Daily Archives: 18 September 2011

Dr. Peter’s responds to Dr. Kreeft

I posted a piece by Peter Kreeft who opined that it would be good for one hundred anti-abortion-graphic-image-totin’ bishops to be thrown in jail as a witness against abortion.  Among other consequences, the press could not ignore the message. I … Read More

Posted in Emanations from Penumbras, Linking Back, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , ,

CARA study on trends for parishes, Mass attendance

Over at the Fishwrap, their elder-dissenter Richard McBrien posted a column about shifts in Mass attendance.  He works from a study about the “‘Supersizing’ the U.S. Catholic Parish Life” conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) … Read More

Posted in New Evangelization, Our Catholic Identity, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , , , , , , ,

Bishops of England and Wales unveil their future priorities

It has happened int the past, that the Vicar of Christ has traveled to a place, was met with great enthusiasm, caused a bump, a wave in Catholic identity, and after a fairly short period of time everything went back … Read More

Posted in Brick by Brick, New Evangelization, Our Catholic Identity, SESSIUNCULA, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , ,

“Not because I hate bishops, because I love them.”

I have made the argument that John Paul II slowly shifted the character of the episcopate in the USA.   Eventually, the balance shifted.  The balance is shifting in presbyterates.  The balance is shifting in seminaries. When the numbers grow high … Read More

Posted in SESSIUNCULA | Tagged , , , ,

An NLM collaborator ordained priest today!

NLM reports that their collaborator Br. Lawrence Lew of Blackfriars, Oxford, was ordained priest today. WDTPRS kudos to Fr. Lew!

Posted in Fr. Z KUDOS, The Campus Telephone Pole | Tagged , , ,