I have posted about our Society’s project to have a full Pontifical set of vestments made in glorious red silk damask with bright gold serpentine column trim. I posted photos of the fabric being cut at Gammarelli in Rome and have other shots of the purple set to give you an idea of what we are making. HERE
We will use these at least for 1 July, the Feast of the Most Precious Blood. I would like to use them also for Pentecost.
At my request, I just received a few more photos from Gammarelli of the progress being made on the vestments.
This looks as if they are sewing trim onto a dalmatic.
It seems that they are almost finished!
I will have to pay for these soon. Right now the dollar is still strong against the euro, so we would like to get this going fast. So, please donate!
I have started a GOFUNDME campaign.
Your donations will go to the Tridentine Mass Society of Madison, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and they are tax deductible.
Link to share this on your own blogs: https://www.gofundme.com/tutxmfak
You can choose that your name does NOT appear online in the list of donors.
An honest couple of questions Father:
1) are they making you buskins and pontifical gloves as well?
2) is Gammarelli the only people in this world that can make buskins?
Julian Barkin says: buskins and gloves
I think we are getting gloves. The bishop here already has some customs made (by Gammarelli)gizmos that function as buskins. A pretty good solution. I should ask them about making those in red.
I don’t know of anyone else who makes buskins, but it can’t be all that hard.
Thanks for the reply Father. Do you have any more knowledge on the “gizmos” that are buskins? [Yes.] I ask because I do indulge in curiosities with the Latin Mass stuff from time to time, one being where to buy this stuff. I’ve found a layperson with a personal shop who sells the gloves, but haven’t found a seller for buskins. Let’s just say as to Why on my questions, if we laypeople can buy these materials (since few souls can make them … Brick by brick, as you say ;).
[They are much like buskins, but they are open on the bottom, so that the bishop can wear shoes that fit and are comfortable.]
These vestments are beautiful and strong—I am thinking of them as weapons in the armamentarium, just as your tag says.
Julian Barkin says: buskins
I have been in touch with Gammarelli today. I ordered RED buskins.
Because you brought it up, you can make a hefty donation!
What a worthy inVESTMENT !