Msgr. James Moroney on his blog Dignum et iustum has put together a handy page indicating the editions of the Roman Missal with the new, corrected ICEL translation. These are the editions in the USA. The UK editions are not included. Msgr. Moroney says…
Over the past few months I have been asked about the various editions of the Roman Missal which are available, so I have created the following chart to give you an idea what is available. If you click on the various editions it will bring you to the description of the product on the Publisher’s website.
Before Discounts
Catholic Book
Deluxe Genuine Leather Altar Edition (8.5 x 11)
Altar Clothbound Edition
(8.5 x 11)
Chapel Clothbound Edition (7 x 9)
Liturgical Press
Altar Edition (8.5 x 11)
Chapel Edition (6.5 x 9)
Liturgy Training Pubs
Classic Edition (8.5 x 11)
Ritual Edition (8.5 x 11)
Altar Edition (8.5 x 11)
Chapel Edition (6.5 x 9)
Midwest Theological
Regal Edition (8.5 x 11)
Classic Edition (8.5 x 11)
Altar Edition (8.5 x 11)
Chapel Edition (6.5 x 9)
World Library Publications
Deluxe Edition (Genuine Leather Cover) (9 x 12)
Value Edition
(9 x 12)
Father this is a good post for priests in the USA. I don’t suppose you could do one for the Laity who want hand missals and furthermore, both what’s available for NAB and NRSV complete 3-year everyday missals.
I concur. I would like to see what new missal options will be available. Hopefully there will be some that are affordable.
Even better would be an iMissal. :-)
What’s totally missing–here or anywhere else I’ve seen–is any information about a Latin-English hand missal for folks to use in the pews.
Seems like the good Monsignor has forgotten WLP:
Anyone care to hazard a guess as to how long we’ll be using the 3rd edition, revised? Another piece of info that is hard to find is to what extent these volumes contain music and any Latin, such as for the creed and eucharistic prayers.
Let’s not let the perfect become the enemy of the good. Magnificat has the pew cards available NOW for purchase…just put in an order for 200 for my parish, and pre-ordered a couple of altar missals (one for me, one for Father Stan) as a gift.
The Roman Missal has to have the original Latin in the back since this is always an allowable option, even the current altar missals have the original texts; this was confirmed with Magnificat.
As for the hand missals? Since I usually order 15-20 of them for my RCIA class, I have a pre-order in. I’d start looking for them after October 1. @Henry: I’m not betting on a Latin/English hand missal for the folks in the pews.
As to the new music accompaniments…I’m holding my breath that the campfire songs disappear as being totally discordant with the new language of the Mass. But, then that would be too much to ask, wouldn’t it?
For laity use…probably Catholic Book Publishing Company will have new hand missal sets out. That’s who I use; while the intro texts for each day tend to be a little banal at times (mentioning, at times, Martin Luther King and other secular personalities as examples…), they do provide some reasonable focus information for the theme of the Mass, if a bit pedestrian.
Coda: the Missals themselves (altar and hand) are embargoed by the USCCB and ICEL until October First. So…that’s when they’ll be shipped.
It is not licit to actually use these Missals until Advent 2011 despite that the embargo will be lifted October 1, correct?
@Michael J-
I do not think the embargo will be lifted on Oct 1st. It is my impression that publishers will need the extra time to have the missals available and ready for distribution to everyone who has purchased one. I am not certain what the initial print run will be like, but I am guessing that the publishers would like to avoid fufilling back orders, if at all possible.
A side question to the missals, if I may ask? Does anyone know if a new supplement to the “Liturgy of the Hours” will be printed that will contain the newly translated collects?
@DT: some publishers already have them in the warehouse. They are waiting for the embargo to expire to ship them.
I was in Fuchs Religious Goods in Detroit and found a girl’s First Communion that has the new translation. It was a very attractive production, I must say.
