When I find an organization or cause that I like or that I use, I try to support it.
For example, I really like Our Lady of Hope Clinic, about which I have written. I like Team Rubicon.
I really like the TMSM! PLEASE DONATE!
I also like the work of the Latin Mass Society in England & Wales. Hence, I signed up for a membership today. (You would think they have a special membership for priests who celebrated Holy Mass in the traditional form.. but no.)
You might do the same and join. HERE They’ve been fighting to good fight for a long time and many good things are happening there these days.
This is not the time to rest on successes. This is the time to push forward.
The tank has only one gear.
Another good UK thing is the Catholic Herald. I’ve been writing a column for them for a long while now. It appears in the print and in the digital editions. You might subscribe. I think it is useful for Americans to read about what’s up in the UK. They are at a different stage in the culture war we are engaged in. With a subscription you get access to the whole archive. HERE
¡Hagan lío!
I am pretty sure I read that the UK “Catholic Herald” will be publishing a U.S. edition in 2018.
AND the LMS has a great magazine, too!
Yes, I found it. This is the article announcing their North American launch. Job search in progress as of late November apparently. Good news!
Thanks for your reminder about the LMS of England and Wales. I let my membership lapse because I did not pursue sending them my renewal. I will remedy that.
When I joined, they send me a wonderful, highly visible red wallet card stating that in the event of my death I desired a Requiem Mass celebrated according to the 1962 missal. In England and Wales they will assist you in any way they can. Of course I wasn’t expecting that in the US, but I did write my TLM priest’s contact info on the card.