Do you all remember the Holy Father’s words from his sermon at the "inaugural" Mass for his pontificate?
My dear friends –
at this moment I can only say:
pray for me,
that I may learn to love the Lord more and more.
Pray for me, that I may learn to love his flock more and more
– in other words, you, the holy Church,
each one of you and all of you together.
Pray for me,
that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.
Let us pray for one another,
that the Lord will carry us
and that we will learn to carry one another.[Pope Benedict XVI, 24 April, 2005]
And the wolves, in the form of dissidents and the media, are surely after him at this time. Part of a concerted effort to destroy the Church and its influence at a time when secularism is running rampant throughout the world and at a time when the forces of evil are clearly at work within our government here in the USA. I pray for the Pope daily that he may remain strong against enemies of and within the Church.
Sub tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genetrix. Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Amen.
But our Pope is off-and-running: he issues Summorum Pontificum and then he lifts the “excommunications” against the one group which is probably most on his side, FSSPX.
Yes, the “wolves” [eg Satan and his minions] are decidedly against him, but he also has crusaders for him, myself included…
Yes, and our prayers.
Every day I think of this…Poor Holy Father, Pope Benedict…everyone thought that Pope JP II had such a burden.
“I looked for comforters, and could find none.”
I think of this verse from the Psalms, in reference to our Lord, for our “Sweet Christ on earth”, our beloved Benedict XVI.
This Holy Week will be a monumental one, I believe.
In April 2008, before leaving the altar of St. Patrick’s Cathedral at the end of Mass, the Holy Father had a veryfrank moment when he spoke without prepared text. More than all the speeches he gave during his visit, I remember his words and how humble and vulnerable he seemed. And all he did was ask us to pray for him so he might fulfill his obligations as successor to St. Peter.
I pray for him several times a day…even before this present crisis. What a heavy burden he carries, but I’m sure Our Lord who said: “Come to me all you who are heavy burdened” will give him moments of refreshment and rest. I pray so.
I was puzzled when I heard him say these words, but now I think that he was definitely prescient. I knew he would do things that would stir up the enemies of the Church, but I had no idea that they would form such a vicious wolf-pack and attack him so openly. I pray for him all the time.
Please know that this Orthodox priest is praying for His Holiness. I believe he is truly a man of prayer and is working hard to unite Christ’s church. Many Years to Benedict!
Thanks for the reminder. We pray for him daily, but not enough nor do we sacrifice for him like we should.
I pray for the Holy Father and that particular intention everyday. I offer up my few sufferings for the Church.
I pray for our Holy Father everyday in my Rosary.
Thank you, frpeterpreble, for your prayers for our Papa! You’re a good brother!
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for the Vicar of your beloved Son.
St. Michael the Archangel, unsheathe your heavenly sword in his defense.
St. Joseph, pray for him who bears your name in Baptism.
St. Benedict, pray for him who bears your name as Pontiff.