YOUR GOOD NEWS… and Washington DC’s new Auxiliary Bishop and key priest at Detroit’s major seminary

Do you have some good news to share with the readership?  Let’s hear it!  We need good news.

Here’s some good news for you.

A few weeks ago, the Archdiocese of Washington DC got a new Auxiliary Bishop, Most. Rev. Michael Fisher.   One of you readers sent me a link to an article in the newspaper of the Archdiocese, the Catholic Standard, which has a wonderful bit of news.

It seems that Bp. Fisher uses the traditional Roman Breviary.  It seems that he inherited the breviaries from an old priest, now deceased, who was a family friend, and also from a great uncle, who was a priest.

This is encouraging.  At the very least, this suggests that the new bishop can read Latin, which makes him an episcopal rara avis.  As time goes by, fewer and fewer bishops will be able to navigate easily in the Church’s official language, which is a problem.

It also suggests that, if he has been doing this for quite a while, that he is open to traditional liturgical worship.  May I hope so?

I wish him well in what will be a heavy and challenging new mandate.   I can’t imagine what it must be like to be a bishop these days.

Next… I saw this tweet.

A quick dig around on the interwebs reveals that Fr. Pierre Ingram is a convert, former Baptist who was on Marcus Grodi’s show, and that he likes JRR Tolkien.  He is involved in the Society for Catholic Liturgy and the North American Patristic Society.  This fellow seems alright to me, a former Lutheran who was on Marcus Grodi’s show, influenced when young by Tolkein, involved in liturgy and degreed in Patristics.

I am very glad to read about this, especially because the Extraordinary Ordinary sends men to Sacred Heart and because Ed Peters is there and because Detroit really needs something like this!

Oh.. on his Twitter page you see the White Tree of Gondor, which is quite cool.

Anytime Fr. Ingram would like to sing a Solemn Mass, the TMSM will welcome him.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. abasham says:

    Good news! Last week here in the Diocese of Arlington Bishop Burbidge dedicated the brand new church for one of our parishes which was formerly a mission. It is built in a very beautiful traditional style, cruciform and all.

    I am also excited for my patish’s payronal feast day in a few weeks… Mass, procession, and multicultural potluck feast. Bring on the pupusas!

  2. Simon_GNR says:

    My good news is that last Saturday a priest was ordained for our diocese (Hallam, England). There was one new priest last year and before that the last were two ordained in 2013.
    Priestly vocations remain at a pitifully low level in this diocese – vocations are very rarely mentioned. Why our bishop is not requiring or at least encouraging parishes to pray regularly and persistently, and in an organised manner, for priestly vocations I can’t imagine. Do our bishops and clergy no longer believe in the power of prayer? Do they think they know better than Christ, who *instructed* us to be persistent in prayer like the widow pestering the unrighteous judge to give her justice?

  3. tskrobola says:

    Alex Begin is a good friend and a long time leader on the TLM movement in the Detroit and Windsor Dioceses. He has accomplished quite a lot! His “Extraordinary Faith” program can be seen on Youtube and EWTN. Go Alex!

  4. surritter says:

    The Companions of the Cross are into the charismatic side of Catholicism, from what I understand. But I like that one of their priests is also doing the Extraordinary Form. It’s an in interesting juxtaposition…

  5. mepoindexter says:

    Good news is our Diocese (Hamilton, On) appointed our priest as full-time administrator for the TLM community throughout the Diocese.

  6. SanSan says:

    This is wonderful blessed news for the faithful in Detroit! Thank you Jesus!

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  8. Semper Gumby says:

    Great news here. Deo Gratias.

    In other good news, Fr. Rutler has a new book out next month: “Calm in Chaos: Catholic Wisdom for Anxious Times.”

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