 3rd location for the TLM!
I’m a new parishioner to St. Mary’s in Providence. The 40min drive from Auburn, MA is ABSOLUTELY worth it! The Church is beautiful, it is wonderful to see the number of parishioners continue to grow, and Father Berg is an incredible pastor!