Grading my 2010 Predictions

Last year on this 1st day of the year, I made some predictions because people asked for some.

Let’s see how I did.  I’ll grade myself.  18 is a perfect score

  1. The TLM will continue to get traction as aging-hippies leave the scene and younger priests with less baggage take charge. [1 – yah… that’s going on.  Easy one.]
  2. The three-year post Summorum Pontificum report will cause liberal enemies of the Pope to engage in a vicious campaign of disinformation. [1 –  another easy one.]
  3. The GOP will have big gains at the midterm elections in both House and Senate, but not quite take over both. [.5 – I got the gains part right.]
  4. Israel will attack Iran. [.5 – There was the cyber-attack that seemed to work.]
  5. WDTPRS will develop a premium content page. [0 – Didn’t get to that.  But I did change the template.]
  6. The Chinese economy will start to crumble. [0 – Not yet.]
  7. Archbishop Wuerl will not be made a Cardinal. [0 – Pretty much wrong there.]
  8. We will see another Supreme Court vacancy and dreadful nomination. [1 – Yep. Alas.]
  9. The U.S. dollar will collapse. [0 – It didn’t collape yet.]
  10. There will be a major cyber attack on a financial center. [0 – I think.]
  11. The Magic Circle in England will crack further with a good appointment to Southwark. [.5 – Not sure what to say about that.  I will give myself something.]
  12. Before the mid-term elections another attempt at subversion of Catholics will come from the White House. [1 – With the special help of Sr. Carol Keehan.]
  13. Benedict of Rome and Kirill of Moscow will meet or announce they will meet somewhere. [0 – Nope.]
  14. Zapatero will lose his office in Spain. [0 – Nope.]
  15. The U.S. will continue to lose the war in Afghanistan. [.5 – Dunno about that.]
  16. Terrorist attacks on U.S. targets will rise sharply as U.S. resolve concerning a war on terror apparently slackens. [.5 – Sharply?  Not quite.  But it did rise.]
  17. Unemployment will rise globally as economies shrink and people will become more interested in the Faith. [1 – That was pretty safe.]
  18. The Nobel Prize for Peace will be given to Archbishop Rowan Williams. [0 – Liu Xiaobo is not Rowan Williams.]

7.5 of 18



How were your predictions?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Robert of Rome says:

    As bad as yours. [Better luck next year!]

  2. JustDave says:

    I’ll add:

    I will attend my first TLM in 2010.
    The Vikings *WILL* win the Superbowl.

    Total FAIL on my predictions. :(

  3. TNCath says:

    Fr. Z: The TLM will continue to get traction as aging-hippies leave the scene and younger priests with less baggage take charge.

    TNCath: I agree, and I also think the Ordinary Form ad orientem will also increase in interest and use for the same reasons. [Good one.]

    The Anglo-Catholic Ordinariate has already indicated that it will celebrate the Mass ad orientem, so I think my prediction came true. (+1)

    Fr Z: The three-year post Summorum Pontificum report will cause liberal enemies of the Pope to engage in a vicious campaign of disinformation.

    TNCath: This has already begun to take place.

    Note the articles from the NCR about the Mass at the National Shrine celebrated by His Excellency, Bishop Slattery:,, and . Not exactly what I’d call supportive! (+1)

    Fr. Z: The GOP will have big gains at the midterm elections in both House and Senate, but not quite take over both.

    TNCath: Obama-fatigue will continue to grow, but, don’t count the Clintons out of the equation. If people get tired enough of Obama and the Republicans don’t have anyone credible to run, it will be Hillary (and Bill in the background) in 2012.

    Hillary has said she had “no plans” to run for President in 2012 or ever. I’ll still believe it when I see it. (0)

    Fr. Z: Israel will attack Iran.

    TNCath: Leaving Obama with a huge dilemma about the U.S.’s support of Israel.

    While this hasn’t happened yet, Obama is still left with a huge dilemma about the U.S.’s support of Israel. (0)

    Fr. Z: The Chinese economy will start to crumble.

    TNCath: If it hasn’t already started to decay.

    It may not have yet, but there are several articles out there that suggest that it’s only a matter of time. (+.5)

    Fr. Z: Archbishop Wuerl will not be made a Cardinal.

    TNCath: Agreed, and, cardinal or not, I wouldn’t be surprised if he retired before age 75.

    Obviously wrong there, yes, but Cardinal Wuerl seems to be less intent on being chummy with “Catholic,” pro-abortion politicians as he was in the past. (0)

    Fr. Z: We will see another Supreme Court vacancy and dreadful nomination.

