My friend Fr. Ray Blake, the parish priest at St. Magdalen in Brighton, England, is taking heat from homosexual activist(s). Check Fr. Blake’s blog here.
Here is the pattern.
- Father teaches Catholic doctrine clearly.
- No matter how charitable Father is someone “takes offense”.
- That “offended” someone sends threats to Father by email and/or phone calls.
- That someone threatens to involve Father’s bishop/superior.
This is bullying. This is what catholic liberals do in the face of Catholic teaching. That is what anti-Catholics do.
We are going to see this pattern more and more often.
I encourage all my readers to drop in at Fr. Blake’s blog and even leave him a comment of support. Give him a promise of your prayers.
I think we can expect many attacks from this community and related communities in the coming years. The Catholic Church is, after all, the only remaining obstacle between our culture and complete relativism and chaos. But, since we are told repeatedly in the New Testament that we would be hated by the world, it shouldn’t come as a complete surprise.
“We will not participate in your sin’
This needs to become our mantra as we go about the world.
We need to challenge the Demon of homosexuality rebuking him at every turn.
Man is not smart enough to have invented homosexuality and its associated perversions.
It is from Satan, in his mocking of God’s will that men and women go forth and multiply.
Satan’s homosexuality only brings Death.
That little black box is rather neat, Fr Z. I think something along those lines should be available on the WDTPRS store for the aspirant culture warriors among your readers!
Just happened to a very nice, kind, orthodox 85-year old priest in Canada. Suspended (yes!) by his bishop for ONE homily that was “doctrinally correct but not pastoral enough”, due to the complaint of a homosexual parish council member who seems to also be the town Mayor. This faithful priest is now devastated at having to say his daily Mass “in secret.”
Then only a day or two later a younger priest was transferred out of his parish in Texas for publishing four articles he wrote explaining Church teaching on homosexuality. He was trying to educate people and help them understand!
When priests are treated like this by their own bishops, “without a hearing” so to speak, it must be hard for them to maintain hope.
Mark Shea’s tag — “Gay Brownshirts On the March” — is becoming ever more disturbingly appropriate.
According to what I have seen, the Gay Rights movement started out as ‘quit killing us’. This simple demand is fully in accordance with human dignity. But then the movement kept going – completely losing sight of the fact that it is possible to tolerate the person without affirming the sin. I certainly do agree that everyone deserves to be respected as people, and that includes the gay/lesbian crowd. That said, not all behaviour should be affirmed, and the destructive gay lifestyle is one of those behaviours which should NEVER be affirmed. To those who would argue that the gays must never be tolerated as people because of their sin, I remind you that we are ALL sinners in need of Grace; you and me included. Do you want to be hurt because of your sinful nature? Funny, neither do I…perhaps Matthew 7:1-5 has some lessons for us? Let’s work on our own souls before we point fingers.