Today the Holy Father named new Cardinals, including:
The Pontiff made the announcement during his Angelus address in St Peter’s Square this morning.
The Pope named 15 other voting cardinals:
– Archbishop Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State;
– Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary of the Synod of Bishops;
– Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith;
– Archbishop Beniamino Stella, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy;
– Archbishop Leopoldo José Brenes Solórzano of Managua, Nicaragua;
– Archbishop Gérald Cyprien Lacroix of Québec;
– Archbishop Jean-Pierre Kutwa of Abidjan, Ivory Coast;
– Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster;
– Archbishop Orani João Tempesta of Rio de Janeiro;
– Archbishop Gualtiero Bassetti of Perugia-Città della Pieve; [replaced Bagnasco as a member of the Cong. for Bishops]
– Archbishop Mario Aurelio Poli of Buenos Aires;
– Archbishop Andrew Yeom Soo jung of Seoul;
– Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello of Santiago de Chile;
– Archbishop Philippe Nakellentuba Ouédraogo of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;
– Archbishop Orlando Quevedo of Cotabato, Philippines;
– Bishop Chibly Langlois of Les Cayes, Haiti.
He also appointed three non-voting cardinals who are over 80:
-Archbishop Loris Francesco Capovilla, former secretary to John XXIII,
-Emeritus Archbishop Fernando Sebastián Aguilar of Pamplona
-Archbishop Kelvin Edward Felix of Castries, Saint Lucia.
No one from these USA.
I had been wondering for quite some time when Müller would be given a Red Hat. I doubt this will shut up the people who think Müller and His Holiness were somehow doctrinally opposed (wymynpriests, Communion for civilly remarried divorcees, etc.)
Glad to see someone from the UK on the list. :)
The Archbishop of Cotabato… what an unusual choice. I wonder why he was chosen over the Archbishop of Cebu, which typically gets a red hat and doesn’t have a current voting age Cardinal. Cotabato has only 24 parishes and 2 suffragan dioceses, and it’s in the middle of Muslim territory.
I wonder why there of all places, with all the Islamic extremist terrorism in that region too.
I’ve heard the news I need to for today. I’m sure the MSM will have someone complaining about the lack of an American and definitely some stupid remark about a lack of women cardinals.
I wonder if it would have been too outside of normal protocol to name Ganswein a cardinal?
Alas, probably.
The name Capovilla will be familiar to Fatima devotees.
Legisperitus says:
The name Capovilla will be familiar to Fatima devotees.
His comments re Fatima help answer the question about the ho-hum text of the 3rd Secret that was released: If this is all there is to it, why would anyone keep it a secret?
BTW, he also said that JXXIII wanted the liturgy in the vernacular. How does that jibe with Veterum Sapientia?
So which one is the girl?
There weren’t really any Americans waiting for it this time ’round, after all.
It’s interesting to see that Pope Francis hasn’t quite stuck to the more traditional places for Cardinals to be picked (Venice, Turin, Cebu…). Mihi placet.
Having done some research, I have discovered that the present Bishop of Cayes is also the elected head of Haiti’s episcopal conference.
If anyone has read the widespread reports of the nightmare condition the Diocese of Buenos Aires continues to be in, it would certainly make one wonder how the current Archbishop of that continued train wreck could have been selected. Then again, I guess given that much of that wreckage proliferated under the leadership of Francis while he was in charge there, it should be no surprise. After the exhortation to “make a mess,” we should not be surprised that there are so many, from the top down, doing a great job of it.
I guess if Archbishop Chaput had allowed gay masses to take place in his area, as did Archbishop Nichols, he might have received a red hat today.
It has more to do with the age of their immediate predecessors than with “gay masses.”
My comment was directed at Nichols, not frustration Chaput was not chosen. Why Nichols was chosen is beyond me. There’s a reason he was passed over by Benedict.
No Piero Marini. Is that a good sign for the CDW?
Re Marini
I doubt it means much. Mueller ran the CDF for a year or so without being a Cardinal.
The British Isles are with no Cardinal now that the Scott is gone, thus Nichols.
Fairly simple, actually.
By the way, Sandro Magister has a Crystal Ball!
The Archbishop of Cotabato… what an unusual choice.
Not surprised by no Americans as all the really good bishops are relatively new and too many have allegations against them, albeit some false.
As to the Philippines, good choice, in my mind, putting those good anti-contraception, anti-abortion bishops in the limelight.
As to Nichols, let us pray for him. I have chosen to pray to St. Thomas a Becket for Vincent.
Gérald Cyprien Lacroix is also an interesting choice, given the horrors of Quebec Catholicism. He
co-chairmen of the Committee on Life and Family of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, which is a very important position. I hope he keeps it.
Regensburg is an interesting choice.
sorry He IS co-chairman…
Most of these choices are not surprising; even Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso has been a cardinalatial see. Neither was it surprising that no American prelates were chosen.
No, the fun ones, as others above have noted, are the last two: the Archbishop of Cotabato in the Philipines, and the Bishop of Cayes in Haiti. Pope Francis jumped over any number of Philippine sees, including the cardinalatial see of Cebu as noted above, to pick a very tiny archdiocese in Mindanao to honor with the red hat. So did Pope Francis choose Abp. Quevedo because he “has advocated and designed the structures of pastoral Asian churches” as Secretary-General of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, as jhayes noted above — it’s a quote from the Fishwrap, by the way — or did he choose Quevedo because of his personal holiness?
Same thing in Haiti: that country has two archdioceses and eight other dioceses, but Pope Francis bypassed Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haïtien and went to Les Cayes. Did he choose Bp. Chilby Langlois because he is President of the Haitian Bishops’ Conference, or did he choose Langlois because of his personal holiness?
