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Registered here or not, will you in your charity please take a moment look at the requests and to pray for the people about whom you read?
Continued from THESE.
I get many requests by email asking for prayers. Some are heart-achingly grave and urgent.
As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand. We should support each other in works of mercy.
If you have some prayer requests, feel free to post them below.
You have to be registered here to be able to post.
I still have three pressing personal petitions.
Above all, however, I ask your urgent and frequent prayers for the swift recovery of Bp. Robert C. Morlino of Madison.
On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Bp. Morlino, the Extraordinary Ordinary, ad a cardiac event during planned medical tests. Thankfully, he was in the right place. I’m sure the Bishop would be grateful for your prayers.
I will offer my rosary for the recovery of the good Bishop
For my 93 year old aunt, who has had nothing to eat or drink now for 9 days, suffering from cancer and blood clots. She is a state away from me and I told them she needs to have hydration but they say hospice doesn’t do that, grrrrrrr!
Prayers for all the rest of the intentions posted.
For my father-in-law, KN, suffering from advanced lung cancer, who is responding well to treatment since I last posted this prayer request here. Thanks be to God! Please keep praying for the recovery of this good man, who has given his all for decades for his family, a true humble hero.
I will pray for all the requests here.
Praying for Bishop Molino’s fully recovery.
Praying for everyone’s requests here.
God bless all here.
Today’s rosary. Bp. Morlino.
Prayers said for Bishop Molino and for all other requests for prayers.
Praying for Father’s intentions and Bishop Morlino and everybody here.
Of your charity, please pray for my completely off-the-rails son, now 21, consorting with less than ideal persons and easily persuaded to any stupidity.
Praying for Bishop Morlino’s easy and quick recovery
Praying for all the bishops: that they stay faithful to the magisterium and not embrace the evils of modernism and relativism.
I will pray for the intentions here.
Pray for me and my husband: we’ve been going through career hell for a few years and could both use providential generosity and guidance from God.
Absolutely I am praying for Bishop Morlino’s health and long life. Also praying very much that he may have the grace of a change of heart to acknowledge Jesus is faithful and is the Bridegroom of all the members of His Church and does not reject women as bride for not being a virgin.
I am meeting with Fr. Provincial soon to discuss my entering the Society of Jesus. This meeting has been frustrated by the evil spirit before, so I’m praying it happens and that all goes well. I told my vocation director yesterday about the decision so I’m also asking Blessed Miguel Pro for his intercession to help me persevere in spite of the persecution I know I will face being a faithful son of the Church in the Society. I’ve been reading and re-reading Fr. Z’s advice to “rarely affirm, never deny” until it’s committed to memory. It would be a huge comfort to know that others who lurk here are with me in prayer for the next few days.
My sister Pat left the Church for the Evangelicals fifty four years ago and is now dying of pancreatic cancer. She has a month or two left at most. Please pray for her return to the faith and the sacraments. What a scary thing it is to go into eternity without Confession, the Eucharist, and Extreme Unction, but solely on the basis on one’s faith.
for employment and to find a good catholic wife
Just before writing this, I received an email that the oldest priest of my province (103 years) is slipping quickly and will pass today. He is a very holy man, but would still appreciate your prayers. His name is Fr. Paul Aquinas Duffner, O.P. He ran the Rosary Center in Portland OR for many decades.
Thanks for the kindness,
—-Fr. Augustine O.P.
Please pray for my friends young son, S. He’s becoming a picky eaten. It’s concerning because he’s starting to lose weight. He’s such a wonderful little boy and he and his brother and sister bring some much joy to everyone.
Please continue to pray for me and my living situation. I have so many difficulties with my two neighbors. I want peace.
And please pray for the children of Yemen. These babies are starving.
Thank you.
semperficatholic will definitely pray for your aunt. I know that helpless feeling when one is far away and loved one’s are dying.
Lee Gilbert, also will certainly pray for your sister, Pat and the grace of a happy death for her.
Fr. Augustine, we will pray for Fr. Duffner. May his reward be great in heaven for his priesthood!
For KN’s cancer, for careers and good Catholic spouses, for vocations and all posted here.
Fr. Z will pray for your pressing intentions and we are definitely saying prayers for good Bishop Morlino!
Please pray for my children, especially two who are needing to come up with many thousands of dollars for this next semester of college (they are getting a solid Catholic education, thanks be to God.) They think they can get next year’s money worked out, but are struggling with this year’s, and also for a different son to raise money for his part of the tuition for seminary. I know that God can do anything. We are trying to pray, and watch Him work it all out.
Thank you and prayers for all.
Prayed for all of the above.
I also pray God provides safe travel for all this weekend.
Praying for Bishop Morlino and for all here.
Please pray that I may persevere in my ongoing struggle against impurity. Reading about the so-called Youth Synod has hardened my belief that those in power in the Church are actively working against the best interests and intentions of struggling SSA Catholics.
His Excellency is not doing well:
Also, our Scoutmaster’s younger brother died suddenly this morning. He lost his mother last year, his mother-in-law the same week, and a sister years aog. His father is in tough shape.
My brother has a benign tumor in his neck pressing on his brain stem, severely affecting his swallowing. It is too close to remove surgically, so he begins chemo next month. Please pray that it helps. He and I have the same disease and he is my primary caregiver.
Please pray for him. Please pray for me that I can care for him when he needs it as well as he has cared for me.
