A little while ago, I posted about a young priest with ALS, Fr. Dana Christensen. He has asked people to pray to Ven. Fulton Sheen for a miraculous complete cure.
Another affliction of ALS has stuck another young man I know, Rintaro Arakane, who does IT for the Diocese of Madison. This is a great young man, with a family, a wife and infant daughter.
A GOFUNDME drive has been organized for Rintaro.
For example, how about praying to Ven. Augustus Tolton for a complete, swift and durative cure for Rintaro’s ALS?
Please couple that with giving up less than what you might spend on a Big Mac meal – heck, give up a meal! – for a donation?
It can be more than a Big Mac, too.
Will you help? Lot’s people making even small donations turn into a powerful force.
You’ve done this often to great effect. This is one of the ways this blog can bring forth corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Tell them Fr. Z sent you!
The campaign was started a few days ago. Let’s see if we can’t hit that mark so that they can raise the amount!
Here’s where they are now.
UPDATE 4 February 2020:
You did it!
I hope they raise the fundraiser goal.
I wonder Father if Mr. Arakane has considered umbilical cord stem cell therapy. I hear it does wonders for all types of ailments.