Bp. Hubbard attends Solemn TLM

I received note of this from a reader.

This is for your brick by brick file.

Bishop Howard J. Hubbard Visits St. Joseph’s Parish, Troy, NY

Summorum PontificumSeptember 2010 marked the third anniversary of the promulgation of the Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum. In the letter to the bishops of the world accompanying the document Pope Benedict writes, "…I invite you, dear Brothers, to send to the Holy See an account of your experiences, three years after this Motu Proprio has taken effect."

To acknowledge this benchmark in the celebration of the ancient liturgy in the life of the Church, the Bishop of Albany Howard J. Hubbard presided over our Sunday Mass on September 12, 2010. The Extraordinary Form liturgy (offered by Father Romaeus Cooney) followed the rite of Mass in the Presence of the Local Ordinary. Bishop Hubbard delivered the Homily.

A positive event in the life of our parish, and specifically the community gathered around the ancient liturgy, this event demonstrated our relationship with the local Church. It also indicates the Bishop’s support for our place in the diocese. This liturgy also invites us to be "the light of the world; a city set on a hill that cannot be hid!" At St. Joseph’s we have a unique gift and a treasure to offer our parish, the diocese, and the larger community.  We also have reason to be thankful.  We have the resources to celebrate the fullest forms of the ancient liturgy by using the gifts, talents, and dedication of those who are indigenous to our community.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TNCath says:

    I never thought of Bishop Hubbard as particularly supportive of the Extraordinary Form. This is a positive development!

  2. JaneC says:

    Given the rather tepid liturgies in much of the diocese (I have family in East Durham, and have attended Mass there and in Greenville, Catskill, and Windham), this is indeed very good news. I hope that priests and “liturgists” in the rest of Albany diocese are taking notes! Perhaps we will one day see an EF Mass in Albany’s stately cathedral?

  3. TC says:

    I don’t know if he is a “supporter” but this is hardly a development, there has been been a TLM parish in Troy for decades, it was moved to St Joseph’s when St Peter’s closed last year.

    Bishop Hubbard might be criticised for allowing parishes to do what they want as far as liturgy but it works in this case.

  4. FranzJosf says:

    Even though I live about twenty miles away, I am a registered parishioner at St. Joseph’s because of the TLM. Because of work, I can’t get there every Sunday, but do as often as I can. We are very blessed and have a nice following. The parish is run by the Carmelite Fathers. We have a luncheon, to which anyone is welcome, after every Sunday noon Mass, which is usually a Missa Cantata. I have been away for the summer and didn’t know the bishop would visit, but I’m glad he did. (Did he go to the luncheon?) If anyone is in the area, I hope you’ll visit us, and come downstairs afterwards.

  5. Childermass says:

    “Perhaps we will one day see an EF Mass in Albany’s stately cathedral?”

    That may be more difficult now. Unfortunately, Bishop Hubbard recently enlisted the notorious church rapist Fr. Richard Vosko to “renew” (read: wreck) Albany’s cathedral. Total cost was $19 million.

    Now all of the upstate NY cathedrals have “supper tables” in the nave for everyone to “gather around.” Now Bishop Hubbard has put his throne where the sanctuary once was.

  6. scaron says:

    I am a lifelong member of the Albany diocese and have often criticized the decisions of Bishop Hubbard. But in this instances charity requires a loud HOORAH. Thank you Bishop Hubbard for supporting St. Joseph’s and the TLM.

  7. Salvatore_Giuseppe says:

    Curious, what is different for a Mass “offered in the presence of the local ordinary”?

  8. irishgirl says:

    Oh my goodness-this is a wonderful development!

    Perhaps Bishop Hubbard is ‘mellowing’ in his old age?

  9. JosephMary says:

    Wow, one needs to be sitting down to read of this development.

    This bishop is rather infamous in some circles. But, you know, there have been prayers for decades for him…

  10. Jordanes says:

    If even a bishop like Hubbard can bring himself to attend and preach at a traditional Latin Mass, no bishop anywhere has any excuse not to do at least as much.

  11. TJerome says:

    Good for Bishop Hubbard. That’s certainly a generous act on his part. There are many liberal bishops who wouldn’t give these folks the time of day.

  12. ASD says:

    I was so delighted that I wore my best bow tie for the occasion. It seemed to me to be a very gracious gesture on the part of Bishop Hubbard.

  13. HighMass says:

    Fr. Z,

    Question, Is there a possiblity things will go back to the way they were before the S.P. Motu Proprio???

    We Pray to God that doesn’t happen…. just a question

  14. HighMass: Perhaps. I doubt it.

    There is a demographic shift among the clergy. The aging-hippies are on their way out, either feet-first or by retirement. Younger men are not so nearly closed-minded about our traditional forms of worship. This in itself should be a great defense against backsliding into liberal lala liturgy.

    There is always the chance that a future Pope could do X,Y,Z to what Pope Benedict has done. But I suspect that won’t happen for a very long time.

  15. HighMass says:

    SIA LODATO GESU CRISTO! Thanks for YOUR response as our prayers are being answered. We have a Young Associate in our Parish who fits the bill even when he says the O.F. of the Mass, and does a very good job of the E.F. Although the pastor says we can have only one E.F. a month…..

    Yes like all who blog on YOUR WONDERFUL Site, we have all suffered at the hands of the liberals……..

    Thanks Father

  16. HighMass: we have all suffered at the hands of the liberals

    Yes, this is true. And this is why on this blog I permit a certain leeway in discussing many matter. A certain leeway, not an unlimited.

    Soon – once the venting is more or less over – it will be time to unclench and heal.

  17. greasemonkey says:

    Remember Fr. Z’s good sound advise.

    When a bishop does something you like send him a Thank You note! Sooo take a minute and send out a good ol’ fashioned thank you note!

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