The nice people at the Fraternity of St. Peter’s offices sent me a copy of their Ordo.
I looked at the Angelus Press Ordo recently and posted about it.
My initial observations about the FSSP Ordo are a) the FSSP is in union with Rome and b) the biggest difference is that this Ordo is spiral bound. Spiral binding allows it to lie open and flat, which is a plus.
There are good and easy explanations of all the categories of feasts.
There is an English translation of the “prefaces” in the Missale Romanumi, always useful and interesting to review.
Some prayers useful during the liturgical year are in the back, which is helpful if a “sacristy manual” isn’t available.
Some documents important for the reestablishment of the Extraordinary Form are appended. However, a flaw that can be corrected next year is that, while the 1988 Motu Proprio is identified by its Latin name (Ecclesia Dei) and the 2007 “emancipation proclamation” as I call it is identified in Latin (Summorum Pontificum), the recent clarificatory Instruction from the Pontifical Commission is not identified by its Latin name: Universae Ecclesiae.
I will use this opportunity to plug my Universae Ecclesiae coffee mug. Buy one now HERE. It has in English and Latin the important paragraph in Universae Ecclesiae explaining why the provisions of Summorum Pontificum were promulgated and why they are important.
Do you know some priest or bishop who doesn’t get it when it comes to the Extraordinary Form? Put one of these into their hands.
In any event, the Ordo is very useful. EVERY SACRISTY of a Latin Rite church should have an Ordo for BOTH the Ordinary and Extraordinary Form.
I love the FSSP Ordo.
It is especially helpful to list the fasting and abstinence disciplines in place during 1962, including Ember Days, vigils of feasts, Fridays and weekdays in Lent. Even though they are no longer obligatory, there are many traditional Catholics who choose to observe that discipline. I like that the FSSP now gets specific in this area. It makes sense to voluntarily encourage these 1962 disciplines when following the 1962 missal and calendar.
The only things I would like to see changed concerning the Ordo are:
1) a better correction communication system in place. For instance, when there were errors concerning the transfer of the feast of Saint Joseph a couple years ago or the suppression of Most Precious Blood this year, it was Mass confusion. A place on the FSSP website for such Ordo updates (with citations) would be helpful.
Also, 2) a clearer indication of when a Nuptial Mass or a Requiem Mass can be offered is needed. This is still confusing to many, and often times (as in the case of a Mass for the Dead) the information is needed quickly.
FYI: the Ordo sold by Angelus Press is not actually published by the SSPX (which *is* in union with Rome as proven by Canon Law and Church precedence, even if this is unrecognized by the liberally-controlled bureaucracy), but by a private individual. That is why neither the SSPX’s nor Angelus Press’ logo or entity are printed on it.
My FSSP Ordo is going to just fit into my Christmas stocking!
Interesting that this ordo is spiral bound. The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales (on whom we Scots must rely for anything remotely particular) have just abandoned their tradition of spiral bindings in favour of a (beautiful) high resolution colour cover showing a High Mass in red vestments. The design is reminiscent of their relaunched “Mass of Ages” magazine, which is now very fine in its new format.
It’s a shame, on the one hand, losing out on a more practical binding, but it is very pretty!