I know some of you out there read Italian. Even clerics who went to the NAC can probably read a little! o{];¬)
At Marco Tossati’s site there is a longish but deeply informative article:
Homoheresy and homopraxis. Why doesn’t the Pope call the problems by their name? Possible answers.
I have the feeling that the pope isn’t calling it as it is because the present scandal threatens to distract or even derail the trajectory of the actual “reform” he is trying to bring about, i.e., with “accompaniment” replacing exhortation to repentance, and based on his current trajectory, later identification of the TYPE of sins for which mere “accompaniment” is enough. Unless saying or doing something monumental has the value of distracting others from perceiving and building a climate which further demands action in a direction which distracts from where he wants to go, as in the recent development in the teaching on capital punishment, Francis is behaving in such a way that it seems that in such applying Band-Aid statements of grief and remorse, he may be able to wait out the current crisis, and take the chance that an environment of equilibrium or, at worst, numbness, will later be there to receive further developments of the actual “reform” he wants to enact.
Because he who digs a pit will fall in it, whether he publicly calls a pit a pit or not.
Also, more profoundly, to name something is to have power over it. To not name, or not be able to name something, means it has power over you. They cannot name it because they are it’s servant.
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Tosatti’s closing quote from a bishop: “They are among us but they are not of us.” That is what strains my brain, that some bishops of the Catholic Church could hold the office they do while denying in their heart and mind, secretly, the truth always taught by the Church about the unnatural vice. They must have convinced themselves that the Church is wrong and will change its teaching some time in the future; then they lay that balm on their conscience.
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