Mark Steyn has an especially mordant column on National Review Online about the nation’s new contracepting sweetheart ( for lack of a better word), Sandra Fluke. This pair of paragraphs caught my attention.
Steyn points to an ironic contradiction in the thinking Pres. Obama and his HHS minion catholic Kathleen Sebelius and the rest of the Party of Death.
Nor is the core issue liberty in its more basic sense — although it would certainly surprise America’s founders that their republic of limited government is now the first nation in the developed world to compel private employers to fully fund the sex lives of their employees.
Nor is it even the distinctively American wrinkle the Republic of Paperwork has given to governmentalized health care, under which the “right to privacy” the Supreme Court claimed to have discovered in Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade will now lead to thousands and thousands of self-insuring employers keeping computer records of the morning-after pills and herpes medication racked up by Miss Jones on reception.
Speaking of Mark Steyn:
I recommend Mark Steyn’s After America: Get Ready for Armageddon.
USA book click here.
USA Kindle book click here. (Text-to-Speech enabled)
UK book click here. UK doesn’t have a separate Kindle version yet.
Regarding Right to Privacy.
In my own research, I have found that the data collected regarding, let’s say abortion, varies from state to state. Where one was comparing our teen pregnancy rates here (MS) to another state (CA) and ultimately PROVE they were so much more sophisticated in their education and thus reducing pregnancies, you have to further state – CA doesn’t report. They guesstimate. But knowing liberal states, as CA is one of the biggest, their “education” doesn’t mean their was a drop in teen pregnancies but in BIRTHS.
If it proceeds, I have no reason to believe that some will challenge under the Right to Privacy Act.
I will insert this glimmer of hope that we saw briefly here. IF something like the Personhood Act were passed stating that a person begins at conception, then we were very hopeful that although the Act itself may not have stopped abortion immediately (challenge) it would have provided an opportunity to record DEATHS. No one seemed to pick up on that, nor see that it was important but when you have those, whether via abortion OR IVF procedures being recorded as deaths….and they see how many for each state….it would force us to look at this as with the teen pregnancies. Right now, when you look at figures like abortion and not connect with DEATH, it still seems too, sterile. It was a death. It was a person. I am off topic but I do feel that the Right to Privacy would be challenged regarding ABC and devices.
Across the board, the misuse and unethical collection of medical and persoal information threatens to be a huge problem in the future. The private sector can be shamed and lobbied into policing itself, and individual professions have their own codes of ethics on privacy.
But the government is by nature a different ballgame in accountability: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who watches the watchers?). And that should make one nervous.
A lot of tyrants have gotten a foot in the door because people did not believe that what was to come was even possible.
This move affects us as well, because if the government knows who contracepted, it will know (or assume) who didn’t. Wasn’t the government supposed to stay out of the bedroom?
” A lot of tyrants have gotten a foot in the door because people did not believe that what was to come was even possible.”
Great point. Unfortunately, those who do see what is coming are criticized for even thinking such a thing or are laughed at.
Funny you mention this Father.
Just before I read this post, I sent the link for that column to some friends.
Steyn hits the nail on the head yet again. I would recommend ALL of his books (including the ones about musical theatre, if anyone is interested)
Semper Fi!