In both cases, if not for the latter cause, these choices may be problems. But we don’t know enough, yet, about Quevedo and Langlois, to make that determination.
All the same, the choices illustrate the Lord’s words: “the last shall be first and the first shall be last.” They are the last two on the list, and precedence in the College is determined by the order one is placed on the list. This could be very interesting.
That’s true. But still, it’s at least better that he was not named, than if he had been.
as jhayes noted above — it’s a quote from the Fishwrap, by the way
Many of us in Britain might have remained perfectly happy – for now – not to have any Cardinal at all…
While individual names may be surprising, we should not be surprised that he is not choosing “cardinalatial” sees: he’s made it clear he wants to break that model.
Perhaps it would have been too much to appoint the Archbishop of Cebu as a cardinal, since there is already an Archbishop (retired) Cardinal of Cebu.
ClavesCoelorum says:
12 January 2014 at 6:18 am
Glad to see someone from the UK on the list. :)
Erm, depends who the “someone” is…..
Supertradmum says:
As to Nichols, let us pray for him. I have chosen to pray to St. Thomas a Becket for Vincent.
Couldn’t help giggling at that! Do you want him to follow in Becket’s footsteps?!
But I will pray too for him to St Thomas, that is a very good idea…
With respect to Archbishop Chaput, it bears mentioning that his predecessor, Cardinal Rigali, is currently 78. There seems to be a strong precedent – though not without exception – of not giving a red hat to a sitting archbishop in a ‘cardinatial’ see so long as his predecessor retains the right to vote in a conclave. That being said, I would not be surprised (though I would be also be a bit sad personally) if Philadelphia went the way of St. Louis (and now, it seems, Detroit) in losing its ‘cardinatial’ status on account of shifting demographics. (Following Houston, perhaps Atlanta could be line for a red hat in the forseeable future?)
Mike wrote,”I wonder if it would have been too outside of normal protocol to name Ganswein a cardinal?
Alas, probably.”
exactly what i was wondering-in fact i had HOPED. He is an archbishop so why would it not be inside protocol. You see ,i was also hoping if he made the list he MIGHT get elected Pope one day. Of course,I won’t likely be around for it but…
“…Cotabato has only 24 parishes and 2 suffragan dioceses, and it’s in the middle of Muslim territory.
I wonder why there of all places, with all the Islamic extremist terrorism in that region too.”
Sounds like a place where the Church should have a Cardinal – both in the regular sense of evangelization and in the baser, more worldly calculus of having a more prominent “representative” (world media might pay a hair more attention to the fate of Christians in “Muslim territories” or threatened by Islamic terrorists if a prince of the Church is there with them)
Archbishop Gänswein may be a cardinal some day, but not while he is Prefect of the Papal Household. His predecessors all the way back to Cardinal Tacci Porcelli (Prefect from 1918 to 1921, cardinal immediately afterwards) were created cardinals later, most very soon after ending their service in the Household.
How much Archb. Capovilla had to do with VII I guess really doesn’t matter…saw an interview with him on either Salt and Light or EWTN, in Italian with English Subtitles….what a humble servant of the Lord…..
At 98 Yrs old he deserves the Red Hat….sure would like see someone question him about VII and the “Novus Ordo”….wonder if he would indicate if this is what B.John XXIII really had in mind….to “bring the church into the modern world” I really don’t think it is…..but that of course is personal opinion……also we all know that the Novus Ordo came after VII…..again we keep praying for the reform of the reform….as it needs to be reformed
JoseTomas: “The British Isles are with no Cardinal now that the Scott [sic] is gone, thus Nichols.”
The British Isles are not without a cardinal – there’s Cardinal Sean Brady, Archbishop of Armagh.
(Great Britain is without a cardinal, but not the British Isles.)
I will be very interested in seeing how the ceremonies for these new cardinals are carried out. Will there be more “Franciscan adaptations”? I suppose we won’t be seeing many lacey rochets. And will they wear the mozzetta even though the Holy Father doesn’t? Hmmm. I hope Msgr. Marini is able to respectfully make his case to the Holy Father to preserve as much of the ceremonies as possible.
Has Archbishop Gänswein already been made a cardinal in pectore at the end of Pope Benedicts reign? Wasn’t Pope John Paul IInd’s personal secretary made a cardinal in pectore and then named publicly by Pope Benedict?
As someone who lived in Philadelphia, I can attest that its Roman Catholic presence is more historical than present, and this pope might find its red hat better suited for a diocese with a Spanish base. (The TLM, Traditional Latino Mass, if you will.)
If either Archbishop Gänswein or Cardinal Dziwisz were created cardinals “in pectore”, we will never know. Perhaps Archbishop Gänswein will be appointed Archbishop of Munich one day, thereby opening up the possibility for him to receive the red hat, as was done for Cardinal Dziwisz. Though if the long-standing custom of “cardinatial” sees is changing…
Is there any supporter of TLM among them ???
Q. Now, which one of these newly proclaimed Cardinals said in November 2011:
“We would want to emphasise that civil partnerships actually provide a structure in which people of the same sex who want a lifelong relationship [and] a lifelong partnership can find their place and protection and legal provision… As a Church we are very committed to the notion of equality so that people are treated the same across all the activities of life. The Church holds great store by the value of commitment in relationships and undertakings that people give…”
That Archbishop did try to explain his words a few days later
How successful that ‘non-sexual’ interpretation of civil partnership is, depends I suppose on the sympathy of the reader. A few brief months later, homosexual marriage was pushed through Parliament by the government, with little public resistance by the Archbishop, who was left looking rather forlorn in his attempts to object to it.