L’Osservatore, ho hum, throws a little handful of dirt

I am rather disgusted with L’Osservatore Romano at the moment.  Over 80 American bishops demonstrated that they would do the ecclesiastical equivalent of walk on broken glass when they protested how this Catholic university wanted to bestow an honor, a law degree no less, on the most aggressively pro-abortion figure in the political sphere.  Figures such as Michael Novak and George Weigel wrote clear comments on what Notre Dame was really doing.  The blogosphere was not without clear commentary.  L’Osservatore undercut everyone.

So, my fondness for L’Osservatore right now is right up there with my view of The Guardian.  What were they trying to be?  The Italian edition of NCR?

As a friend of mine said the other day, "Mario Agnes come back! All is forgiven!"

He would have sicked Gino Concetti on Notre Dame!

That would have been something.

Okay… now I’m just ranting ….

On 5 June there was an article in L’Osservatore Romano which seemed to modify a little their starry-eyed gaze at President Obama.  I am sorry I am just getting to this now.

Here is the text of the article in Italian.  This was pretty much buried on a back page.

I don’t have time to translate this right now, but some people will want the text.

Washington, 4. Continua la campagna dell’episcopato statunitense per chiedere la modifica delle linee guida messe a punto dai National Institutes for Health (Nih) in merito alla ricerca sulle cellule staminali embrionali. [embryonic stemcells]
Allo stesso tempo, i vescovi degli Stati Uniti, attraverso il presidente della commissione episcopale sullo Sviluppo umano e la giustizia, monsignor William Francis Murphy, vescovo di Rockville Centre, ribadiscono il loro appello affinché venga al più presto varata una riforma del sistema sanitario che possa garantire assistenza a una porzione più vasta possibile della popolazione, sempre nel rispetto della vita e della sua dignità. Senza cioè, attraverso tale riforma, finanziare con denaro pubblico le pratiche abortive.
Sebbene sia concluso il termine di trenta giorni previsto per la raccolta di pareri sulle linee guida messe a punto dai Nih, l’episcopato continua attraverso il suo sito a raccogliere pareri, raggiungendo – secondo quanto ha comunicato al Catholic News Service, Deirdre A. McQuade, del segretariato per le attività pro life della Conferenza episcopale – 9.436 commenti. Donald M. Ralbovsky, dell’ufficio comunicazione e relazioni pubbliche dei Nih, ha reso noto che in trenta giorni sono stati più di 48.000 i commenti ricevuti sulle linee guida. McQuade ha spiegato che altri 46.931 commenti sono stati indirizzati a senatori e deputati del Congresso, ai quali è stato chiesto di "opporsi all’uso dei dollari provenienti dalle tasse per promuovere la ricerca distruttiva sulle cellule staminali o qualsiasi forma di clonazione umana".
Bisogna appoggiare invece – si legge nei messaggi – "la ricerca sulle cellule staminali adulte che è eticamente legittima, non dannosa e già in grado di aiutare pazienti che soffrono diverse patologie".
La bozza di linee guida messa a punto dai Nih ha fatto seguito all’Executive order emanato dal presidente Barack Obama il 9 marzo scorso con il quale si è rovesciata la precedente disciplina, permettendo l’uso di fondi federali per la ricerca sulle cellule staminali ricavate dagli embrioni. Su questo tema nei giorni scorsi la Conferenza episcopale degli Stati Uniti – come lo scorso 24 maggio ha riportato "L’Osservatore Romano" – era intervenuta, definendo le linee guida dei Nih discutibili moralmente e nello stesso tempo, per di più, scientificamente obsolete, in quanto non tengono conto dei recenti progressi scientifici che hanno messo in evidenza le grandi possibilità offerte dalle cellule staminali adulte.
[Here it is…] A questo proposito, conviene sottolineare che nell’informare su alcune recenti dichiarazioni e iniziative del presidente degli Stati Uniti "L’Osservatore Romano" non ha certo inteso esprimere apprezzamento per le sue posizioni su questioni di rilevanza etica. ["In this regard, it is proper to underscore that in reporting on certain recent declarations and initiatives of the President of the United State, L’Osseratore Romano certainly did not intend to express appreciation for his positions on questions of ethical relevance."] Nell’articolo del 29 aprile sui primi cento giorni della presidenza Obama si leggeva, infatti, che qualsiasi iniziativa riguardo la ricerca sulle cellule staminali non rimuove "i motivi di critica di fronte a inaccettabili forme di bioingegneria che contrastano con l’identità umana dell’embrione". 
Ovviamente la Santa Sede e "L’Osservatore Romano" sono stati, sono e saranno pienamente a fianco dei vescovi statunitensi nel loro impegno a favore dell’inviolabilità della vita umana in qualsiasi stadio della sua esistenza. Altre interpretazioni non hanno fondamento, tanto meno quelle che hanno voluto strumentalizzare gli articoli del giornale per fare apparire l’insegnamento dell’episcopato degli Stati Uniti sul male insito nell’aborto come un esercizio di politica settaria, che sarebbe in contrasto con una diversa strategia della Santa Sede. [Obviously the Holy See and L’Osservatore Romano were, are and will be fully behind the American bishops in their work to favor the inviolability of human life at whatever stage of its existence.  Other interpretations have no foundation, much less those which sought to instrumentalize the article of the newspaper to make it appear that the teaching of the U.S. bishops conference on the intrinsic evil in abortion as an exercise in sectarian politics, which would be in contrast with a different strategy of the Holy See.]
Il presidente Obama si è mostrato disponibile al dialogo e i vescovi statunitensi hanno accolto positivamente questa possibilità. Ma nel fare ciò hanno ribadito, e con piena ragione, che nel dialogo nessun compromesso è mai possibile sulla fondamentale questione del diritto alla vita[President Obama showed himself available for dialogye and the American bishops received positively this possibility.  But in doing so they repeated, with good reason, that in dialogue no compromise is ever possible on the fundamental question of the right to life.]

