You may know the STUNNING book from St. Augustine Academy Press, Treasure and Tradition: The Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass.
The creators of this book had it translated into several language and were distributing it outside of the Synod (“walking together”) Meeting Hall and were squealed on by Vatican to the cops, who pretty much drove them away for “permits”, blah blah.
These are trustworthy and dedicated people!
They also, sort of at my instigation, reprinted the beautiful The Life of Little Saint Placid, originally in French, by Mother Geneviève Gallois. HERE
I received this note, which is an ACTION ITEM!
Hello Father!
You may remember that crazy quixotic quest in which we gave away thousands of copies of Treasure and Tradition in magazine form during the 2019 Pan Amazon Synod…
I thought it might please you to know that I managed to snag a booth at the Eucharistic Congress this summer, and I plan to reprise that role by giving away 10,000 copies of the same book, but this time (hopefully anyway) no one can chase us away.
Of course, I’ve had to pay handsomely for the privilege, and I’ve just been informed that on top of the exorbitant amount we paid for the booth, we are going to be required to pay hefty fees every single time we want to stock our table from our truck full of boxes. Union labor requirements.
Faced with truly ridiculous costs, I come to you with hat in hand, wondering whether this is something you might consider sharing with your readership.
I know last time it was in our favor that you did not publicize our fundraiser, as it allowed us to fly under the radar. I don’t know if that is important this time or not. Only you can say whether this is something you would wish to promote; at the very least, however, I hope I can count on your prayers.
Yours in Christ,
St. Augustine Academy Press
¡Hagan lío!
Donation sent. Also asked if it is possible to purchase a copy.
— Guy