From Fr. Martin Fox of Bonfire of the Vanities:
My Experimental ‘Spirit of Vatican II’ LiturgyTonight, I did an experiment with the liturgy, in the (true) spirit of Vatican II.For the Solemnity of the Assumption, we had the schola present; we chanted the introit–in English–as well as the offertory and communion. In fact, the only hymn we sang was the Salve Regina at the conclusion.We did use some Latin and Greek: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei.I chanted the Gospel, the Roman Canon and a lot else.Oh–and I offered the Mass toward the Lord.[…]
You can read the rest over there.
Ad orientem… the horror… horror…
Gosh, I would love that. It would be so spiritually uplifting.
Thanks for the link! After I had some time to reflect–I did my original post as I was about to tuck into some leftover chicken for dinner–I posted some further thoughts.
If only every liturgy could be like this!
We had sung High Mass in the evening for the Assumption. This is (so far) a highly unusual event in my area. The priest traveled six hours to be here and do this for us. Please pray for his safe return home.
Our pastor here in Omaha has offered Mass in the Novus Ordo, but ad orientem a few times, primarily for Easter and/or Christmas vigil. Personally, I think it’s pretty neat.
If you’d happen to do it in Latin, well, our parish has done many–most–responses in Latin for a few years. We’re accustomed to it.
I DO have one gripe though: When you offer Mass ad orientem, I struggle to “stay with it”, because I can’t see through the celebrant to know what he’s doing. Yes, I DO watch! That’s the big reason I prefer versus populum; I can see what you’re doing, even if I can’t understand the slightest whisper. I’ve found this to be true whether I’m at Mass in French, German, Spanish, Vietnamese, or English. Or Latin.
I’ve attended Mass–or watched it on the internet–several times now. If not for the two major problems–inability to keep track of where we’re at in the canon, preference for the three-year cycle–I might find myself switching to the parish farther south, where FSSP offers it.
On a side note, I once dated a gal from Piqua. Be interesting to know what she thought if she was there. *grins* Wonder if it would’ve brought back any memories of Mass here at St. Peter’s. I had warned her it might be a little different….. *grins again*
Hope you’ll try it again with your parish there, Fr. Fox!
Deo Gratias for Fr. Fox and other courageous priests who are willing to try to bring back more reverence to the Mass. If I was Pope, I think the 2 changes I would make to the Ordinary Form would be use of the Roman Canon (Eucharistic prayer I) and Ad Orientam.
Deo Gratias. Brick by brick.
Nice to hear that the Spirit, of Vatican II, speaks with full power.
A lot of people agree that reverent NO Masses are what are sought after. And, contrary to popular mythology, it isn’t only “dread conservatives” or supposed assorted collections of registered Republicans who are supportive of, for example, incense. That is to laugh. Of course many Catholics who live alongside and sacrifice their lives for the very poorest in our societies also appreciate the opportunity to reverently adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament in the liturgy, in quiet, pared down, simple spaces. It’s a matter of historical fact. There is no logic or reason to the canard worked upon us that the more reverent the Mass, the less the members of the congregation love their neighbors.
Bravo, Fr Martin Fox, for your leadership and for letting people know how it goes.
In participating in a NO mass yesterday for the Assumption, I know why I don’t “take” to them anymore on Sundays.
Yes, there is something powerful about kneeling before our God and for the priest to be facing our Lord. The majesty, the realization, and the sacred are all bound up in one, away from the prying eyes of the laity, who themselves become caught up in the prayer known as mass.
Continue on the narrow road Fr. Fox, and thank you!
Too bad the 1964 Missal wasn’t used,for that truly is the Missal that sprung forth from Vatican II.
At my parish, the people sang the propers – vigorously. We always use incense. The consecration is always ad orientem. The service was sung, mostly in English but there was some use of the liturgical language. The Epistle and the Gospel were chanted. We have no EMHCs and no altar girls. Attendance for the holyday was about 70% with some people traveling long distances. That’s why I have worshiped in the Byzantine Rite for the last six years.
erwillia1- Me too! And we had a procession with the “shroud” for the Dormition, outside, around the church. I loved it. I have been attending an ER parish for about 5 years.
But I think I am a western Christian, really, and would like to have a Latin rite to return to which had preserved its traditions at least to the degree that the Byantine rites have preserved theirs.
Susan Peterson
Its very easy to follow along ad orientem (especially w/ the TLM). The bell is rung once at the Hanc igitur, in the customary way at the, Sanctus, Consecration and Domine non sum. The priest raises his voice at the Nobis quoque peccatoribus (which you won’t notice at a High). The various Dominus vobiscums et al point out exactly where you are. I can walk into a TLM and know exactly where we are at.
One does not need to follow word for word, but even that is easy enough at the TLM. Once upon a time when I thought that was how you were supposed to do it, I could follow the priest exactly word for word in my missal. Now, half the time I don’t even follow in my missal during Mass because I don’t need it as much anymore.
Yes, you should join us farther south…