In your charity, please pray for an old priest who has had a serious stroke, Fr. Robert Auman, who may be known to some of you long and I mean loooong time readers of this blog and of the Catholic Online Form.
Fr. Auman was a prolific contributor to the original ASK FATHER question box. Between myself and Fr. Auman and a couple other priest collaborators we wracked up over 6000 pages of Q&A. I still have it archived, but can’t get it online. But that is another story.
Fr. Auman needs prayers.
In your charity, perhaps you could stop and pray now?
Done. I will try to keep tossing off Memorares throughout the day as circumstances (and distraction) permit.
Done. And as for the Catholic Online Forum . . . a trip down memory lane. Remembering long ago when it was on the cutting edge of the internet. Just visited for the first time since . . . . well, seems vaguely like sometime before Vatican II. Except that I did not notice any conspicuous TLM activity there. Certainly, a pre-Summorum Pontificum look and feel. Or did I miss something?
St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us.
Ss. Cosmas and Damian, attend upon the sick.
St. Raphael, intercede with the Divine Master for healing.
Holy Mother Mary, be our nurse.
CHRIST, our Divine Physician, heal us.
May all Christians who suffer illness find healing in the Holy Hospital of the Church.
Prayers for Fr. Auman.
I remember him from the Q&As.
Done with fasting.
Going to Adoration at our chapel. Will do.
I put his name out on my prayer listing – hundreds if not thousands of folks are reached by this.
Prayer right now.
Will do.
Done, and will continue to do.
An honor, thanks. And yes, those were “heady days.”
I said a prayer now, and will remember him during the Commemoration of the Living at Holy Mass on Thursday.
Hail and Blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most Pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe O my God to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Blessed Mother. Amen
(an old German prayer)
Imprimaur: +Michael Augustine
Archbishop of New York, February 6, 1897
Prayers ascending!
Done. Dear Father, if there is anything I could do to help get the Q&A online please do not hesitate to ask.
Going to pray my Office soon and will include him, of course!