    TNCath: Semper idem.

    We can only hold on to the hope of change in 2012. (+1)

    Fr. Z: The U.S. dollar will collapse.

    TNCath: Hasn’t it already? Back to the gold standard?

    Ironically, the dollar might be a bit better than it was a year ago. (0)

    Fr. Z: The Magic Circle in England will crack further with a good appointment to Southwark.

    TNCath: A LOT of episcopal “circles” will be cracking around the world.

    Maybe not in Southwark, but the USCCB certainly got a shakedown with the election of Archbishop Dolan as president. (+.5)

    Fr. Z: Before the mid-term elections another attempt at subversion of Catholics will come from the White House.

    TNCath: I wonder how many conference calls take place among the White House, Miquel Diaz in Rome, and Doug Kmiec in Malta?

    Missed this one. The conference calls were obviously among the White House, the LCWR, and Sister Carol Keehan. (0)

    Fr. Z: Benedict of Rome and Kirill of Moscow will meet or announce they will meet somewhere.

    TNCath: Where is there neutral ground? Antioch, maybe? [Good question. Perhaps London?]

    Think Kirill might come to Assisi in October? (0)

    Fr. Z: Zapatero will lose his office in Spain.

    TNCath: The Spanish sure aren’t happy right now.

    They weren’t happy then, but they sure were happy to see the Pope come to Spain, which was probably the best thing to happen to Zaptero. (0)

    Fr. Z: The U.S. will continue to lose the war in Afghanistan.

    TNCath: And Obama will be saying, “Deadline? What deadline?” [And no one wins there.]

    Same prediction as last year. (+1)

    Fr. Z: Terrorist attacks on U.S. targets will rise sharply as U.S. resolve concerning a war on terror apparently slackens.

    TNCath: I’m afraid it has already slackened.

    I’d say mail bombs to embassy counts as a “sharp” increase. (+1)

    Fr. Z: Unemployment will rise globally as economies shrink and people will become more interested in the Faith.

    TNCath: This is how things usually happen when the Faith makes a comeback.

    It’s happening, although the recent Synod of Bishops said it will be 20 years before Western civilization collapses to the point that it will return to the Church and the Faith for guidance. (0)

    Fr. Z: The Nobel Prize for Peace will be given to Archbishop Rowan Williams.

    TNCath: Will this be the consolation prize for all those folks who have jumped the fence from Anglicanism to Rome?

    Maybe they thought giving it to Obama was already one lame duck too many?

  4. markomalley says:

    The one prediction that I’ve learned to make with 100% accuracy is that my predictions will be wrong.

    So I just don’t predict anymore.

    Having said that, 41.7% is a better average than most prognosticators, so hat’s off to you!

  5. jlmorrell says:

    My unsolicited predictions for 2011:

    1) The TLM will continue to get traction as aging-hippies leave the scene and younger priests with less baggage take charge. (Copied from Fr. Z, but, hey, it’s a gimme)

    2) Clarification document concerning Summorum Pontificum will be issued by PCED.

    3) Legal status will be granted to Transalpine Redemptorists (Sons of Most Holy Redeemer) of Papa Stronsay.

    4) U.S. economy will continue recovery based on non-sustaning factors (increaseed consumption, increased lending, moderately increased hiring, etc.), but will continue to be structurally headed for collapse (unsustainable debt & deficits & unreformed entitlement programs).

    5) Unemployment will remain greater than 8.8%.

    6) Berlusconi will lose his office.

    7) Sarah Palin will announce she is running for President.

    8) The TLM will be established in the Diocese of Beaumont, Texas.

    9) Fr. Z will continue to mercilessly promote Mystic Monk Coffee…and we will continue to buy it.

    10) Pope Benedict will don the tiara, restore the Sedia Gestatoria, celebrate the TLM, create an ordinariate for the SSPX, and name Bishop Fellay a Cardinal.

  6. Fr. Z–Any predictions for 2011?

  7. Daniel Latinus says:

    Concerning Prediction # 10:

    Didn’t the Wikileaks people mount cyber attacks on several financial institutions? Why wouldn’t those attacks count?

  8. ghp95134 says:

    Here’s Fr. McDonald’s predictions from his website “Southern Orders”…. (^ _ ^)
    1. Saturday Evening at 4:30 PM on November 26, 2011, a new English translation of the Mass will be implemented at St. Joseph Church and worldwide in English speaking places!


