Pop over the Fr. Longenecker’s place and read his post: “All Are Welcome”
He rips the skin from the faux calls for diversity and multiculturalism and, especially, “gay” hollering we are force to hear so much.
I’m reminded of a gay activist who was interviewed about the church. He was yelling that he wanted the church to be more inclusive, then the interviewer said, “So if you felt the church was more inclusive which church would you attend every Sunday?”
The guy looked at the interviewer like he was a martian, “Not me. I’m not really a Christian.”
Correct. It seems the liberals who are unlocking the doors to empty churches are the ones crying out, “All are welcome!” but the churches aren’t empty because people are unwelcome, but because the people simply don’t want to go to that kind of church.
The churches that are full, on the other hand, are the ones that actually preach the Christian gospel which welcome everyone, but welcomes them to something called the Christian faith.
Without a full blooded, historic Catholic faith which preaches the need for repentance and seeking the face of the Lord for eternal salvation what are you welcoming people to? A luncheon club where they sing hymns and carry banners with trite slogans? A soup kitchen and shower facility where they hold Bible studies? A rehab center where they find their inner goddess? People aren’t dumb. They’ll soon ask, “Why bother with all that religious-spiritual stuff? We can do soup kitchens, rehab centers and shower facilities without all those dreary hymns, bad Christian pop music and dull homilies delivered by a fat, middle class half educated minister.
Bottom line, when it comes to libs, “All are welcome”… TO WHAT, exactly?
The devil stands in front of hell with a big sign that say “all are welcome here!”
It is more loving to welcome someone to hell or bring them to safety?
When the Holy Father was elected, I was asked by several people, mostly non church going relatives, what I thought of the new Pope. When I wouldn’t reply enthusiastically, they would say, “Well I like him VERY much.” “Do you like him enough to go to Church?”, I’d ask. The answer, of course, was always “no.”
It’s not that complicated. When someone is examining a faith, and sees that even the leaders of that faith won’t defend the details of that faith – “that ritual nonsense doesn’t really matter, all that matters is that you are nice to one another … and remember to recycle” – they don’t automatically assume that those leaders are merely craven weasels. They instead assume that the faith IS NOT WORTH DEFENDING. And they go off to find one that is.
My parish is a good example (well we are made of two – one just outside a major city – the other just inside). We have a lot of young families – some with 6,7,8,9 kids. We also have some deeply devout parishoners that live in a senior citizen community that are 80+. We are in an area that is mostly African-American though we are mostly a Caucasian parish. We still have a mix of African American, African immigrants, Hispanics as well. We have parishoners in traditional African attire that kneel for Communion, we have young moms wearing veils. We have college students, doctors, teachers, working class people. Are some people starting on their path to heaven or need a bit of a kick? Certainly, but we have plenty of people hungry to follow Jesus, and willing to give up everything for Him.
Welcome to the Burger King gospel. You know their slogan, “Have it Your Way.”
The difference between Catholics and liberals is that the Catholic holds the Church door open and says to those outside “Welcome!”, while the liberal holds the Church door open and says to those inside the Church, “Welcome!”.
The most welcoming church is the one that preaches the gospel. I don’t go to a steak house for Mexican food. I go for the steak.
The Parish I belong to in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is certainly welcoming to gays, but not so much to Traditional Catholics with large families.
“…the faux calls for diversity and multiculturalism and, especially, ‘gay’ hollering we are force to hear so much….Bottom line, when it comes to libs, ‘All are welcome’… TO WHAT, exactly?”
Answer: the worship of idols rather than the Worship of the One True God.
When one studies liberalism and Leftists, one will find that they place all of their “ideals” and their tyrants (“leaders”) above God and they give their ideals and tyrants god-like status.
Just watch and listen to Leftists/liberals preach, roar, hiss, etc. to defend and promote their false gods.
That is probably why one can notice demonic-like behavior in Leftists/liberals; the bible says that the worship of idols is equivalent to the worship of Satan (Deuteronomy 32:17), and Satanic worship leads to other Satanic behaviors (like trying to curse a Supreme Court judge, violence shown by Antifa, BLM, extreme nudity, killing babies, killing elderly, etc.).
Their false gods are homosexuality, contraception, abortion, euthanasia, transgenderism, marijuana, “multi-culturalism” (which is really racism against Caucasians), socialism, etc.
The “All are Welcome” crowd is basically attempting to make God (including God in the Most Holy Eucharist) be a servant to their false gods. The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Gospel are then profaned and perverted and used as a means to serve the promotion of their false gods.
My former parish formally adopted “All are welcomed” as its “motto” and had the motto blazoned across the sign in front of the church. The bulletin also proclaimed that “wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcomed here.” My experience however was that there was an exception for those whose “spiritual journey” had led them to the tradition of the Catholic Church. I know, for example, that any request for the traditional Latin Mass there would be most decidedly unwelcomed.
A line I will have to remember for future use, because despite how simple it sounds, there is lot underpinning it.
“The fact is, from the very beginning all have been welcome. The only people who can’t be Catholic are the ones who don’t want to be Catholic.”
Many are called, few are chosen.
Malta: looks like trads have an option in Santa Fe. The San Miguel Chapel has TLM at 2 p.m. on Sundays.
EVERY mass at my parish starts with a welcome to non-Catholics and an assurance that its a “safe space” for them. Followed almost as consistently with an invitation to come forward for communion, blessing, or “as you choose”. Not to worry though, confessions are available 30 minutes per week on Saturday evenings though never advertised as a means for worthily receiving our Lord.
Those who promote this in the Catholic Church ought to ask their Episcopalian fellow travelers just how well their embracing the agenda of the world is filling their pews.
In Christ,
Nathan, well put. One of my parish priests is a Pastoral Provision priest. Fr. Longnecker gets this too.
This “all our welcome ” does concern me. I am a CCD teacher and I am dreading the day I have a student who says they have two mommies or two dads, and I am not talking about a dad and stepdad, or mom and stepmom (I think people reading this get the picture).
Nathan, well put. One of my parish priests is a Pastoral Provision priest. Fr. Longnecker gets this too.
This “all our welcome ” does concern me. I am a CCD teacher and I am dreading the day I have a student who says they have two mommies or two dads, and I am not talking about a dad and stepdad, or mom and stepmom (I think people reading this get the picture).
You lost me attacking “homilies delivered by a fat, middle class half educated minister.” I think the Church would be well served with middle class young men, after discerning a call to the priesthood, left jobs as plumbers, carpenters, police, firemen, pipe fitters, and welders. Highly educated priests that speak multiple languages, are well traveled, and study the faith to find the loopholes, have not served us well to date.
To accommodate a need for more priests, why can’t there be a 2 year degree program that produces different levels of certification for priests. Basic certification for administering the Sacraments, extra schooling for counseling, teaching and other duties. Maybe they’re required to read a standard prepared homily until other certification levels are met.
At present I attend Mass and have a hard time following the Gospel and homilies of priests that speak English as a second or third language. Apparently Holy Priests, but, I can’t discern their Indian, Spanish, or African accents. My hearing must be going on me, but, I really can’t follow along. I would welcome some middle class, straight talking, priests for a change.