Today the Roman Aurora is at 6:43, Sunset at 20:48 and the Ave Maria at 19:00.
Some of you have asked about my green grocer. She’s still at it, in the stall in the Campo de’ Fiori, every day.
One of you asked about artichokes. Frankly, the spring is the best time for artichokes, but here are some in the process of preparation for sale.
I met a friend for lunch. We split a portion of fettucine with tuna and little tomatoes.
Speaking of green, I was back to Gammarelli to discuss further the reproduction of some gold silk. They’ve been cutting fabric for dalmatics and copes. Lots of dalmatics and copes!
Gammarelli has been producing their own fabrics.
At the request of one of the French seminarians or priests at the nearby Pontifical French College, they made a fabric with the design from the ceiling of the French church, San Luigi dei Francesi, where the famous series about Matthew by Caravaggio is to be viewed.
You can see the fleur-de-lys.
They have the main liturgical colors, but black and rose are still coming.
I stopped at Barbiconi to have a look at a suit or two. It’s been a while.
A view during my stroll home after Mass.
This enoteca has potential!
I have a good friend who will instantly recognize these names. But, don’t we all?
Tonight there is a “Conference to Promote Communion Kneeling and on the Tongue” at Santo Spirito in Sassia. Malcolm Card. Ranjith will contribute as will the great Msgr. Bux. There will be video messages from Card. Burke and Bp. Schneider. I have to figure out how to do this, since my regular Mass time is 6PM.
Lovely photo of you and your fruttivendola. Only one thing missing – your saturno!
Thanks for the photos and the info about artichokes.
I have to figure out how to do this, since my regular Mass time is 6PM.
Have you considered bi-locating? I’ve been working on it for quite some time without luck, but others have had success in this area, so I encourage you to give it a try.