I went to a movie.
I’m confident that I will be able to fix it in the morning.
“But Father! “Bu… ”
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy.
Pretty good. It would help a great deal if you have read it within the last 20 years.
UPDATE: 6 March 13:49 GMT:
I fixed the problem. You can keep talking here about how you deal with your computer frustrations, but if you want to know how I solved my problem, I recommend these three steps.
Lucky you… as a guy who does IT for a living, I have no choice when any computer that’s not my own in the house goes sideways. I either fix it now, or I fix it approximately two nanoseconds after the missus starts complaining that she can’t get online.
I have recently read LeCarre’s trilogy and a few others – the Brits do the best spy novels. A lesson from George Smiley – patience.
I did a quick search online. Others have had this or similar problems and one suggestion is – if Safari is connecting then it’s not a networking issue and that you turn off all firewalls to see if that helps. Does iTunes connect and update?
Further, two possible solutions found online: “Go to the properties on your wireless adapter. In the “This connection uses the following items” box, uncheck the internet protocol version6 (tcp/ipv6) box. Most routers dont support this protocol. Unless you have a N router. Then restart”
“go to Control Panel….Network Connection….right click on wireless connection you’re trying to connect to….click properties….click on internet protocol tcp/ip….click properties….then check obtain IP address automatically”
will continue to root around until you’ve solved the problem.
Just a thought, but if your computer isn’t working how are you going to be able to access all this helpful advice? Indeed, how did you manage to let us know about the problem in the first place? [Through my phone, my phone, my most grievous phone.]
No no reading beforehand – I like to go in fresh. Plus when I read it later I already know what everyone looks like.
Yay! Prayers answered!
I’m still running Vista (cue sad violin). I’m hoping I can get a licensed copy of Windows 7 through what will be my employer in 2 weeks. If I were the type to believe in conspiracy theories, I’d believe Vista was an experiment to see how far they could push people until they threw up their hands and went for a Mac, Linux, or up-downgraded to Windows XP.
I would believe, if I were the type to believe in conspiracy theories, that the taskbar at the top, a ripoff of the one at the bottom on the Mac, was specifically placed there to enrage with accidental openings of Internet Explorer when trying to access the toolbar.
“Mandrake, are you familiar with fluoridation?”
What was the solution?
I like the simplicity of a solution to myriad problems that dictates, “More Mystic Monk!”
My Mystic Monk coffee has shipped. They are fast.
Please do take a break, Father.
For myself, I find the news to be very heavy lately.
I’m saying some extra prayers for lent for you and several others.