Really cool nun video

Here is a great video which I pick up from the best Catholic weekly in the UK, The Catholic Herald.

What a delightful lady. Keep your ears tuned for what she says is her constant prayer.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. RichR says:

    Very cool. A nun that old, and she still prays her office, wears her habit, and wants to see the Pope. Sounds like nuns I know who are in their 20’s.

  2. What a blessing to see and hear this nun…this holy woman. She looks younger than her 103 years. My mother in law is 92 and Sister looks a lot younger than she does.

    May God continue to bless Sister abundantly!

  3. JKnott says:

    Introibo ad altare Dei,
    Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem mean.

    Old? No!
    Holy contemplative nuns dedicated to a life of prayer ….. actually get younger with age.
    Believe it!

  4. Mariana says:

    Lovely Sister! And she really does look young for her age!

  5. The Egyptian says:

    I’m sure some polyester nightmare would claim she is deluded and actually hates her habit and cloister. NOT
    God bless her, the world needs many many more like her, a true blessing and maybe the last hope for mankind

    She would be joy to meet and know

  6. benedetta says:

    Thank you for posting this. She is beautiful in every way.

  7. irishgirl says:

    There is hardly a line on her face, and at the age of 103, no less! God bless her!
    I hope she gets to meet Papa Benedict next month! That will be quite a meeting if it happens!

  8. PeterK says:

    aaarrrggghhhh! I can’t believe the narrator mispronounced Cistercian! used to hear the order’s name mangled all the time in the early days at this school

  9. Paul says:

    God bless this holy woman and grant her more years to intercede for the world!

  10. tmjost says:

    “Thank you and forgive me!” God bless this beautiful nun! She is vivacious and full of joy! What a blessing to live your life for God “without envy” and constantly in prayer! Thank you Fr Z for sharing!

  11. Singing Mum says:

    Thank you, and forgive me, Jesus!
    I think I found my new motto.

  12. Jacob says:

    “Keep your ears tuned for what she says is her constant prayer.”

    I wish I could.

  13. Art says:

    Amazing how her constant prayer resembles the Jesus Prayer.

  14. stjmen says:

    What a wonderful constant prayer. A truly inspirational lady.

  15. Widukind says:

    Wonderful, powerful.
    The profundity of her innocence.
    The ineffability of her sincerity.
    The effervesence of her love.

  16. Emilio III says:

    Notice the title of the book she’s reading: What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?

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