This comes from Damian Thompson:
10,000 traditional Catholics appeal to the Pope not to water down Summorum Pontificum
My first ever blog post, four years ago, reported that Catholic traditionalists were worried by the non-appearance of a Motu Proprio removing restrictions on the celebration of the Tridentine Mass. But they had no need to worry – or so it seemed. Summorum Pontificum restored to priests and groups of the faithful the freedom to celebrate the older form of the Roman Rite without interference from hostile bishops.
As most of you will be aware, the question isn’t as settled as we thought. The enemies of Summorum Pontificum are reported to have prepared an “instruction” that undermines the Motu Proprio. We don’t know the details, but when a blog as influential as the New Liturgical Movement encourages Catholics to sign a petition to the Holy Father asking him not to allow such changes then I think there’s cause for alarm.
So far, 10,000 Catholics have signed. You may may find it hard to believe that Pope Benedict would take back something that he has solemnly granted. But the opponents of the Extraordinary Form are a determined bunch and – especially in the case of conservative supporters of the “reform of the reform” – extremely powerful in the curia. It wouldn’t be the first time a Pope has had his arm twisted. Here, again, is the link to the petition.
In my opinion, Damian’s comments are worthy of consideration.
There are lots of little tremors these days which, by themselves, may not mean too much. Over time, tremors start to mean something more.
The tectonic plates are shifting.
Technically, how could an “instruction” really do much “watering down” of a document issued motu proprio? Unless the Pope approves it in forma specifica, an instruction must conform to the law and apply it, never derogate from it and always be in harmony with it. If it doesn’t conform to the law or is unable to be reconciled to the law, it lacks all force (cf. c. 34). In the present case, “Summorum pontificum” is the law.
Just who exactly are these “opponents” of the Extraordinary Form? Please tell me names and stop using vague terms like “opponents”.
Done! Under my true legal name of course.
Could someone fill me in on the causes for concern about this instruction? I’ve seen, including in the petition, mention of how there are “signs” that the Instruction will “water down” SP… what are these signs?
The reaction has the flavor of hysteria. Some reports speak ominously of hidden forces in the Vatican, Modernist clerics, etc (I’m not saying these don’t exist), while others expressly deny that any of the provisions of the motu proprio will be taken away. Believe whom you will.
One of the big rumors is that the instruction will take away the permission of diocesan bishops to use the traditional ordination rite for their own priests, unless they have the express permission of the Holy See. This is seen as a blatant and horrible attack on the original motu proprio and the old rite itself.
But since the motu proprio never gave explicit permission for this in the first place (ordination is never mentioned, even though all the other sacraments are listed), it’s hard to see how this could be taken away. At the very least this would be a legitimate clarification of the original document.
I’ve been waiting a long time to see an encyclical named “Raptus Regaliter.”
Look, people were led to believe that the Tridentine was abrogated, that it could no longer be used, that it was no longer the holy Mass, that everything we knew liturgically rather suddenly was wrong. This happened 50 years ago. As we all now know, that was a HOAX, a prevarication, a LIE. No such thing ever happened. But how many times were we told it had?? Particularly at first.
Pope Benedict finally told the truth, and it’s on the internet, never to be erased because the internet is like that. So what can they say now–that it wasn’t a LIE??? That they made another “mistake” or thought better of its truthfulness somehow? We all know better and it’s been admitted loud and clear. That’s what really matters about all this. The truth is out.
I signed the petition the first day it came out-and under my own name!
I signed when it first came out and sent it to others.