Our worship environment has been polluted for decades. It has to stop. Benedict XVI offered moving inspiration for us all through the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. We have to save the environment from the predations of bad liturgists who have so altered the climate of worship that we can no longer think of a God who is transcendent.
I was so inspired by the recent climate-panic propaganda light show, Laudato Si’: The Movie, projected onto the facade of the most important church in Christendom, St. Peter’s Basilica, that I reached out to the powers-that-be about having my own light show to express my own concerns about our environment: our worship environment!
They said YES!
Here are some of the images from the Summorum Pontificum light show. If you don’t see people in the piazza, don’t worry. There were as many present for my light show as there were for the other one.
Alas, they didn’t give me much time to put on the show, but I think we really made a difference …
…for the environment!
The third slide was more than I could bear. Then I saw the fifth slide. Heaven help us.
You know, I find myself losing belief in the old narrative that St. Pius X was out to overcome the jansenist heresy by encouraging frequent communion. Rather I think that instead and as a matter of fact the saintly pope recognized well what was coming and knew that we would need the graces of more frequent communion in order to withstand and not apostasize. He acted with concern and foresight to address something that was on the march in is day, and not out of reaction to one current oft cited. However it is worthwhile at this point in time with it all already here and no longer on the march to that the frequent communion he envisioned could not possibly have been one which goes on routinely today which is reception by many in sacrilege. I challenge anyone who disagrees to pony up some primary material establishing the contrary. What good is the remedy if it is not taken according to doctor’s orders? It is worthless.
Naughty, but nice :) At least very nice for those had patience and who scrolled down past the first five images and whose long-suffering was duly much rewarded by the remining slides!
I know humour does not always travel across the big Pond, but those, Father, who enjoyed your take on this news-story might also enjoy:
There is something about Laudato Si that differentiates it from typical papal encyclicals. More unusual than its being addressed to all the people of the world, it actually calls for a dialogue with all of the people of the world. Albeit in a less artistic way than what Fr. Z has achieved above, I have tried to respond on my blog to the Pope’s appeal for a dialogue by highlighting the climate of temptation that pervades our home planet, how we are suffering from a climate of fatherlessness, and how this is evident in liturgy and catechesis. Since it is the Holy Father’s desire to have a dialogue, I would encourage others to do the same…although it puzzles me somewhat that there is a call for dialogue but no apparent central forum for that dialogue.
Fr. Neuhaus wrote at times about the clown mass and the Wonderful Me crowd, but these photos were new to me- quite the spectacle. Thanks Fr. Z for the Benedict XVI “oy vey” photo as a remedy.
Save the liturgy (reverence and humility), save the world, indeed.
I would have left the last five and added even more Traditional Masses to the light show. That would probably cause more anger and outrage than the environmental light show. ;)
Laudato Si: The Movie…lol. Hilarious and right on the money. Fr. Z scores!
Awesome light show, Father! I loved the Pope Benedict face-palm transition!
Now if we could just get you and your lighting equipment over to Rome….
So I take it there is a meme generator for this somewhere, now?
I could actually feel my blood pressure going up and then down during that show. Neat.
What Legisperitus said.
Thanks, Father!
Oh Father Z, that was wonderful!!!