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. jim says:

    Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta.

  2. AlwaysCatholic says:

    Non sputo nel vento che ritornerà nella vostra faccia!

  3. EDG says:

    The paper did a tremendous disservice to our bishops and the entire Church here in the US. It sounds as if Obama has a real claque at the Vatican, though, and that’s a very disturbing thought. Also, no one in the Vatican seems to have caught what most perceptive US commentators saw right off, which was that this was Obama’s largely successful attempt to take over the way the leadership of the Church is perceived in this country. The photo of Fr Jenkins draping that stole-like thing around Obama’s neck should make every Catholic’s blood run cold.

    I suppose it was ever thus. The “Vatican,” whatever that may mean (the Pope and his cabinet? the assembled bureaucrats? the editor of the paper?), has always been a little slow on the uptake. But the stakes are really high right now, because what happens to the Church in the US is going to have a profound impact worldwide, and I hope somebody somewhere, some little mouse in the Vatican, is relaying messages of support to our bishops. At least it looks like somebody rapped Fr Lombardi’s knuckles, which is a positive sign, although evidently they didn’t rap hard enough to shake him of his delusion that Obama wants “dialogue.”

  4. PMcGrath says:

    Forgive my ignorance but, who are Mario Agnes and Gino Concetti? And why would I not want to have Signor Concetti sicced on me?

  5. mpm says:

    My question, after the George Weigel piece describing the OR’s semaphore system,
    is, did this article have the three little asterisk thingies, or was it code free?

  6. Frank H. says:

    Here is a link to a note on this subject at the USCCB site.


  7. mpm says:

    At the same time, Vian has said that, despite obvious differences with the new administration on pro-life issues, he does not consider Obama a “pro-abortion president,” and his newspaper has emphasized Obama’s declared commitment to reducing the number of abortions.

    In that case, I wonder what such a president would look like?

    Technically, I think Obama is in favor of reducing the number of women seeking
    abortion, without regard to how many abortions that entails. Otherwise, it
    makes it sound like abortion is an evil, which is not his position.

    Anyway, I hope the article removes whatever scandal may have been given originally.

  8. michigancatholic says:

    Fr. Z, are you trying to teach us to read italian? It might work eventually. =)

  9. CarpeNoctem says:

    Father, here’s something for the Fisk-O-Matic… slightly off-topic, but still on the subject of Obamaniacs and the Church.

    I just read the article in Origins, “The Real Scandal at Notre Dame”, which was a speech given Patricia McGuire of Trinity Washington University at their commencement. She accuses those who have protested Obama’s ND appearance of “religious vigilantism” and the “misappropriation of sacred teachings for political ends”.

    “The self-appointed ‘watchdogs’ of Catholic higher education alos afflict Catholics in political life, acting as grand inquisitors who appear to want nothing more than to drive all Catholics away from public office. They have established themselves as uber-guardians of a belief system we can hardly recognize. Theirs is a narrow faith devoted almost exclusively to one issue. They defend the rights of the unborn but have no charity toward the living. They mock social justice as a liberal mythology.”


  10. Danilo says:

    A very singular thing about L’Osservatore Romano and pro-life people…


    I can say that brazilian people and L’Osservatore Romano are no friend of each other.

    Please pray for Archbishop Sobrinho and for his future successor, not yet appointed by HH.

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