Francis and friend

A reader sent me this:

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Andrew says:

    That’s a keeper! What a great shot.

  2. An amazing pic! Thank you for posting it, Fr.

  3. Dennis Martin says:

    I suppose Fr. Z thought that it would be obvious to everyone that it’s photoshopped, but since it apparently isn’t obvious, it might be a charitable act to point that fact out so no one embarrasses himself taking it as genuine.

    [Okay! Good luck with that, pal.]

  4. Geoffrey says:

    Is this one photo-shopped as well?

    “Paraclitus autem, Spiritus Sanctus, quem mittet Pater in nomine meo, ille vos docebit omnia et suggeret vobis omnia, quae dixi vobis” (Io 14, 26).

  5. acardnal says:

    The Pope was in his pope mobile in the square when two caged doves were presented to him by someone in the crowd. He was handed them one at a time and released them. Several good photographic opportunities allowed for some good pics! Not photo shopped.

    Video here:

  6. JayDeee says:

    It’s real – there are lots of photos of the same event from different angles.

    I think this has been inexpertly treated in Photoshop – other shots I have seen show the sky very light, and the tips of the white dove’s feathers hard to see against it; so I think someone used the curves tool to darken the photo so as to make the Dove more distinct against the sky, and then they oversharpened it, so the result looks a little ‘shopped. But the event depicted happened. :-)

  7. Kathleen10 says:

    That’s the problem with Photoshop. Now you never know when to believe a photo, and that’s awful. We have lost some of our “faith” that a photo is the real deal. That’s pretty sad.
    This one didn’t look Photoshopped to me though. There is a photographer to his left, so something was going on, and his arm is extended in a way you just wouldn’t find ordinarily.
    There is so much joy in is face! I feel terrible that when Pope Francis was elected I initially felt such happiness and then so very worried about what his papacy would mean. It was such a change. But thanks be to God Pope Francis seems like such a genuine man, a man who loves Jesus and people.
    This photo is amazing. Thank you Fr. Z.

  8. Jon says:

    Look, I wish Burke were pope too, but good grief.

    Anyone paying attention to the news today knew that shot was real when they got up this morning. And yes, its beautiful.

  9. inexcels says:

    That is a really beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Maltese says:

    What a beautiful and edifying pic., I need more of this…

  11. Maltese says:

    On a different note, I am in favor of the Tridentine mass, and even travel, at times, 125 miles, round-trip to attend it. But I did some serious liturgical studies, and learnt that in germanic lands, and far-off places such as Achill Islands Ireland, a thousand years ago, the liturgy wasn’t recognizable to anything we see today. I’ve also been to a Church-approved Byzantine rite.

    I guess I’m beginning to loosen my self-impose strictures on the Tridentine rite!

  12. Maltese says:

    Also, when I converted to Catholicism from atheism, I just said one thing, “I submit o’ God, I submit.”

  13. Desertfalcon says:

    Ditto. It is the epitome of who “Papa Francisco” is, including his cuffs sans jeweled cuff links and a watchband that looks like it was made by Timex.

  14. Maltese says:

    One last thing, I’m a nice attorney–I used do be a jerk–and am now trying to practice law now to protect disadvantaged people, and met a nice hispanic doctor who I’m trying to strike something up with. Weird forum I know, but prayer could really help me right now as I’m going through an extraordinary hard time in my life right now, and this woman is a gem!

  15. dominic1955 says:

    He’s worn cufflinks more than a couple times. As someone who wears French cuff shirts most of the time I wear a dress shirt, I can tell you that it means nothing more than personal preference and my whole collection (mostly thrifted) probably cost far less than one white papal watered silk fascia. Like the collar attached by studs (which used to be on most dress shirts, not just clerical ones), they have been preserved largely by the clergy. My time in the seminary is where I grew fond of them.

    Some folks simply do not like messing with the extra pieces, some hardly know they exist. Maybe the Pope simply prefers button cuffs without it being some sort of “statement”.

  16. Midwest St. Michael says:

    Bet St. Francis is smiling in heaven over this photo. :)

    Could he be saying to himself, “Ah! The apple does not roll too far from the tree.”?

    Cool shot.


  17. pmullane says:

    What a wonderful picture. If one day (please God) The Holy Father is raised to the altars, I think we would be seeing it again.

  18. Bosco says:

    @Maltese “I’m a nice attorney…” In my family we would call that an oxymoron .
    Actually my family has been blessed with a number of fine Catholic lawyers, police officers, probation officers, and the like,…even a canon lawyer.
    In my old life, before retiring to Ireland, I had been an administrative law judge for decades.
    I’ll keep you in my prayers, Maltese.

  19. Bosco says:

    Oops! Sorry Maltese! I did type the word ‘smile’ in brackets after the word ‘oxymoron’ but it seems to have disappeared when it posted.

  20. Desertfalcon says:

    @ dominic,

    “Maybe the Pope simply prefers button cuffs without it being some sort of “statement”.

    Well, the “statement” that came to my mind was that he was the type of man who…..simply prefers button cuffs. Apparently, my stating that he seems to be the man of simple tastes, (that those who know him personally, have attested to.), is a bone of contention with you. Perhaps you shouldn’t try reading too much into what was never stated to begin with.

    Pax Christi

  21. johnnyDmunoz says:

    Sorry if anyone has asked this but what is the style, or what is the significance of the cross he is wearing? Do all Popes wear it or is it his own personal piece?

    I can see the top has what appears to be the Holy Spirit but I am at a loss with the other figures.

  22. johnnyDmunoz says:

    Also, there were two birds. One was released immediately the other had its feathers caught on the cage and it stayed in The Holy Father’s hand a little while longer. Plenty of time to take dozens of shots from one camera and get the right shot. To anyone who is talking about photo shop… Iconic picture really.
    I was skeptical, lately I’ve been thinking… he is going to be a Giant!

  23. Bosco says:

    It looks like the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan with the Holy Spirit descending above Jesus

  24. av8er says:

    Love the expression in his face. Like a kid having fun.

  25. Veronica says:

    @Dennis Martin: if you had watched the Wednesday Audience streaming live, you would have seen exactly when this happened. In case you want to see the exact moment it happened, please feel free to click the link below.


  26. Stumbler but trying says:

    I want that same joy! To proclaim the love of Christ without fear like Papa Francis. To bear all with hope and to live with the joy of the Spirit. The picture of Papa Francis as he looks up at the beauty of that precious dove made me smile lots.

    I have watched that video several times now and could also see the delight and joy of the people and the respect and gentleness with which the Vatican security team/gentlemen were trying to help Papa Francis release the dove. It occurred to me how much more of a team they are these days. At first, it was an awkward thing to watch as the security team seemed to scramble while looking alarmed at Papa Francis’s desire to mingle among the many faithful, but now, they seem to have a better grasp of it all and they work together and I am so happy for that. I pray for them too as they serve Christ and His Church in this wonderful capacity. I know they are putting themselves on the line as well.

    Saint Micheal the Archangel, protect the Vatican team from all harm and malice as they, to the best of their ability, strive to watch over and protect our beloved Holy Father. Amen

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