Back in 2009 I made a PODCAzT about the hymn sung in the Liturgy of Hours in honor of St. Joseph.
082 09-03-19 St. Joseph: a hymn dissected & sermon of Bernardine of Siena
Check it out!
Happy Name Day Holy Father!
In this rapid PODCAzT, we will drill into a beautiful Gregorian chant hymn to St. Joseph in the Liturgia Horarum, the Liturgy of the Hours.
The hymn is Te, Ioseph celebrent and it is in the Liber Hymnarius for 1st and 2nd Vespers for the Feast of St. Joseph.
Also we listen to an indulgenced prayer written by Pope Leo XIII, Ad Te Ioseph.
Finally, we hear St. Bernardine of Siena (+1444) preach on our Patron of the Universal Church who is Patron of the dying.
Sing along with the hymns! Buy a Liber Hymnarius!
Fr. Z, FYI this podcast as well as Sunday and Monday’s (today’s) LENTCAzTs appear in my iTunes.
Thank you for the beautiful podcast for St. Joseph’s Day, Father Z….and yes, you DO have a lovely singing voice!
I prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary for the feast day (when I pray my ‘private’ Rosary during Lent, I do the Sorrowful Mysteries every day, with the exceptions of St. Patrick’s feast day-I offer the decades that day in honor of Irish Saints-and Annunciation Day-when I do the Joyful Mysteries again), and I made mention when I offer my three extra Hail Marys for the Holy Father, that it was his Name Day.