From a priest reader:
Thank you for the work you do on your blog. I appreciate your wise counsels and good advice and of course your humor. Above all, however, I appreciate your fidelity to to the truth and the courage with which you defend it! I am a recently ordained priest studying in Rome. I have been offering daily the Extraordinary Form of the Holy Mass. I have a little calender (Ordo) that I have to order/purchase every year that helps me know what Mass to offer on each day of the year. Because of my travelling I am looking for an online resource that can help me. Do you know of anything like that? I have looked and looked, but to no avail. Any help would be a blessing. Again, thank you and God bless you!
Thanks for the kind words.
I think your best bet is the online source Divinum Officium, which gives you different options for the calendar and rubrics.
I want the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei” to produce an online Ordo. Perhaps the folks at the CDW could help them put it together.
I think the Holy See should be sure to make these tools available online for all the priests of the world.
Perhaps the readers have some other links.
Also, I hope Father Questioner will send some of his impressions about saying the older form of Mass as a younger priest.
I discovered the site which is not an ordo, per-se, but has the proper parts for the day. It would seem to me that since the Extraordinary Form of the Mass is a valid expression of the Roman Rite, the USCCB ought just provide that information on their site, as they do for the Novus Ordo.
Also, go Twins! If we don’t beat those hated Yanks tonight, we’ll surely get ’em tomorrow!, carries just such a facility but only on a daily updated basis.
For all of you who read German, Una Voce Deutschland offers the ordo for 2010 here:
Fr. Marc
If one has an iphone or ipod touch, the “imass” app has the propers of the day. I haven’t yet gotten it to work with my ipad.
And to my great joy, the site use the Perl, the Latin of scripting languages.
It would be a complicated job, because it would have to show all local feasts. Looking in old Missals it seeems there used to be a lot more differences between diocesan calendars as well as different national calendars.
When priests are travelling, should they follow the Ordo of their home diocese or the one they are in on the day? Presumably if you were saying public Mass in a parish church you would follow the local calendar, but what about private Masses? Perhaps what is really needed is a computer programme that detects where you are and creates a local Ordo for the week for your current location.
Speaking of which, I cannot remember – when we laity are travelling, should we follow days of Obligation based on our home diocese or the diocese that we are in on that day?
The diocese you are in. Or both. :-)
But sometimes strange things happen when travelling – I experienced a year without the Feast of Ascension. The feast can be celebrated either on Thursday or on Sunday, depending on the local law. On Thursday I was in a country which celebrates on Sunday, and vice versa…
I almost had a year without an Easter. Crossing the date line around then, and the OPSO was Jewish.
The Captain fixed it.
Vox clamantis, it was that sort of thing that prompted my question. It was a few years ago, before the English Bishops moved various feasts to the nearest Sunday. I think it was Corpus Christi. I was in France on the Thursday (France already having moved the feast) and back in England on the Sunday (where back then it had been celebrated on the Thursday).
Should I have gone to Mass on the Thursday anyway, even though it would not have been the Mass of the feast day? (Actually that wasn’t even an option, because the church in the village where I was staying didn’t have weekday Masses, but should I have done if I could have?)
I could have found an Extraordinary Form Mass of course, but I didn’t know where I might find one and only realised what was going on on the Wednesday afternoon when I stopped by the church to check on the Mass times for the following day.
Ed, I never thought of the Date Line problem!
The bottom line is that there is not an Ordo for the United States online. Sadly.
For the money, the FSSP Ordo is (in my opinion) the best in print. $10 flat. The 2011 will be sold here in a month or so:
If the little book is too much for travel, rip out all the stuff (documents, FSSP locations, responses, rubrical notes, etc.) before and after the pages for the twelve months of the year. But, with rare exception, it is 100% faithful/accurate to the books of 1962. All of the issues we talk about here (When are the autumn Ember Days? Which preface is used on Holy Thursday? What the heck is a commemoration?) are crystal clear and accurate in the Ordo.
For the money, the FSSP Ordo is (in my opinion) the best in print. $10 flat. . . . If the little book is too much for travel . . .
Definitely the best. And convenient–spiral bound, lies flat. At 6 oz and a quarter-inch thick, can’t imagine what kind of travel it would be too much for.
RichardT, I add a few lines from CIC. Obviously, you are not bound by laws of your diocese if you are not there. And once you are back home after the feast…well, the Church never asks us to do anything impossible (like travelling in time, which would help in this case :-) ) . Of course, going to a Holy Mass also on weekdays can never do any harm. :-)
Can. 12 §1. Universal laws bind everywhere all those for whom they were issued.
§2. All who are actually present in a certain territory, however, are exempted from universal laws which are not in force in that territory.
§3. Laws established for a particular territory bind those for whom they were issued as well as those who have a domicile or quasi-domicile there and who at the same time are actually residing there, without prejudice to the prescript of can. 13.
Can. 13 §1. Particular laws are not presumed to be personal but territorial unless it is otherwise evident.
§2. Travelers are not bound:
1/ by the particular laws of their own territory as long as they are absent from it unless either the transgression of those laws causes harm in their own territory or the laws are personal;
2/ by the laws of the territory in which they are present, with the exception of those laws which provide for public order, which determine the formalities of acts, or which regard immovable goods located in the territory.
§3. Transients are bound by both universal and particular laws which are in force in the place where they are present.
Vox clamantis, thank you – that is very interesting.
If I read that correctly, if I (as an Englishman) am in the USA on the Sunday after Corpus Christi, I do not have an obligation to attend Mass, even though both my home diocese and the diocese I am in both say that the Sunday is the day of obligation. Why not? Because it is a particular law rather than a universal one (the universal law sets the obligation on the Thursday), and canon 13.2 says that as a traveller I am not bound by the particular laws of either my home diocese or the one I am in, but only by the universal law.
Of course, as you say, it would be beneficial to go anyway, but it is interesting.
That’s assuming that I am a traveller (Canon 13.2) rather than a transient (Canon 13.3) – I assume a transient is a nomad, i.e. one who does not have a regular ‘home’ diocese.
I heard the Institute of Christ the King had their own electronic ordo in French, but I haven’t been able to find it online.
Richard, I overlooked your contribution, I was on vacation and (thanks God) Father Z writes quickly and people contribute much :-)… But I return to the “traveller’s problem” once more.
If I read that correctly, if I (as an Englishman) am in the USA on the Sunday after Corpus Christi, I do not have an obligation to attend Mass, even though both my home diocese and the diocese I am in both say that the Sunday is the day of obligation.
1) Wrong. Sunday remains Sunday :-), whether it is Corpus Christi or just a “normal” Sunday. The Sunday obligation is a universal law, the only exception (most probably) are countries in the Persian Gulf, where you can go to the Holy Mass, which is valid for Sunday on Friday (Moslems have weekend on Thursday and Friday, and, especially for manually working Catholics, it could be very difficult, if not impossible, to go to Holy Mass on Sunday).
2) Forget Sunday now. Another question is if one is a traveller in case that, e.g., an Englishman stays in France in one place for a week. I would say that, in CIC, a traveller is a person in process of travelling (if you travelling relatively quickly via territories of several dioceses, plus possible time shifts etc, I can think of really absurd situations – the Church avoids them by Can. 13 § 2), and staying somewhere would be a quasi-domicile. That’s why I suggested to follow rules of the diocese you are just in. It is safer, IMHO.