For many years now I have been praying for the cause of the Venerable Father Mazzuchelli, that my brother and I may serve to further his cause for sainthood.
Thank you for praying for my 93 year old aunt. She passed away at 3:00 AM this morning. My comfort is that she had many Divine Mercy chaplets prayed for her while she was dying and she received the Last Rights. I will certainly miss her; she was like a second mother to me. I had some some voice mails she’d left me and I listened to them and that is about the time I lost it. May she rest in eternal peace.
My grandfather’s turning 93 on the 25th and his mind is slipping to the point where he really should NOT be living at home anymore, (my step-grandma died this past summer after a year and a half in a dump of a nursing home,) but, every time we’ve tried bringing up assisted living, he hollers and screams and I half expect him to throw us out of his house. We’re hoping, (and I’m praying,) that, since he scared himself driving enough that he’s giving up his license, maaaybe he’ll finally be open to considering assisted living.
Also, various other personal intentions, conversions, etc.
My friends and I intend to put together a spiritual bouquet for Bp. Morlino as soon as possible.
Please pray that we will be able to adopt our precious almost 14 month old baby girl who has been with us since she was two weeks old and came directly home with us from the NICU. We have another court date coming up on Wednesday, at which point they could give us a date for the next two court appointments. Hopefully shortly after that she will be legally ours forever.
Hail Marys for every intention.
Please pray for JM a smart, athletic, devoted, generous, promising young man who became addicted to cocaine hit rock bottom and is just beginning to detox. And for JM2 and his family who have taken him in.
Also, for my friend’s son IB who has just been rushed to the hospital.
For MJ who had a brain lesion during a traumatic birth and whos parents have been fighting to be able to bring her home, rather than euthanize her.
For CD who has been away from the church and has terminal cancer.
I just read on Facebook that Bp. Morlino has passed away – is this news correct?
Here is the link to the Diocese’s Twitter account – it unfortunately appears to be true.
Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that the soul of Thy servant Bishop Morlino, which Thou hast taken from the toilsome conflict of this world, may have fellowship among Thy saints. Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Father Z,
I will pray for the intentions presented here and I ask for prayers for my brother, R., who is battling cancer that is likely terminal. I would also ask for prayers for numerous health issues myself, particularly in view of the fact that I will be my brothers primary, family, caregiver. I would also ask for prayers for his finances, which will affect me, as well and for my job circumstances, in view of my health issues that have caused me to miss a great deal of work over the past few months.
He has always been an upstanding older brother and I love him, very much. May God grant me the grace to care for my brother according to God’s will, for both of us.
May I also ask for prayers that my wife, D. and I may somehow reconcile and heal the decades of brokenness in our marriage.
Thank you.
My sincerest condolences on the loss of your Extraordinary Ordinary.
O LORD, we pray Thee that the soul of Thy bishop, Thy servant Bishop Morlino, which, while he abode in this world, Thou didst adorn with sacred gifts, may ever rejoice in a glorious place in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
While we are praying for the repose of the soul of Bishop Morlino, let us also pray for his successor and those who will be charged with choosing him.
We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God: despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers, Onever glorious and blessed Virgin! May the divine assistance remain always with us! Amen.
Liz, thank you so much for your prayers for my sister, Pat! It would be so much easier to pray for, and remember to pray for, your children if you would give us their first names.
The same for Mariana2 and your son. Since I was once in the same boat, an off-the rails son, I would remember him if I had a name..
And, for that matter, everyone. Some petitions touch the heart more than others, but it is much easier to pray for a person than a situation.
Update on IB age 22; He is in the hospital still. They are keeping him for a few days. He took a bottle of pills. He is very resentful and depressed. He’s got security watching him 24/7
@LeeGilbert some of us are trying to ask for prayers while remaining anonymous, and not publishing the sins of our loved ones in a public place with their names attached.
May I please ask you to continue praying for my family. Your prayers have made a huge difference for us – things are looking considerably better, but the biggest matter isn’t yet finally set. My husband and most of his colleagues and other work mates are being astoundingly badly and unlawfully treated by their boss, a supervisor and by the head of the board council. People are leaving in droves; many of whom have worked there for decades. Luckily the unions are very strong here, but we really need help from you and the Saints.
Please ask St Joseph and St Joan of Arc to intercede!
Prayers for three health related intentions of mine to Sts Lucy and Caecilia would be lovely.
Renewed prayers for my poor parish, the one with the angry and downright scary pastor, would be highly appreciated too.
I will pray for all intentions on here!
If you could keep my middle son Peter in your prayers. Diagnosed with Mixed Phenotype Leukemia, in treatment, likely a bone marrow next from one or two of his siblings that match. And my mother-in-law has bone cancer, diagnosed a week after my son., stage 4. It has been a rough month.
Rest in Peace Bishop Morlino
I will continue to offer prayers for the repose of the soul Bishop Morlino.
If anyone is still reading this thread I would beg you to remember my wife and I in your prayers as she has told me she is considering a divorce. We have 2 small children and I love them and her dearly. We need all the prayers and graces we can get in these difficult days. Thank you.
A young lady in my workplace who is a fallen-away Catholic is having a biopsy today. I pray for physical health and even more so for spiritual healing for EMK.
Praying for all intentions above.
Asking prayers for a young man named Nathan who works with my brothers. He just had a crane drop a wall on him from 40 feet. Nathan is 28 with a wife and three children. His heart stopped three times on the way to the hospital. He face is ‘broken’.