A reader alerted me to this amusing bit at the blog Acts of Apostasy. Apparently a parishonert at Divine Tambourine parish was fed up with the liturgical abuses inflicted by the priest and, having been rebuffed a few times, found a way to get his attention:
The next step is to get him a Say The Black Do The Red coffee mug along with some Mystic Monk Coffee to put him in a more receptive mood.
I don’t think a parish polluted with liturgical abuse would be that full of such respectable-looking people. Also suspect the photo was taken in Europe (central Europe?), judging by the appropriate posture of the women (hands folded in their laps, shoulders back) and the men wearing jackets. [I require good posture, BTW, of my students in catechism class — I do think it helps their learning!]
You understand the priest is one of the tambourine crowd from the sleeping girls in the first row.
QUOTE: “…a parishioner at Divine Tambourine parish…”
Also known as the Church of the Presumptuous Assumption.
The referenced blog entry and commentary from 23 November 2011 is well worth a re-visit. All have *got* to see Vincenzo’s contribution after they listen to Zuhlio’s classic “Lady Tambourine Priest”. The art earned the Academy’s “Gold Star of the Day”. (Most critics agree that it should have earned the “Platinum Cross With Swords, Oak Leaves, and Diamonds”!)
Great stuff!
In light of the new, revised English translation of the Roman Missal, which so loves the use of subordinate clauses and reverent language, might I propose changing the rather prosaic
“Say the black, do the red”
to the more poetic
“Give voice to the black, the red having been accomplished” ?
Just a thought.
New Sister– I thought the same thing. They don’t look like they’re at a baseball game.
But yeah, my parents always made us sit up straight and face forward at Mass. No Cheerios, no bringing toys or coloring books. I really think weekly Mass attendance did wonderful things for my very young attention span that have helped me later in life.
They look bored out of their gourds and ready to get out of there…even though I’m sure Father is grooving out and speaking to them like they’re 5-yr-olds (although in his defense, his education has probably been so minimal that he may not be able to do much more than that). Strange how people don’t like that, no?
Cute – even knowing the photo is doctored. Sometimes you have to use a 2-by-4 to get the attention you need…