Photos of your Advent Wreaths

How about some photos of your Advent wreaths?

If you don’t have one, perhaps your parish does.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. I posted a photo of the one in our parish (it was in the Sacristy at the time, though!) I hadn’t got one myself because of the thought of what the kittens would do to it – but I really miss having one, so I’m going to get something up shortly…

  2. Sarah L says:

    I actually just posted about my parish’s unique wreath today! My wreath at home is also a little unusual with votive candles and colored glass, but I love how it looks.

  3. Sandra_in_Severn says:

    We just got home from taking my husband’s mother back home in West Virginia, after spending a whirlwind birthday week visiting her siblings in Georgia and Maryland.


    wish I knew how to post the picture already open…:P But this is one I made a couple years ago. You can see the kids’ advent calendars behind it. Sorry it is a little blurry…having an issue with my camera. :P :P

  5. jbalza007 says:

    Here’s a photo of our wreath at home: and at the parish:

  6. wmpetzall says:

    See the wreath we have at home… (Sorry! The quality could have been much better!).

  7. Nora says:

    So, I took pics and tried to post them, but my teen had gone to do homework, so I am stuck, LOL. I manage FB forwards of pics from my phone, but have forgotten the web method. She will do it for me tomorrow, I am sure, but the main point in sending them is that we do Advent seriously here. Kids want to decorate as soon as Thanksgiving is over and we do in spades. We do the wreath of course – and an advent tree, which slowly loses its purple and pink in favor of formal Christmons until the “O Antiphons” take it over, with each kid’s idea of ” root” or “key” or which ever take over daily. The mantel has a row of candles, not a wreath, but they burn. There are Advent calendars everywhere, including ones with candy and small treats or tasks/penances. On Gaudete Sunday we start the Christmas decorations inside (outside goes up whenever the weather is good, but not lit till Christmas Eve). When we start putting up the inside Christmas decorations, I make a point of emphasizing that we are getting ready for a twelve day party, not celebrating early. Because the twelve days are filled with special treats and concessions to preferences, the kids are happy to celebrate the season in concert with the church, not with Wal-Mart . I love Advent!

  8. Andrew Mason says:

    I made a picture of mine here, albeit a bit small and narrow.

  9. Joseph says:

    @Andrew M.
    could you please explain to me how you turn a word into a link for your photo? (if you have time only)
    thank you

  10. JoAnna says:

    It’s on a placemat my daughter made in school (Kindergarten), but I just bought a lovely Christmas plaid table runner.

  11. GeekLady says:

    Well, I can’t figure out how to make the image appear in my comment, but you can see our Advent wreath here.

    Technically this is last year’s, but I can’t find my camera battery charger. This year we are missing the greenery – I usually cobble it together out of trimmed off bits of Christmas tree greenery, however no one has gotten a tree yet this year from which I could scavenge trimmings.

  12. lpscott says:

    The image doesn’t seem to want to show up, so here is a link.

  13. Tina in Ashburn says:

    Folks: try using to publish your photo and its link. Simple.

  14. At Saint John the Baptist Church, in Gildehaus, Missouri

    This church have been undergoing a major restoration of the interior. While I visited, I met a man who was installing newly-repainted and re-gilded Stations of the Cross.

  15. Mariana says:

    I sent a picture of my Advent wreath to Father by e-mail, I don’t know how to post a picture in the comment box.

  16. green fiddler says:

  17. green fiddler says:

    sorry! I couldn’t figure out how to embed or even how to make a link. Oy.

  18. green fiddler says:

    oh… it did work! sorry again.
    I am becoming irritating fast.

  19. Andrew Mason says:

    @ Joseph:

    Sorry it took so long to respond. In order to create a word link you place a “less than” symbol followed by the words a href=”desired url here” and a “greater than” symbol. Immediately after the last symbol you place the word that you want to have as a link, followed by “less than” symbol, “/a” , and “greater than” symbol. I hope that this makes sense, unfortunately I can’t put it all together without the website turning it into code.

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