Someone sent me a PDF of a parish bulletin for St. Patrick’s Church in Madison, WI dated 7 Feb 1965. On the front page there is this poem.
Latin’s gone, peace is too;
singin’ and shoutin’ from every pew.
Altar’s turned around, priest is too;
Commentators yellin’: “Page 22.”
Communion rail’s gone, stand up straight!
Kneelin’ suddenly went out of date.
Processions are form in’ In every aisle
Salvation’ organized Single file.
Rosary’s out, psalms are in;
hardly ever hear a word against sin.
Listen to the lector, hear how he reads;
Please stop rattlin’ them rosary beads.
Padre’s looking puzzled, Doesn’t know his part;
Used to know the whole deal, In Latin by heart.
I hope all changes are just about done;
That they don’t drop Bingo, before I”ve won.
The Mass and confession schedule reminds me of my home parish where I worked as a young priest when back in the USA. Those were the days.
It should be noted that before the Novus Ordo missal was promulgated in 1969 and implemented in 1970, there was an interim missal in 1965. Thus, the above goofyness and hootin’nanny Masses began to appear. :-(
Sounds pretty close to the “homily” I heard a couple of weeks ago at a church in Margaree Cape Breton. The priest also added that anyone with a “traditional mindset” was to be ignored and “this is not my church” but your church because that’s the new mind of the Church after VII.
In our diocese, Bingo has been dropped, viewed as gambling, leaving parishoners scrambling to find other means of fundraising.
Wow! You know, finally we are in a position to do something about this problem at St Patrick Church. I know I have tried to suggest a new Communion rail.
I have also asked every possible person, even the highest authority, why we do not have more Gregorian Chant at the principal Mass there, and was told “when the Holy Spirit wills.” Now i strongly like, love and respect those in charge there. But am I to believe that the Holy Spirit currently wills that the use of Latin be restricted to a little bit in Lent and Advent as if it were a penance? Is that what “pride of place” means and I just assumed wrong about this phrase?
Something doesn’t seem right: that litany of changes were all made by February, 1965? I realize the ball started rolling downhill in 1965, but at least in my little corner of the world standing for communion, removing altar rails, etc. didn’t start until almost a decade later.
Long skirts, is that you?
This was the Mass of 1965:
Somewhere on the internet, either by word or mp3 is a discussion of how the Mass changed from the Latin Mass up to the Norvus Ordo. There were changes practically every other year from ’65 to ’69. I have a feeling that that is what led me to giving up the idea of being a priest. Even though I can look back and see how God was still calling me by name in all the years until I finally decided I had better get serious about being Catholic. Anyway, somewhere there is a description of what changed each time. If I find it I will post a link.
How these “unofficial” changes happened and when all depended on who your bishop and pastor were. If the parish priest fancied himself a real avant garde litnik, then you might have seen Crazy well before the Council.
Folks, here is a GREAT video interview with Cardinal Ranjith on the liturgy. “Where is the mystery?” he asks.
@friarpark-thank you for the link. It’s amazing how that (reading it) seems how Vatican II was supposed to be done and then 5 years later, WHAM, entirely different.
I wonder if they can just go back to that version…oh well
Isn’t St. Pat’s the Cathedral parish where Bishop Morlino resides?
This evening at 7 we had a wonderful quiet Novus Ordo Mass celebrated by Fr. with the utmost reverence. I guess we are blessed.
Yes it is. In the diocese of Madison, the more traditional people, including Bishop, can’t back down from such a good joke. =)