KC, MO: The Star continues its relentless biased attacks on the Church

Over at SERVIAM you can learn a great deal about what is going on in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and the relentless attacks on Bp. Finn in particular and the Catholic Church in general.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. r.j.sciurus says:

    And the Catholic League has been heroic in their efforts thus far to assist.

  2. Liz says:

    God bless Bishop Finn. He is in my prayers.

  3. Phillip says:

    I don’t know. Their coverage of the Ratigan/Bishop Finn affair was ridiculous. I read the latter two parts of the series they’re talking about, though, and found it relatively even-handed. It did not read like a gratuitous smear on the Church as a whole, and focused more on the alleged victims – and if the Star was honest in its reporting, it seems as if the allegations are quite credible.

  4. PostCatholic says:

    Bless the people of Kansas City. They’re in my thoughts and wishes. May they be liberated soon.

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