These days I have received numerous emails from lay people and priests alike describing what priests, especially, are doing in their parishes in regard to The Present Crisis.
Many priests are standing up in pulpits and making good statements and offering solid teaching.
On the other hand, we have recently heard troubling stories about priests. There was a complicated story in the last couple days about a priest removed from a parish and expelled from a diocese. There was a horrifying, disgusting story about two priests from Chicago who were busted for public lewdness in Florida.
How important it is to pray for priests.
Priests are human beings. Priests are hated with demonic malice by the Enemy of the soul. Priests walk around indelibly marked in their souls with the sacramental character of orders, but they are, while they breathe air on this side of the grass, also marked socially and supernaturally with bright flashing bulls-eyes on their backs and fronts.
I returned from a trip over Labor Day to find a box sent by a reader to my PO Box address (sidebar).
In the box, holy cards with Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy and a prayer for priests.
I like the “thees and thous”, but this is great. I particularly like this prayer.
I am deeply grateful for the effort taken to make these cards, which I will happily (and not without a measure of self-interest) distribute.
Those are GREAT and should be made available to every Catholic in this country. God bless whoever sent those to you to distribute.
From whom may I order these?
frthomashoisington says:
5 September 2018 at 1:35 PM
From whom may I order these?
YES PLEASE if possible share where these could be ordered from. Would GREATLY appreciate this information.
beautiful cards! we should have them in the doors of every Catholic Church
I would also like to order some. My parish has begun a monthly Holy Hour in reparation for the sins of, and the sanctification of the clergy. These Holy Cards would be a very nice addition.
I would like to order around 50 to give out in Corpus Christi.
I too should like to order some of those holy cards.
Is it something you could work towards carrying in your store Father?
I do not know which printer made the holy cards that Father Z received. However, I have ordered holy cards from HERE previously. They have a variety of images and prayers to choose from, including the above prayer for priests, OR you can provide your own prayer. They will email you a proof of the card before they are printed to ensure they meet your specifications.
I would like to order hundreds of these. Please share information about where they can be obtained.
I had seen that prayer attributed to St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus as well as Cardinal Cushing. Curiosity led me to discover this interesting blog, whose author believes it was not hers and could not find an original source establishing it was his. But I guess it doesn’t much matter who said it first, so long as more and more people pray it now with great faith and devotion.
I also would like to order some
I found a very interestung site with prayers and sacrifying for priests:
They don’t have that card, but a place for good solid Catholic prayer cards is this, run by a Catholic family. I have used them many times:
Thank you for showing us these beautiful prayer cards. Restating from the many others above, if it were possible to order these online, I would like to know where.
Additionally, I would be happy to assist in translating them into Portuguese so that more of the Catholic faithful can pray for their priests in this special way under the protection of Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy.
I took a screenshot and will add this to my prayers. I’ve also been praying the full St. Michael prayer on the Laudate app.
I would love to order these to distribute in our parish!