The Catechism of the Council of Trent has an interesting paragraph suggesting that we not over complicate the situation:
Article 3
6. How To Think and Pray About Christ’s Virginal ConceptionThese points of teaching comprise the substance of what appeared to us to demand explanation regarding the admirable mystery of Christ’s conception. To reap from them abundant fruit of salvation, the faithful should particularly recall in their prayer, and frequently reflect upon three points, first, that it is God who assumed human flesh. Secondly, that they manner of its assumption transcends the limits of our comprehension, let alone our powers of expression. And thirdly, that he vouchsafed to become man in order that we mortal human beings may be born again as children of God When they have given mature consideration to these teaching, let them, in the humility of faith, believe and adore all the mysteries contain in this Article, without indulging a curious inquisitiveness by investigating and scrutinizing them. An attempt of this sort is scarcely ever devoid of danger.