VIDEO: Pope Francis announces date of canonizations of John XXIII and John Paul II

Pope Francis announced during a consistory the dates for the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II. 27 April 2014 – Sunday of Divine Mercy.

Latin, of course, because of the nature of this official papal act.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. ppintado says:

    Dear readers, check out this book about former Cardinal Bergoglio by the Vicar of Opus Dei in Argentina

  2. Geoffrey says:

    Deo gratias! Laudetur Iesus Christus! Beate Ioannes Paule Magne, ora pro nobis!

  3. Andrew says:

    Mihi valde placuit. Ob inflexum atque modulationem vocis, statim percipitur Papam bene callere sermonem Ecclesiae.

  4. Servant of the Liturgy says:

    Deo gratias!

    I note that His Holiness has clearly taken a hard line against the mozetta.

  5. Priam1184 says:

    Beate Iohannes Paule ora pro nobis et Ecclesia.

  6. rhhenry says:

    Latin, of course, but why the purple stole? Announcing the canonization of two Popes doesn’t seem like a penitential act to me. Any help?

  7. albinus1 says:

    But … But … I thought that Pope Frances was getting rid of all that fusty old Latin stuff!

  8. I am awaiting the extreme right’s reaction on 28 April 2014. If canonisation is an infallible decree, and I am told by many, including many on the far right, that it is, and if Vatican II was so evil, then Pope Francis’s canonisation of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII will really cause an upset. The canonisation of the Pope who excommunicated Archbishop Lefebvre will not go down well. Pope John Paul II and the Koran too. For many this will be proof that Pope Francis is an anti-pope. For others not willing to make that move it will be evidence that canonisation is not infallible and they’ll have to rethink their theology a bit.

    Option 1: Pope Francis dies before 27 April and the canonisations are delayed.
    Option 2a: Pope Francis canonises them and the world ends.
    Option 2b: Pope Francis canonises them and the Church is blessed with two extra saints.

    I personally go with option 2b, but will still be watching out for the repercussions I believe will follow.

  9. Johnno says:

    In before Secular Media Reports:

    St. Pope John XXIII – The GREATEST Pope who ever lived!
    – Loved for his Progressive ideas and optimism!
    – Ushered in much needed change to the Catholic Patriarchial Church
    – Opened the windows of a closed minded Church to the contributions of the world!
    – Saved the Church from self destruction and irrelevance!

    TV News Anchor: “We are here with expert Catholic Theologian Sr. Maureen on this momentous occasion! Sister, do you believe that had SAINT John XXIII lived to see the conclusion of his glorious council that today there would be far more openness, inclusivity and equality in the Roman Catholic Church?”

    Sr. Maureen: “Indeed, oh (blush) undoubtedly so! Women would be given the positions opf influence and service they lovingly deserve! it’s too bad he couldn’t, but we know that indeed he is in heaven and working for our cause! We have a great ally who will help us to evolve past Jesus into the galactic plane of nirvana and one-ness with the universe that SAINT John XXIII wanted. We are so happy for this day and thank God, blessed be Her name! Blessed be the great spirit of Her glorious Council!”

    I’m just giving you an advance taste of things to come…

  10. CatholicMD says:

    Did JPII wear the mozetta and stole when addressing the cardinals? I honestly don’t remember but I don’t think so.

  11. Joe in Canada says:

    Why the purple?

  12. Andrew says:

    This is what I hear:

    Apud Congregationem de Causis Sanctorum. Ut ab eminentissimo domino Angelo SRE Cardinale Amato, ejusdem Congregationis Praefecto, accepimus, omnia quae opus sunt ut Beati Joannes XXIII et Joannes Paulus II in sanctorum numero censeantur, feliciter sunt expleta. Sed et vos venerabiles fratres antequam hoc consistorium celebraretur jam per litteras mentem vestram singuli aperuistis et declarastis ipsos beatos, attentis praesertim nostrorum temporum adjunctis, tamquam vitae christianae et sanctitatis exemplaria, universae Ecclesiae esse proponendos. Cum autem de re maximi momenti agatur, antequam consilium certum et definitivum capiatur et statuantur dies quibus iidem beati in sanctorum album adscribantur, si quis vestrum opportunum existimet aliquid addere, fidenter manifestare velit quid sentiat:
    Gaudeo et laetor venerabiles fratres, quod existimatis totius ecclesiae venerationi beatos Joannem XXIII et Joannem Paulum II esse proponendos. Itaque auctoritate Dei Omnipotentis, Apostolorum Petri et Pauli ac Nostra decernimus ut Beati Joannes XXIII et Joannes Paulus II die septimo et vigesimo mensis Aprilis anno bismillesimo quarto decimo in sanctorum album referantur.

    A clumsy on the spot English rendition:

    From the Congregation of the Causes of Saints. As we received from the eminent lord Angelus of the Holy Roman Church Cardinal Amato, the Prefect of the same Congregation, everything that was needed for Blessed John XXIII and JPII to be included in the list of saints, is happily finished. But also you, venerable brethren, before this Consistory was celebrated, already indicated your opinion in letters and declared them blessed, and exemplars of Christian life and of sanctity, to be proposed to the entire Church, having taken into consideration the circumstances of our times. Since however we are dealing with a highly important subject, before a certain and definitive day is established on which the same blessed are to be inscribed in the list of saints, if anyone of you deems it important to add anything, may he confidently manifest what he might feel:
    I am glad and I rejoice, venerable brethren, that you esteem to propose for the veneration of the entire Church the blessed John XXIII and JPII. Therefore, by the authority of Almighty God, of the Apostles Peter and Paul and Ours, we decree that Blessed John XXIII and JPII on the 27th day of April in the year 2014 are to be referred in the album of the saints.

  13. ClavesCoelorum says:

    Did His Holiness say “Apostolorum Petri et Pauli AC NOSTRA”? Yes, he did!

    Father, if I’m right, that’s “by Our authority”?

    It’s these little things that make my day! :)

  14. I think the stole is supposed to be red, but good for the Latin, and the ac nostra…

  15. APX says:

    I think his stole might be more of a purplish red rather than straight out purple, but then again, the color of something is really just a perception of how we see it depending on how light is reflecting on it. Maybe Father’s blue chasuable in Advent really is purple…

  16. John Nolan says:

    As a priest, bishop and cardinal, Pope Francis wore choir dress – why has he taken against it now? Everyone else in the room was correctly dressed. It reminded me of Gordon Brown, in his first year as Chancellor of the Exchequer, turning up at a formal dinner at the Mansion House wearing a lounge suit. What was the message? “I’m a man of the people and a busy politician who has no time for formal evening dress” or “I’m a slob and discourteous to boot”. I inclined towards the latter.

  17. NickD says:

    First of all, Latin: :)

    Second of all, “auctoritate Dei Omnipotentis, Apostolorum Petri et Pauli ac Nostra.” The royal we! HAHA :D

  18. Robertus Pittsburghensis says:

    In addition to penance, isn’t violet the traditional color of blessings? Could this be construed as a blessing?

  19. Animadversor says:


    Ob inflexum atque modulationem vocis, statim percipitur Papam bene callere sermonem Ecclesiae.

    Videlicet quippe?

  20. Andrew says:


    Videlicet quia verba et singulas phrases articulatim et distincte enuntiat quod fieri non posset si linguam latinam ignoraret.

  21. I’m so excited! I’ll be in Rome next semester with Christendom College, and I’ll be in Rome for the canonization! Deo gratias!!!

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