Happy 15th Birthday, Blog!

On 8 December 2005, I posted this photo.  This blog project began.

Today is the 15th anniversary of this blog.

This photo was a shot from my apartment window in Rome on the evening of the day Pope Benedict was elected.

I started it with the original intention of it being an archive for articles I was writing for The Wanderer about liturgical translations.  Thus, it’s original name.  That column, by the way, began before the release of Liturgiam authenticam.

That was the intention, but the blog rapidly took on a life of its own.

Since I started keeping stats, on 23 November 2006, I have had about 98 million page views.

Dear readers, please accept my thanks for everything, your comments and feedback, your prayers and your patience with me.

This week I will celebrate Mass for my benefactors.

This is what the blog looked like back in 2005.  A screen shot from about a month after its inception.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Sometimes I wonder how you do it, Father, but then think that it’s the Holy Spirit, working through you and your nimble fingers on the keyboard, that keeps this unique tool of evangelization, fellowship, and the Faith poised as the tip of the spear for your followers.

    Congratulations on 15 years; that’s no small achievement in an environment that values quick hits, fast movement, questionable logic, and cursory treatment of life….and prayers for both your vocation and continued presence here.

  2. Titus says:

    2005 was an age ago in blogging terms. That was back during the heyday of the Shrine of the Holy Whapping (which is almost certainly whence I first found this site).

  3. TKS says:

    I seem to remember #1 Catholic Blog status also.

  4. Midwest St. Michael says:

    I’ve been here since early 2007, Fr. Z. :^)

    I am so grateful for all that you to do build up the Lord’s Kingdom.

  5. mysticalrose says:

    Congratulations! I have been here since almost the beginning. Without this blog, I would never have found the Traditional Latin Mass! For this I am eternally grateful!!

  6. Prayerful says:

    Thank you Fr for your hard and valiant work, particularly the Masses which are ever more invaluable in times of lockdown.

  7. rollingrj says:

    Congratulations, Fr. Z! A tip of my fedora to you and this ‘blog. May God continue to bless you, your priesthood, and your work in this virtual vineyard.

  8. Gregg the Obscure says:

    Ad multos annos!

  9. Padre Pio Devotee says:

    Congratulations!!!! Thank you !

    Deo Gratias! Ave Maria!
    O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

  10. Kathleen10 says:

    Congratulations Fr. Z! Thank you and God bless you for the blog. rollingrj above called it a “virtual vineyard”, and it is. You’ll have to get to heaven to find out the actual impact on so many. It will be a pleasant surprise to you. The blog has consoled, informed, inspired, and amused. We’ve gotten a good sense of your personality and character, and that’s been great as well. Once upon a time we had Mother Angelica, unapologetically Catholic, God rest her soul. Now we have you. God is good.
    He never leaves us totally alone.

  11. Clinton R. says:

    Congratulations, Father on the 15th anniversary of this most edifying blog. I am so thankful to have discovered it 10 years ago.

  12. Papal Fan says:

    Father Z,

    I don’t remember exactly how I found your blog and which post it was I read, but I do remember that one of the earliest ones was your post on the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ Religious Education Congress from 2010.


    First part of video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ5it20gKqw
    (Memorable highlights: The pagan-esque appearance of using incense around the altar, the Protestant-like music during the procession, and the DANCING DEACON!)

    The whole thing made such an impression on me that I decided to follow your writing.

    Thank you for what you do on your blog.

  13. Diane says:

    Congratulations Father Z! Love your blog!

  14. Evensong says:

    Thank you, Father. I’m grateful for your work. I really do love your explanations of the prayers, but I like the forays into food as well!

  15. Mariana2 says:

    Thank y o u , Father! And Many Happy Returns!

  16. Clinton says:

    Congratulations, Father! I’ve learned so much from reading this blog— both from your posts, and from the comments. I suspect that when Judgement comes and our lives are lain bare for all to see, you will be astonished at the good your work here has accomplished.

    Ad multos annos!

  17. T from Texas says:

    Congrats on your 15th year anniversary, please know this blog has been a source of great spiritual stirring and conversion, it has helped me along the way to find and understand the many treasures that our Catholic faith has transferred over centuries of tradition, you inspired me to find the Latin Mass and look at my own heritage with bright new eyes. I am forever indebted to you for your voice of clarity and charity about the hard truths we are to encounter if we live out our faith properly, thanks for all you do for us through this wonderful space.
    God bless you and please know you are in my prayers.

  18. TonyO says:

    Wow, 15 years blogging! What is that in conversion to “regular” years, something like 60? Almost a lifetime.

    Thank you for your excellent explanations including “What does the prayer really say?” Getting solid Catholic teaching is a great help. Many blessings upon you – and to your readers.

  19. Congratulations, Fr Zuhlsdorf, and best wishes that you and this blog flourish for another fifteen years, and yet another fifteen after that. Feliciter!

    Thanks, Titus, for recalling the name– ‘the Shrine of the Holy Whapping’: I was trying to think of it a week or ten days ago and couldn’t.

  20. iPadre says:

    Wow! Where does time go? Congratulations! And thanks for all you do.

  21. anj says:

    That was a thumbs up!

  22. Veronica scriptor velum says:

    I’m late chipping in here to thank you from the bottom of my heart Father Z for your deeply enriching CATHOLIC blog… but at first I simply couldn’t think of the right words to express my gratitude. Still can’t, and others have said it much better than me, but I want to add that you are fulfilling Our Lord’s command to “teach all nations” in a most fulsome way.

    May God, the Blessed Virgin and your Guardian Angel bless, protect, guide and give you the strength to continue your holy mission of virtual evangelization ad multos annos.

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