My friend Fr. Richard Heilman (whom I have featured before, HERE and HERE), had a great idea yesterday.
We were talking about how Pope Francis spends an hour before the Blessed Sacrament in the evening.
Why not coordinate exposition and adoration with him?
Thus, Fr. Heilman:
In the recent interview with Pope Francis, he admitted that his favorite time of day is in Adoration between 7:00 – 8:00 PM. Did you know that is noon for us in CST? [Central time in these USA]
Let’s get something going …
Fast and prayer for (with) Pope Francis …
… every noon hour.
See if your church will open their doors, and even possibly expose the Blessed Sacrament.
A good idea which I present to the readership for their opportune consideration.
I sometimes muse about how many ills are healed, how many burdens are lifted, and even how many chastisements are averted because of acts of reparation by the faithful, good Holy Communions which are offered up, and time spent in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord praying for many intentions.
To underline the obvious, this could be commodiously worked out throughout the time zones of the contiguous States: Pacific, 10 a.m., Mountain, 11a.m., Eastern, 1 p.m.
Meanwhile, another, different possible instance of coordination?:
My pastor once told me that when he was in seminary, his mother would kneel outside the church right next the the wall adjacent to the tabernacle (and high altar) and pray for him since the church was locked at night. Talk about devotion! I think that would also send a message to any pastors who refuse to open the church for adoration!
Also, Vatican City stops observing Daylight Savings on Sunday, October 27th this year, so anyone in Arizona, Hawaii, or a country that either does not observe daylight savings or ends it on a different day will have to adjust accordingly.
I cannot recall who gave the advice that when things are wrong with the world or the church, rather than writing letters to the press (or getting worked up about it in other ways) it is more profitable to bring one’s concerns to the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Maybe it was St John Vianney? Or maybe many good and holy men and women have advised it? At any rate, I think it is sound advice (which I would do well to heed more too!).
An excellent idea… Perhaps it could even be improved by coordinating it with public praying of the Divine Office ad Sextam?
Fr. Heilman has gone before the Blessed Sacrament more than once to intercede for my family. My husband and I frequently stop in for some time with Jesus while out on regular dates (aka grocery shopping–seriously!). And I know that our marriage and our family benefited greatly during the years my husband was able to keep a scheduled Holy Hour. We definitely need to get back to the regular schedule. This is a great idea. Thanks for posting the time–I can definitely commit to the prayer and fasting during my noon hour with my little ones here at home.
Attributed to St. Maximilian Kolbe, here is a wonderful meditative poem:
The day was long,
The burden I had borne
Seemed heavier than I could longer bear
And then it lifted– but I did not know
Someone had knelt in prayer;
Had taken me to God that very hour,
And asked the easing of the load, and He,
In infinite compassion, had stooped down
And taken it from me.
We cannot tell how often as we pray
For some bewildered one,
Hurt and distressed,
The answer comes,
But many times those hearts
Find sudden peace and rest.
Someone had prayed, and
Faith, a reaching hand,
Took hold of God, and brought him down that day!
So many, many hearts have need of prayer.
Oh, let us pray!
St. Maximilian Kolbe
I think that this is a good idea but I do not find that I can join in at that hour. I can easily work out just what time this is for me. It is 0200 hours and although I do sometimes have broken sleep I usually am fast asleep at that time and I am certain that my parish church is locked at that hour.
Noon is when we have daily Mass here. Couldn’t work better.
Right on Back Pew Sitter
Back pew sitter says:
25 September 2013 at 9:59 am
I cannot recall who gave the advice that when things are wrong with the world or the church, rather than writing letters to the press (or getting worked up about it in other ways) it is more profitable to bring one’s concerns to the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
I remember after World War II, I read somewhere that who really won the War, were the little old ladies on their knees across America.
Thank you, Fr. Z for sharing that wonderful idea. I always remember Papa Francis and Papa Emerito when I go visit our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament but now, if I can participate in solidarity with everyone and the Holy Father, I will do my best to do so. I will remember you as well in prayer.