Today is the anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Thomas More, killed by the monstrous Henry VIII in 1535.
I direct the readership’s attention to a super article at Public Discourse by Matthew Mehan on the last and often misquoted words of St. Thomas:
“I die the king’s good servant, and God’s first.”
Mehan explores, among other things, More’s thoughts on conscience. Conscience is a burning problem in the Church today. Mistaken notions about conscience are causing great confusion about reception of the sacraments. Couple confusion on conscience with the mania of setting aside truth for the sake of being “pastoral” (or “pas-tór-ee-al” as some say) and we wind up undermining the whole of the Faith.
Only what is true is truly pastoral.
May St. Thomas help us in these confusing times.
Tonight… this great classic.
One of my heroes. He is among the reasons I remain faithful to our vows and that I remain Catholic.
Since Fr. Z mentioned “pas-tór-ee-al” as a mispronunciation, it reminds me of another one that I hear WAY too often… During the Confiteor, numerous people say “gree-vee-us” when it should simply be “gree-vus.”
There — got one off my chest for today!
St. Thomas, pray for us.
If the day of his martyrdom is July 6th, why is his feast June 22nd?
[In the newer calendar More is celebrated together with St. John Fisher, who was killed on 22 June.]