    –Guy Power

  9. mlwalker1972 says:

    It wasn’t Wikileaks that mounted the attack, but a group sympathetic to Wikileaks called Anonymous. Since then some of them have been arrested, so I guess they were not as “anonymous” as they thought :) Still, I think it counts. So Father Z should up that prediction to a “1”.

  10. Allan S. says:

    I predicted my cancer would spread, but it did not and I do not understand why I am spared and so many others are not. I am pleased to have been wrong, but am also painfully humbled.

    Father – you are a great blessing in all you do for us. I have of late been praying as many hours of the traditional Office as best I can and I make it a practice to offer each hour for some intention. Often, I pray for the intention of some case or person or group as mentioned by you. And, of course, I pray for you Father (along with my own Pastor).

    Thank you so very much for your amazing work and strength. It can mean so much. I’m tipping the donation box and wish you a very Happy New Year!

  11. Well, this is a better record than Hal Lindsey.

  12. Ed the Roman says:

    DOn’t fret, Father: .417 leads both leagues.

  13. Ed the Roman says:

    My music director is going to press to use the new Gloria by August, on the grounds that we really do not need Christmas to be the second time the new Gloria is used.

  14. spock says:

    41. 7 %

    That’s actually not too bad Father Z. If I remember some of my “weed out” engineering classes accurately, that would have been a B or C.

    I would suspect that accurately determining the future is a little tougher than Thermodynamics. Don’t let it depress you as much as that class depressed me !

    Happy New Year !

  15. lucy says:

    I really thought our economy would crash and hyperinflation would result. We stocked up on wheat berries, oatmeal, honey, high energy long storing capacity bars, etc. for the very thing to happen. Luckily it all lasts at least 5 years in containers and unopened. I’m sure it’s coming.

  16. puma19 says:

    oh dear what a load of missed predictions Fr Z. You really have to get to know european politics more if you are going to predict the downfall of PM Zapatero. Only an election in Spain can do that. As for +Williams getting the gong for Peace Nobel, well that was a wild one. How could you go for that man getting it after the fiasco in 2009 for Obama who certainly had no credibility for that award. The award had to go to someone like the Chinese in prison. Williams? Mixed up, nowhere to go, a drifting anglican prelate who would be far better suited as an Oxford don just writing in a College and sipping Pims each evening after a high dinner.
    As for the pope meeting the Russian Orthodox leader, that was a wild one as well. There is more to this than meets the eye and may be someway off. But there could now be a good argument for it happening in BXVI’s little meeting in Assisi in October. It would look good in that context and the Russian could meet many others, Rowan included along with the Dalai lama. Oh what bliss.
    But Fr Z, stick to Catholic Church commentary and observation and cooking up new menus. Leave the future to the Lord and him alone. :)

  17. Nathan says:

    How about a few predictions for 2011? I admit that I have on my rosacea-colored sunglasses…

    1) Tim Ferguson will write at least four absolutely hilarous parodies for Fr Z’s comboxes.

    2) His Excellency, the Bishop of Knoxville, will name Henry Edwards to be his special advisor. For at least in East Tennessee, this will usher in a period of common sense, reverence, and gentility for all Catholics.

    3) Fr. Z will have another blognic in Washington, DC. The size of the turnout will mean that it will have to be held in DAR Constitution Hall.

    4) The Ordinariate for former Anglicans will move in the direction of becoming the focus of Catholic culture in England.

    5) While the opposition to the Holy Father’s liturgical program will become more strident, the continuation of Pope Benedict’s episcopal appointments will reduce the progressives’ ability to stymie liturgical restoration.

    6) The new papal nuncio in London will become an avid reader of Fr. Finigan’s blog, and will recommend him to Rome to be bishop for an English diocese that opens up. The Tablet will have a cow.

    In Christ,

  18. AndyKl says:

    The three-year post Summorum Pontificum report will cause liberal enemies of the Pope to engage in a vicious campaign of disinformation. [1 – another easy one.]

    Did I miss that one? I don’t remember it being issued…?

  19. BenedictXVIFan says:

    As Yogi Berra said: It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.

  20. BenedictXVIFan says:

    That said, Fr. Z, you didn’t play it too safe, so breaking 40% is quite an achievement.

  21. irishgirl says:

    I don’t make predictions-I leave the future up to Our Lord….He knows what’s best for us.
    I’m just trying to survive (began the year with no heat at home-not good trying to sleep in a cold house last night!).

  22. boko fittleworth says:

    I, too, am confused. Was a three-year post Summorum Pontificum report issued?

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