Mass for Benefactors – Saturday 15 July – and an appeal

On Saturday, 25 July, I will say Holy Mass for the intention of my benefactors.

I regularly pray for and say Masses for my regular and occasional donors and those who send items from my wishlist. It is my pleasure and duty to do so.

Your use of my Amazon link is a major part of my income. It helps to pay for insurance, groceries, everything. Please remember me when shopping online. Thanks in advance.


These links are always on the right side bar of the blog.  And I added a special address you can use.  Alas, I can’t link it for you for … various reasons.

These links are always on the right side bar of the blog. Once you use one of those links to enter Amazon, I’ll get a small percentage of what you purchase during that session.  I can’t see what you buy.

I regularly pray for and say Masses for my regular and occasional donors and those who send items from my wishlist. It is my pleasure and duty to do so.

Also, if this blog is helpful to you, please consider subscribing to make a monthly donation.  This is how I make all ends meet and I you wind up regularly on my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I periodically say Holy Mass.

Some options

For a one time donation…

Donate with PayPal

And I set up a


account, which functions rather like PayPal.  Some of you use it. Here is a QCode you can use with your smart phones.  Try it!


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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