CQ CQ CQ – Special #HamRadio Update – Cool Catholic Event Edition

First, don’t miss my latest CQ CQ CQ – #HamRadio Saturday – QSO / QSL Card 1st Draft

That said, I have to update with something fairly spiffy.

First, before I get to Ham Stuff, an interlude to keep you in suspense: drinks with friends from Chicago and Vietnamese food.

Which is mine?

Openers followed by large addictive bowls of Pho.

Okay… it’s not rotated properly.

Now to the actual point of the post.

When my friends were on their way, I switched on the radio (20m – 14.070.0 MHz) and, for kicks, tuned into some PKS31 (a digital mode of transmitting) and decoded one of the “streams” with my iPhone app.

When you tune into PSK you see data streams, almost like The Matrix.  You center your “filter” over one of them and text comes in, more or less clear depending on the signal.

I saw this.

You can see what is going on there.

During the month of August, there will be a Ham “Event” in honor of St. Maximilian Kolbe, who was slain on 14 August 1944 in Auschwitz.

St. Maximilian was SP3RN.

At QRZ.com I saw

July, 20, 2015

Hello  …

I have been in contact with Ted Figlock W1HGY, and wanted to communicate my intentions for the St. Maximilian Maria Lokbe SP3RN special event activation. Call sign will be K8M and the dates will be between 01 August 2015 0400 (UTC) to 16 August 2015 0359 (UTC),

A standard sized QSL card will be available, for US stations, please send SASE, for all DX, please send $1 (US, CDN or Euro all ok) and self addressed envelope. My address is good on www.qrz.com. Please no buro.

Operating modes will be SSB, PSK31, and possibly RTTY

VY 73 de Joe Miller KJ8O Troy Michigan

So, you Hams out there!

Say a prayer to St. Maximilian and get to work!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Allan S. says:

    Thank you father. I wonder if there will be an EchoLink node attached as well if this is possible on the phone (SSB) side? Alas, some of us are stuck in 2m with no other gear. A great initiative though to be sure.

    Also….we purchased a bottle of Campari, your beloved Intalian aperitif. It tasted like cough medicine! Fortunately, our government run stores permit returns, and there’s even an extensive drop-down menu for reasons for each Return – including “tastes like medicine.”



    PS – just one other checkin at the WDTPRS Ham Cafe tonight. I will continue to check in every evening at 9am. [GMT? What’s your time zone?]

  2. Allan S. says: we purchased a bottle of Campari, your beloved Intalian aperitif. It tasted like cough medicine!

    Campari is best enjoyed on a hot day, over ice with soda (seltzer) water and either a twist of lemon, or perhaps a splash of orange juice or even grapefruit juice.

  3. Allan S. says:

    9pm EDT..sorry father, I’m still pretty new and learning. You’re quite correct…should have specified the time zone.

    I also think you are right to…encourage…creation of a specialized EmComm infrastructure for priests after the Kate Cardindal George’s prophesy comes to pass (more fully, I mean).

    I have been reading Michael O’Brien’s trilogy (plus no. 4); pretty eerie stuff:

    1) Strangers and Sojourners (1997)
    2) Eclipse of the Sun (1998)
    3) Plague Journal (1999)
    4) Father Elijah: an apocalypse (1996)

    Author’s page is linked below – he is a faithful Catholic, living in a small Ontario community of religious and laity.


  4. Pingback: St. Maximilian Kolbe, priest and martry: Pray for dissident ‘c’atholic media! | Fr. Z's Blog

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