Here are some recent posts of interest.
First, thank you to all the readers who have sent donations and items from my wishlist. I have an open Mass intention on Saturday and will say Mass for the intentions of you kind benefactors.
Here are some recent posts which are scrolling along as I add more.
- The West Wing and the 2008 Presidential Election
- Archbishop by Archbishop in Winnipeg!
- Things are not always what they seem at first glance
- US Catholic gets nutty about Bp. Olmsted of Phoenix and Communion under both kinds
- The music at Pope Benedict’s Mass in Berlin
- ENGLAND – Fr. Finigan’s parish, O.L. of the Rosary’s patronal feast 7 OCT: He has a GREAT idea!
- SSPX German Superior Fr. Schmidberger on Benedict XVI in Germany: Coincidence?
- QUAERITUR: Will I go to heaven if I die in the state of grace?
- The Pope, The Pill, and the Renewed Babylonian Captivity of the Church
- “For you and for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
- Benedict XVI before the Pietà of Etzelsbach
- Benedict XVI’s sermon at Holy Mass in Erfurt
- A fun commercial back on the air
- Fr. Blake of Brighton taking flak from bullies for being Catholic
- WDTPRS 26th Ordinary Sunday: “bowels of mercy”
- Question for readers on iPhone stuff (jailbreak, unlock, dual sims, then what…?)
- Benedict XVI with Lutherans in Erfurt: “It is not strategy that saves us and saves Christianity, but faith.”
- Of things astronomic and thanks to readers on the Autumnal Equinox
- New iPhone app for Catholic voters to access US Congress
- QUAERITUR: Is the SSPX in schism or not?
- CNS makes the same “Copernican Revolution” error about the CDF’s “Doctrinal Preamble” for the SSPX
- Reality TV
- Benedict XVI’s sermon for Mass in Berlin’s Olympic Stadium: “Every one of us is faced with this choice.”
- El Paso priest transferred because of his public remarks leading up to a mayoral recall vote
- Pope Benedict is now in Germany: opening remarks
- Really cool fossil. Nothing to do with liturgy.
- QUAERITUR: Altar breads/hosts made in USA by religious?
- QUAERITUR: Why bother going to Mass in the state of sin? Fr. Z rants with hellfire and brimstone.