Liturgical Training Publications also produces the Missal in a chapel edition, for $95.00. Not only is it one of the least expensive of that size, it contains the illustrative work of Matthew Alderman, which settled the choice for my library.
As to pew worship aids, I really, REALLY, R-E-A-L-L-Y recommend getting one which includes the chants from the Ordinary of the Mass. This entire endeavor is not only about a new set of words. Any pastor who acts otherwise is kidding himself, and doing an injustice to his parish. You have to reinforce this on day one, or it just gets harder. Oregon Catholic Press has an inexpensive booklet for $2.99.
Henry, Brian & Ioannes,
The Midwest Theological Forum missal is Latin-English and you can pre-order the “personal” or individual versions by phone though they are not on the web site yet. They have hard cover, bonded leather and leather at $60, $75 and $95 if I recall. I pre-ordered mine and was told they will ship in September. No music unless they made changes, but the entire novus ordo in English and Latin including the introit and all of the prayers.
DT from what I have heard any movement on changing the LOTH will have to wait until the new mass translation and transition is complete.
If some enterprising publisher is in a position to produce a volume with only the (new, corrected) Collects, that might be useful for those religious houses that pray the Hours in common, and those individuals who wish to use it. Come to think of it, such books have actually existed in recent years.
MichaelJ —
The US bishops said that, local bishop permitting, parishes can start using the new translation at Mass before Advent. If the local bishop doesn’t permit, you just gotta wait. A lot of bishops are apparently going to permit it, though.
Suburbanbanshee, I thought that was only if it was sung, that if the reponses or the Gloria and Creeds are spoken the new translation cannot be used?
I went with the Magnificat edition a few weeks ago. From what you can see online, it looks really beautiful.
Received a brochure in the mail yesterday. Here are some excerpts:
It was “conceived in the USA by Magnificat, and designed in parish, France, with Mame, a pontifical publishe since 1756. It is printed and bound in Vicenza, Italy, by the Legatoria Editoriale Giovanni Olivotto, a premier art book printer specializing in luxurious liturgical books since 1900.” “reinforced spine and an additional double layer of lining to ensure durability” “printed on beautiful ivory paper made by the renowned Swiss paper maker Bolloré.” The “Altar Edition weighs approximately 7.5 lbs. and the Chapel Eddition weighs 4.5 lbs.”
Can’t wait to get my hands on this beautiful Liturgical book!
By the way, I’m interviewing Msgr. Moroney on my podcast tomorrow afternoon. It should be online by Sunday night.
This is good to hear. Thanks, Suburbanbanshee.
Interestingly, this issue came up a few short weeks ago. At the time, the general consensus was that nobody, even with the local Bishop’s permission, could use the new translation before Advent.
I reviewed the various editions of the Roman Missal on my blog. There were eight, one from the UK, the Catholic Truth Society, and seven stateside. The overall best one, by a long Texas mile, was the one by the Catholic Truth Society. It met, in my estimation, all of the requirements of Liturgiam Authenticam. The best American version, because, as I saw it, it conformed closely to LA and was a good counterpart to the CTS, was the one by the Magnificat.
The bottom of the barrel was reserved for Liturgical Press. Its artwork is so ugly and shoddy that it deserves a place in the Crescat’s Hall of Shame. This would not only make Baby Jesus cry, it would make him wail and sob.
MTF ranked in the middle because, although it is beautiful, it is just too pricey, unless MTF takes a cue from QVC and puts its Roman Missal on easy pay.
You can read my reviews here:
I did include WLP; it ranks at No. 3.
I also bought the CTS hybrid transitional Roman Missal. It’s a good one to have because it combines the revised ICEL chant settings (in the event our bishop decides to do the two-part implementation phase in my diocese).
FYI: CTS will be having a “people’s Missal” with the readings.
When I posted my initial rankings, Mr. Paul Ford from LP was rather disappointed that I gave his publishing house such a low mark. He said that the artwork was beautiful; however, given the fact that he composes music for this publisher, I wondered about his objectivity. But, that is just me.